def TGraph(x, y, yError=None, xError=None, **kwargs): __parseDrawOptions(kwargs) import sys #TODO: Need to check the types try: assert (len(x) == len(y)) except AssertionError: print "Oops! Data points x and y aren't of the same size!" sys.exit() nPoints = len(x) from array import array if xError is None: xError = __zeros(nPoints) if yError is None: yError = __zeros(nPoints) from ROOT import TGraphErrors graph = TGraphErrors(nPoints, array('d', x), array('d', y), array('d', xError), array('d', yError)) graph.SetTitle(__drawOptions['title']) graph.SetMarkerStyle(__drawOptions['mstyle']) graph.SetMarkerSize(__drawOptions['msize']) graph.SetMarkerColor(__drawOptions['mcolour']) graph.SetFillStyle(0) graph.SetFillColor(0) return graph
def Sigma_Calc(g,i_,x,y,xe,ye,percentage): #print'Creating TGraph with new uncertainty band' # sigma factor. What to multiply uncertainties by, assuming current uncertainties are 1 sigma. #print'percentage/100. = ',percentage/100. sf = TMath.ErfInverse(percentage/100.)*TMath.Sqrt(2) # sigma value for desired percentage events contained in distribution #print"sf = ",sf #for i in range(i_ - 1): #print'i_ = ',i_ for i in range(i_): ye[i] = ye[i]*sf # multiply 1 sigma uncertainties by new sigma value. #print sf,'sig errors = ',ye #ng = TGraphErrors(i_ - 1, x, y, xe, ye) ng = TGraphErrors(i_, x, y, xe, ye) if percentage == 90: j = 2 if percentage == 99.5: j = 4 ng.SetMarkerStyle(g.GetMarkerStyle()) ng.SetLineStyle(g.GetLineStyle()) #ng.SetMarkerColor(g.GetMarkerColor() + j) #ng.SetLineColor(g.GetLineColor() + j) ng.SetFillColor(g.GetFillColor() + j) #ng.SetName(g.GetName()) ng.SetFillStyle(g.GetFillStyle()) return ng
def plot( self, plotoptions, opt="?" ): vx= array( "d", self.aostand.getPointsCenter() ) values= self.values sterrs= self.sterrs if "m" in opt: print "AnalysisObservable::plot: use errors from error matrix" sterrs= array( "d", self.aostand.getErrors( "m" ) ) syerrs= self.syerrs npoints= len(vx) if "xshift" in plotoptions: for i in range(npoints): vx[i]+= plotoptions["xshift"] vex= array( "d", npoints*[0.0] ) tgest= TGraphErrors( npoints, vx, values, vex, sterrs ) toterrs= np.sqrt( np.add( np.square( sterrs ), np.square( syerrs ) ) ) tgesy= TGraphErrors( npoints, vx, values, vex, toterrs ) tgesy.SetMarkerStyle( plotoptions["markerStyle"] ) tgesy.SetMarkerSize( plotoptions["markerSize"] ) drawas= plotoptions["drawas"] if "drawas" in plotoptions else "p" tgesy.SetName( self.obs ) if "fillcolor" in plotoptions: tgesy.SetFillColor(plotoptions["fillcolor"]) tgest.SetFillColor(plotoptions["fillcolor"]) if "s" in opt: tgesy.Draw( "psame" ) else: if "title" in plotoptions: tgesy.SetTitle( plotoptions["title"] ) else: tgesy.SetTitle( self.obs ) tgesy.SetMinimum( plotoptions["ymin"] ) tgesy.SetMaximum( plotoptions["ymax"] ) xaxis= tgesy.GetXaxis() xaxis.SetLimits( plotoptions["xmin"], plotoptions["xmax"] ) if "xlabel" in plotoptions: xaxis.SetTitle( plotoptions["xlabel"] ) if "ylabel" in plotoptions: tgesy.GetYaxis().SetTitle( plotoptions["ylabel"] ) tgesy.Draw( "a"+drawas ) optlogx= plotoptions["logx"] if "logx" in plotoptions else 0 gPad.SetLogx( optlogx ) optlogy= plotoptions["logy"] if "logy" in plotoptions else 0 gPad.SetLogy( optlogy ) tgest.Draw( "same"+drawas ) return tgest, tgesy
def graphTruth(): fname = "PionMinusG4.txt" kineticEnergy = [] crossSec = [] crossSec_el = [] crossSec_inel = [] zero = [] title = "" with open(fname) as f: for fLine in f.readlines(): w = fLine.split() if is_number(w[0]): runIn = int(w[0]) ke = float(w[1]) xstot = float(w[4]) kineticEnergy.append(ke) crossSec.append(xstot) zero.append(0.) else: if "for" not in fLine: continue title = fLine[9:] #define some data points . . . x = array('f', kineticEnergy) y = array('f', crossSec) y_el = array('f', crossSec_el) y_inel = array('f', crossSec_inel) exl = array('f', zero) exr = array('f', zero) nPoints = len(x) # . . . and hand over to TGraphErros object gr = TGraphErrors(nPoints, x, y, exl, exr) gr.SetTitle(title + "; Kinetic Energy [MeV]; Cross Section [barn]") gr.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1000) gr.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 2.) gr.SetLineWidth(2) gr.SetLineColor(kGreen - 2) gr.SetFillColor(0) return gr
def tgrapherrors_from_lists(x, y, ex, ey): if ex is None and ey is None: n = min(len(x), len(y)) tg = TGraphErrors(n, array.array('d', x[:n]), array.array('d', y[:n]), array.array('d', [0] * n), array.array('d', [0] * n)) elif ex is None: n = min(len(x), len(y), len(ey)) tg = TGraphErrors(n, array.array('d', x[:n]), array.array('d', y[:n]), array.array('d', [0] * n), array.array('d', ey[:n])) elif ey is None: n = min(len(x), len(ex), len(y)) tg = TGraphErrors(n, array.array('d', x[:n]), array.array('d', y[:n]), array.array('d', ex[:n]), array.array('d', [0] * n)) else: n = min(len(x), len(ex), len(y), len(ey)) tg = TGraphErrors(n, array.array('d', x[:n]), array.array('d', y[:n]), array.array('d', ex[:n]), array.array('d', ey[:n])) keep(tg) tg.SetFillColor(0) return tg
def makePlot1D(filepath, foutname, plottitle='', masstitle=''): br = 1 if 'Resonant' in plottitle else 0.68 limits = parseLimitFiles2D(filepath, br) xaxis = [] xseclist = [] xsecerr = [] cent = [] obs = [] up1 = [] up2 = [] down1 = [] down2 = [] maxval = 0 minval = 999 for m in sorted(limits): l = limits[m] xaxis.append(m) xseclist.append(l.xsec) xsecerr.append(l.xsec * .2) cent.append(l.cent) up1.append(l.up1 - l.cent) up2.append(l.up2 - l.cent) down1.append(l.cent - l.down1) down2.append(l.cent - l.down2) obs.append(l.obs) maxval = max(maxval, l.up2) minval = min(minval, l.down2) N = len(xaxis) up1Sigma = array('f', up1) up2Sigma = array('f', up2) down1Sigma = array('f', down1) down2Sigma = array('f', down2) cent = array('f', cent) obs = array('f', obs) xarray = array('f', xaxis) xsecarray = array('f', xseclist) xsecerrarray = array('f', xsecerr) zeros = array('f', [0 for i in xrange(N)]) graphXsec = TGraphErrors(N, xarray, xsecarray, zeros, xsecerrarray) graphCent = TGraph(N, xarray, cent) graphObs = TGraph(N, xarray, obs) graph1Sigma = TGraphAsymmErrors(N, xarray, cent, zeros, zeros, down1Sigma, up1Sigma) graph2Sigma = TGraphAsymmErrors(N, xarray, cent, zeros, zeros, down2Sigma, up2Sigma) c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 700, 600) c.SetLogy() c.SetLeftMargin(.15) graph2Sigma.GetXaxis().SetTitle(masstitle + ' [GeV]') graph2Sigma.GetYaxis().SetTitle( '95% C.L. upper limit [#sigma/#sigma_{theory}]') c2 = root.kOrange c1 = root.kGreen + 1 graph2Sigma.SetLineColor(c2) graph1Sigma.SetLineColor(c1) graph2Sigma.SetFillColor(c2) graph1Sigma.SetFillColor(c1) graph2Sigma.SetMinimum(0.5 * minval) graph2Sigma.SetMaximum(10 * maxval) graphCent.SetLineWidth(2) graphCent.SetLineStyle(2) graphObs.SetLineColor(1) graphObs.SetLineWidth(3) graphObs.SetMarkerStyle(20) graphObs.SetMarkerSize(1) graphObs.SetMarkerColor(1) graph1Sigma.SetLineStyle(0) graph2Sigma.SetLineStyle(0) leg = TLegend(0.55, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9) leg.AddEntry(graphCent, 'Expected', 'L') if not BLIND: leg.AddEntry(graphObs, 'Observed', 'Lp') leg.AddEntry(graph1Sigma, '1 std. dev.', 'F') leg.AddEntry(graph2Sigma, '2 std. dev.', 'F') leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) graph2Sigma.Draw('A3') graph1Sigma.Draw('3 same') graphCent.Draw('same L') if not BLIND: graphObs.Draw('same Lp') subscript = 'SR' if 'Resonant' in plottitle else 'FC' coupling = '0.1' if 'Resonant' in plottitle else '0.25' graphXsec.SetLineColor(2) graphXsec.SetLineWidth(2) graphXsec.SetLineStyle(2) graphXsec.SetFillColor(2) graphXsec.SetFillStyle(3005) graphXsec.Draw('same L3') ''' if not scale: if 'Resonant' in plottitle: leg.AddEntry(graphXsec,'Theory #splitline{a_{%s}=b_{%s}=%s}{m_{#chi}=100 GeV}'%(subscript,subscript,coupling),'l') else: leg.AddEntry(graphXsec,'Theory #splitline{a_{%s}=b_{%s}=%s}{m_{#chi}=10 GeV}'%(subscript,subscript,coupling),'l') ''' if not BLIND: findIntersect1D(graphObs, graphXsec, xaxis[0], xaxis[-1]) findIntersect1D(graphCent, graphXsec, xaxis[0], xaxis[-1]) leg.Draw() label = TLatex() label.SetNDC() label.SetTextSize(0.8 * c.GetTopMargin()) label.SetTextFont(62) label.SetTextAlign(11) label.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.94, "CMS") label.SetTextFont(52) label.SetTextSize(0.6 * c.GetTopMargin()) # label.DrawLatex(0.25,0.94,"Preliminary") label.SetTextFont(42) label.SetTextSize(0.7 * c.GetTopMargin()) label.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.83, plottitle) if 'Resonant' in plottitle: label.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.75, "a_{SR} = b_{SR} = %s" % coupling) label.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.68, "m_{#chi}=100 GeV") else: label.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.75, "g_{DM}^{V}=1,g_{q}^{V}=0.25") label.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.68, "m_{#chi}=1 GeV") label.SetTextSize(0.6 * c.GetTopMargin()) label.SetTextFont(42) label.SetTextAlign(31) # align right label.DrawLatex(0.95, 0.94, "%.1f fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" % (plotConfig.lumi)) c.SaveAs(foutname + '.pdf') c.SaveAs(foutname + '.png')
jetToMETRatePlot.SetPointError(41, 5, 24558.1623237245) jetToMETRatePlot.SetPointError(42, 5, 25142.8804742893) jetToMETRatePlot.SetPointError(43, 5, 25727.5986248542) jetToMETRatePlot.SetPointError(44, 5, 26312.3167754191) jetToMETRatePlot.SetPointError(45, 5, 26897.034925984) jetToMETRatePlot.SetPointError(46, 5, 27481.7530765488) jetToMETRatePlot.SetPointError(47, 5, 28066.4712271137) jetToMETRatePlot.SetPointError(48, 5, 28651.1893776786) jetToMETRatePlot.SetPointError(49, 5, 29235.9075282434) ratePlot = TMultiGraph() # Setting colours # Black jetRatePlot.SetLineColor(1) jetRatePlot.SetFillColor(1) # Red jetToMuonRatePlot.SetLineColor(2) jetToMuonRatePlot.SetFillColor(2) # Green jetToElectronRatePlot.SetLineColor(3) jetToElectronRatePlot.SetFillColor(3) # Blue jetToMETRatePlot.SetLineColor(4) jetToMETRatePlot.SetFillColor(4) # Adding a legend canvas = TCanvas("c1", "canvas") canvas.SetLogy(True) canvas.SetGridx()
xx = [] xxer = [] yy = [] yyer = [] for i in range(0, hmctotqcd.GetNbinsX() + 2): yy.append(float(hmctotqcd.GetBinContent(i))) yyer.append(float(hmctotqcd.GetBinError(i))) xx.append(float(hmctotqcd.GetBinCenter(i))) xxer.append(float(hmctotqcd.GetBinWidth(i) / 2)) x_ = array("d", xx) xer = array("d", xxer) y_ = array("d", yy) yer = array("d", yyer) gr = TGraphErrors(len(x_), x_, y_, xer, yer) gr.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlack) #gr.SetFillStyle(3144); gr.SetFillStyle(3244) gr.Draw("same,2") c.Print("m3Hist.png") h_background_m3Hist = h_wjets_m3HistS.Clone("h_background_m3Hist") #h_background_m3Hist.Add(h_wjets_m3Hist) h_background_m3Hist.Add(h_singletop_t_m3HistS) h_background_m3Hist.Add(h_zjets_m3HistS) rttbar = n_ttbar / (n_ttbar + n_background) #+n_qcd) x = RooRealVar("x", "x", h_zjets_m3Hist.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),
#-------end of canvas BS #--drawing on pad1 print ("gh 6") NSMassPoint.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.15) NSMassPoint.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) NSMassPoint.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.42) # 1.2 = 20% larger NSMassPoint.SetTitleOffset(0.42) # 1.2 = 20% larger NSMassPoint.SetTitle("Bkg Estimtae in each signal injected mass point: Trijet Inclusive Window: "+str(windowWidth)) NSMassPoint.SetMarkerStyle(1) NSMassPoint.GetYaxis().SetRange(1, 1000000) NSMassPoint.SetMarkerColor(0) NSMassPoint.SetLineColor(0) NSMassPoint.Draw() #this is to make sure the x axis of pad1 mataches that of pad2 NSErrorBar.SetFillColor(29) NSErrorBar.SetMarkerColor(1) NSErrorBar.Draw("LE3 same") NSErrorBar.Draw("P same") #NSMassPoint.Draw("E same") print("N : ", NSErrorBar.GetN()) #NSErrorBar.Draw("P") #JBMassPoint.SetMarkerStyle(2) #JBMassPoint.SetMarkerColor(2) #JBMassPoint.SetLineColor(2) #JBMassPoint.Draw("P same") JBGraph.SetMarkerStyle(5) JBGraph.SetMarkerColor(2) JBGraph.SetLineColor(2) JBGraph.Draw("P same")
def plot2BodyDist(theFitter, pars, chi2, ndf, Err = -1, NP = False, Prefix = "Mjj", Left = False): from ROOT import gPad, TLatex, TCanvas, kRed, kCyan, kBlue, \ RooFit, RooPlot, RooCurve, RooAbsReal, TGraphErrors, TLine, \ RooWjjMjjFitter if pars.includeMuons and pars.includeElectrons: modeString = '' elif pars.includeMuons: modeString = 'Muon' elif pars.includeElectrons: modeString = 'Electron' else: modeString = '' mf = theFitter.stackedPlot(False, RooWjjMjjFitter.mjj, Left) mf.SetName("%s_Stacked" % (Prefix)); sf = theFitter.residualPlot(mf, "h_background", "dibosonPdf", False) sf.SetName("%s_Subtracted" % (Prefix)); pf = theFitter.residualPlot(mf, "h_total", "", True) pf.SetName("%s_Pull" % (Prefix)) pf2 = pf.emptyClone("%s_Pull_Corrected" % (Prefix)) pf2.SetMinimum(-5.) pf2.SetMaximum(5.) corrPull = False lf = theFitter.stackedPlot(True, RooWjjMjjFitter.mjj, Left) lf.SetName("%s_Stacked_Log" % (Prefix)); if Err > 0: totalPdf = theFitter.getWorkSpace().pdf('totalPdf') ## Ntotal = totalPdf.expectedEvents(iset) ## print 'Ntotal:',Ntotal h_dibosonPdf = sf.getCurve('h_dibosonPdf') totalPdf.plotOn(sf, RooFit.ProjWData(theFitter.getWorkSpace().data('data')), RooFit.Normalization(Err, RooAbsReal.Raw), #RooFit.AddTo('h_dibosonPdf', 1., 1.), #RooFit.Invisible(), RooFit.Name('h_ErrUp'), RooFit.Range('RangeForPlot'), RooFit.NormRange('RangeForPlot'), RooFit.LineColor(kRed), RooFit.LineStyle(3)) h_ErrUp = sf.getCurve('h_ErrUp') sf.remove('h_ErrUp', False) ErrBand = TGraphErrors(h_dibosonPdf.GetN(), h_dibosonPdf.GetX(), h_dibosonPdf.GetY()) for pt in range(1, ErrBand.GetN()): ErrBand.SetPointError(pt, 0, h_ErrUp.interpolate(ErrBand.GetX()[pt])) ErrBand.SetName("ErrBand") ErrBand.SetTitle("Uncertainty") ErrBand.SetLineColor(kRed) ## ErrBand.SetLineWidth(0) ## ErrBand.SetLineStyle(0) ErrBand.SetFillColor(kRed) ErrBand.SetFillStyle(3353) #ErrBand.Draw('ap3') #h_ErrUp.Draw('lp') #gPad.Update() #gPad.WaitPrimitive() ## h_ErrUp.Draw("al") ## h_ErrUp.GetXaxis().Set(36, 40., 400.) ## gPad.Update() ## gPad.WaitPrimitive() ## h_UpBand = RooCurve("h_UpBand", "Uncertainty", h_dibosonPdf, h_ErrUp, ## 1., 1.) ## h_UpBand.SetLineStyle(3) ## h_UpBand.SetLineColor(kBlue+1) ## h_DownBand = RooCurve("h_DownBand", "Uncertainty", h_dibosonPdf, h_ErrUp, ## 1., -1.) ## h_DownBand.SetLineStyle(3) ## h_DownBand.SetLineColor(kBlue+1) ## sf.addPlotable(h_UpBand, "L") ## sf.addPlotable(h_DownBand, "L") sf.addObject(ErrBand, "3") #sf.Print("v") sf.drawAfter('h_dibosonPdf', 'ErrBand') #sf.Print("v") sf.drawAfter('ErrBand', 'theData') #sf.Print("v") sf.findObject('theLegend').AddEntry(ErrBand, 'Uncertainty', 'f') sf.findObject('theLegend').SetY1NDC(sf.findObject('theLegend').GetY1NDC() - 0.057) sf.findObject('theLegend').SetY1(sf.findObject('theLegend').GetY1NDC()) corrPull = True pf2.addObject(sub2pull(sf.getHist('theData'), sf.findObject('ErrBand')), 'p0') for item in range(0, int(pf.numItems())): firstItem = pf.getObject(item) if (type(firstItem) == TLine): newLine = TLine(firstItem) newLine.SetY1(4.) newLine.SetY2(-4.) pf2.addObject(newLine, 'l') #SetOwnership(newLine, False) if NP: NPPdf = theFitter.makeNPPdf(); NPNorm = 4.*0.11*46.8/12.*pars.intLumi if (modeString == 'Electron'): if pars.njets == 2: NPNorm *= 0.0381 elif pars.njets == 3: NPNorm *= 0.0123 else: if pars.njets == 2: NPNorm *= 0.0550 elif pars.njets == 3: NPNorm *= 0.0176 print '**** N_NP:', NPNorm,'****' NPPdf.plotOn(sf, RooFit.ProjWData(theFitter.getWorkSpace().data('data')), RooFit.Normalization(NPNorm, RooAbsReal.Raw), RooFit.AddTo('h_dibosonPdf', 1., 1.), RooFit.Name('h_NP'), RooFit.Range('RangeForPlot'), RooFit.NormRange('RangeForPlot'), RooFit.LineColor(kBlue), RooFit.LineStyle(2)) h_NP = sf.getCurve('h_NP') sf.drawBefore('h_dibosonPdf', 'h_NP') #sf.Print("v") sf.findObject('theLegend').AddEntry(h_NP, "CDF-like Signal", "L") sf.findObject('theLegend').SetY1NDC(sf.findObject('theLegend').GetY1NDC() - 0.057) sf.findObject('theLegend').SetY1(sf.findObject('theLegend').GetY1NDC()) l = TLatex() l.SetNDC() l.SetTextSize(0.045) l.SetTextFont(42) cstacked = TCanvas("cstacked", "stacked") mf.Draw() if (chi2 > 0): l.DrawLatex(0.55, 0.49, '#chi^{2}/dof = %0.3f/%d' % (chi2, ndf) ) pyroot_logon.cmsLabel(cstacked, pars.intLumi/1000, prelim = True) cstacked.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Stacked.pdf' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) cstacked.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Stacked.png' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c2 = TCanvas("c2", "stacked_log") c2.SetLogy() lf.Draw() pyroot_logon.cmsPrelim(c2, pars.intLumi/1000) c2.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Stacked_log.pdf' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c2.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Stacked_log.png' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c3 = TCanvas("c3", "subtracted") sf.Draw() pyroot_logon.cmsLabel(c3, pars.intLumi/1000, prelim = True) c3.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Subtracted.pdf' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c3.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Subtracted.png' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c4 = TCanvas("c4", "pull") pf.Draw() c4.SetGridy() pyroot_logon.cmsPrelim(c4, pars.intLumi/1000) c4.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Pull.pdf' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c4.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Pull.png' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c5 = None if corrPull: c5 = TCanvas("c5", "corrected pull") pf2.Draw() c5.SetGridy() pyroot_logon.cmsPrelim(c5, pars.intLumi/1000) c5.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Pull_Corrected.pdf' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c5.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Pull_Corrected.png' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) return ([mf,sf,pf2,lf],[cstacked,c2,c3,c5])
def studyVqqResolution(rootFile): #get all from file histos = {} inF = TFile.Open(rootFile) keys = inF.GetListOfKeys() for k in keys: obj = inF.Get(k.GetName()) obj.SetDirectory(0) histos[k.GetName()] = obj inF.Close() #plot gROOT.SetBatch() gROOT.SetStyle('Plain') gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) gStyle.SetStatFont(42) kin = ['', '30to40', '40to50', '50to75', '75to100', '100toInf'] for k in kin: c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 600, 600) c.SetCanvasSize(1000, 500) c.SetWindowSize(1000, 500) c.Divide(2, 1) histos['deta' + k + 'barrel'].SetLineWidth(2) histos['deta' + k + 'barrel'].SetTitle('barrel') histos['deta' + k + 'barrel'].Draw('hist') histos['deta' + k + 'endcap'].SetLineWidth(2) histos['deta' + k + 'endcap'].SetLineStyle(7) histos['deta' + k + 'endcap'].SetTitle('endcap') histos['deta' + k + 'endcap'].Draw('histsame') leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.AddEntry(histos['deta' + k + 'barrel'], 'barrel', 'f') leg.AddEntry(histos['deta' + k + 'endcap'], 'endcap', 'f') leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.Draw() drawHeader() histos['dphi' + k + 'barrel'].SetLineWidth(2) histos['dphi' + k + 'barrel'].SetTitle('barrel') histos['dphi' + k + 'barrel'].Draw('hist') histos['dphi' + k + 'endcap'].SetLineWidth(2) histos['dphi' + k + 'endcap'].SetLineStyle(7) histos['dphi' + k + 'endcap'].SetTitle('endcap') histos['dphi' + k + 'endcap'].Draw('histsame') c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs('dr_%s.png' % k) labels = [] responseVars = ['dpt', 'den', 'dphi', 'deta', 'dr'] for r in responseVars: barrelResponse = TGraphErrors() barrelResponse.SetName(r + 'barrelresponse') barrelResponse.SetLineWidth(2) barrelResponse.SetFillStyle(0) barrelResponse.SetMarkerStyle(20) barrelCoreResponse = barrelResponse.Clone(r + 'barrelcoreresponse') endcapResponse = TGraphErrors() endcapResponse.SetName(r + 'endcapresponse') endcapResponse.SetLineWidth(2) endcapResponse.SetFillStyle(0) endcapResponse.SetMarkerStyle(24) endcapCoreResponse = endcapResponse.Clone(r + 'endcapresponse') for k in kin: c.Clear() c.SetWindowSize(1000, 500) c.Divide(2, 1) for i in [1, 2]: reg = 'barrel' if i == 2: reg = 'endcap' h = histos[r + k + reg] x = RooRealVar("x", h.GetXaxis().GetTitle(), h.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), h.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) data = RooDataHist("data", "dataset with x", RooArgList(x), h) frame = x.frame() RooAbsData.plotOn(data, frame, RooFit.DataError(RooAbsData.SumW2)) mean1 = RooRealVar("mean1", "mean1", 0, -0.5, 0.5) sigma1 = RooRealVar("sigma1", "sigma1", 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) gauss1 = RooGaussian("g1", "g", x, mean1, sigma1) if r == 'dpt' or r == 'den': mean2 = RooRealVar("mean2", "mean2", 0, -0.5, 0.5) sigma2 = RooRealVar("sigma2", "sigma2", 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) alphacb = RooRealVar("alphacb", "alphacb", 1, 0.1, 3) ncb = RooRealVar("ncb", "ncb", 4, 1, 100) gauss2 = RooCBShape("cb2", "cb", x, mean2, sigma2, alphacb, ncb) else: mean1.setRange(0, 0.5) mean2 = RooRealVar("mean2", "mean", 0, 0, 1) sigma2 = RooRealVar("sigma2", "sigma", 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) gauss2 = RooGaussian("g2", "g", x, mean2, sigma2) frac = RooRealVar("frac", "fraction", 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) if data.sumEntries() < 100: frac.setVal(1.0) frac.setConstant(True) model = RooAddPdf("sum", "g1+g2", RooArgList(gauss1, gauss2), RooArgList(frac)) status = model.fitTo(data, RooFit.Save()).status() if status != 0: continue model_cdf = model.createCdf(RooArgSet(x)) cl = 0.90 ul = 0.5 * (1.0 + cl) closestToCL = 1.0 closestToUL = -1 closestToMedianCL = 1.0 closestToMedian = -1 for ibin in xrange(1, h.GetXaxis().GetNbins() * 10): xval = h.GetXaxis().GetXmin() + ( ibin - 1) * h.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(ibin) / 10. x.setVal(xval) cdfValToCL = math.fabs(model_cdf.getVal() - ul) if cdfValToCL < closestToCL: closestToCL = cdfValToCL closestToUL = xval cdfValToCL = math.fabs(model_cdf.getVal() - 0.5) if cdfValToCL < closestToMedianCL: closestToMedianCL = cdfValToCL closestToMedian = xval RooAbsPdf.plotOn(model, frame) frame.Draw() if i == 1: drawHeader() labels.append(TPaveText(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98, 'brNDC')) ilab = len(labels) - 1 labels[ilab].SetName(r + k + 'txt') labels[ilab].SetBorderSize(0) labels[ilab].SetFillStyle(0) labels[ilab].SetTextFont(42) labels[ilab].SetTextAlign(12) kinReg = k.replace('to', '-') kinReg = kinReg.replace('Inf', '#infty') labels[ilab].AddText('[' + reg + '] ' + kinReg) labels[ilab].Draw() resolutionVal = math.fabs(closestToUL - closestToMedian) responseGr = barrelResponse responseCoreGr = barrelCoreResponse coreResolutionVal = sigma1.getVal() coreResolutionErr = sigma1.getError() if frac.getVal() < 0.7 and (sigma2.getVal() < sigma1.getVal()): coreResolutionVal = sigma2.getVal() coreResolutionErr = sigma2.getError() if i == 2: responseGr = endcapResponse responseCoreGr = endcapCoreResponse if k != '': nrespPts = responseGr.GetN() kinAvg = 150 kinWidth = 50 if k == '30to40': kinAvg = 35 kinWidth = 5 if k == '40to50': kinAvg = 45 kinWidth = 5 if k == '50to75': kinAvg = 62.5 kinWidth = 12.5 elif k == '75to100': kinAvg = 87.5 kinWidth = 12.5 responseGr.SetPoint(nrespPts, kinAvg, resolutionVal) responseCoreGr.SetPoint(nrespPts, kinAvg, coreResolutionVal) responseCoreGr.SetPointError(nrespPts, kinWidth, coreResolutionErr) labels.append(TPaveText(0.15, 0.7, 0.4, 0.9, 'brNDC')) ilab = len(labels) - 1 labels[ilab].SetName(r + k + 'fitrestxt') labels[ilab].SetBorderSize(0) labels[ilab].SetFillStyle(0) labels[ilab].SetTextFont(42) labels[ilab].SetTextAlign(12) labels[ilab].AddText('Gaussian #1 (f=%3.3f)' % frac.getVal()) labels[ilab].AddText('#mu=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (mean1.getVal(), mean1.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('#sigma=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (sigma1.getVal(), sigma1.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('Gaussian #2 (f=%3.3f)' % (1 - frac.getVal())) labels[ilab].AddText('#mu=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (mean2.getVal(), mean2.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('#sigma=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (sigma2.getVal(), sigma2.getError())) labels[ilab].Draw() c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs(r + 'res_' + k + '.png') frame = TGraphErrors() frame.SetPoint(0, 0, 0) frame.SetPoint(1, 200, 0.3) frame.SetMarkerStyle(1) frame.SetFillStyle(0) frame.SetName('frame') cresp = TCanvas('cresp', 'cresp', 500, 500) frame.Draw('ap') barrelResponse.Draw('pl') endcapResponse.Draw('pl') frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Quark transverse momentum [GeV]") frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Resolution %3.2f C.L." % cl) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) frame.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(10) drawHeader() leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.AddEntry(barrelResponse, 'barrel', 'fp') leg.AddEntry(endcapResponse, 'endcap', 'fp') leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.Draw() cresp.Modified() cresp.Update() cresp.SaveAs(r + 'res_evol.png') frameCore = frame.Clone('framecore') cresp.Clear() frameCore.Draw('ap') barrelCoreResponse.Draw('pl') endcapCoreResponse.Draw('pl') frameCore.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Quark transverse momentum [GeV]") frameCore.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Core resolution") frameCore.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) frameCore.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(10) frameCore.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 0.2) drawHeader() leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.AddEntry(barrelCoreResponse, 'barrel', 'fp') leg.AddEntry(endcapCoreResponse, 'endcap', 'fp') leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.Draw() cresp.Modified() cresp.Update() cresp.SaveAs(r + 'rescore_evol.png') bosons = ['h', 'z', 'w'] kin = ['', '50', '100'] region = ['', 'bb', 'eb', 'ee'] for k in kin: for r in region: c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 600, 600) histos['mjj' + k + r].Rebin() histos['mjj' + k + r].Draw() ic = 1 leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.AddEntry(histos['mjj' + k + r], 'inclusive', 'f') for b in bosons: if histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].Integral() <= 0: continue ic = ic + 1 histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].Rebin() histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetLineColor(ic) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetLineWidth(2) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetMarkerColor(ic) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetMarkerStyle(1) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetFillStyle(3000 + ic) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetFillColor(ic) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].Draw('histsame') leg.AddEntry(histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r], b, "f") leg.SetNColumns(ic) leg.Draw() drawHeader() labels.append(TPaveText(0.65, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, 'brNDC')) ilab = len(labels) - 1 labels[ilab].SetName(k + r + 'mjj') labels[ilab].SetBorderSize(0) labels[ilab].SetFillStyle(0) labels[ilab].SetTextFont(42) labels[ilab].SetTextAlign(12) regionTitle = "inclusive" if r == 'bb': regionTitle = 'barrel-barrel' if r == 'eb': regionTitle = 'endcap-barrel' if r == 'ee': regionTitle = 'endcap-endcap' labels[ilab].AddText(regionTitle) ptthreshold = 30 if k != '': ptthreshold = float(k) labels[ilab].AddText('p_{T}>%3.0f GeV' % ptthreshold) labels[ilab].Draw() c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs('mjj' + k + r + '.png') massResolutionGrs = [] for r in region: massResolution = TGraphErrors() massResolution.SetName(r + 'dm') massResolution.SetLineWidth(2) massResolution.SetFillStyle(0) massResolution.SetMarkerStyle(20 + len(massResolutionGrs)) massResolution.SetMarkerColor(1 + len(massResolutionGrs)) massResolution.SetLineColor(1 + len(massResolutionGrs)) massResolution.SetFillColor(1 + len(massResolutionGrs)) massResolutionGrs.append(massResolution) for k in kin: c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 600, 600) h = histos['dmjj' + k + r] x = RooRealVar("x", h.GetXaxis().GetTitle(), h.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), h.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) data = RooDataHist("data", "dataset with x", RooArgList(x), h) frame = x.frame() RooAbsData.plotOn(data, frame, RooFit.DataError(RooAbsData.SumW2)) mean1 = RooRealVar("mean1", "mean1", 0, -0.5, 0.5) sigma1 = RooRealVar("sigma1", "sigma1", 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) gauss1 = RooGaussian("g1", "g", x, mean1, sigma1) mean2 = RooRealVar("mean2", "mean2", 0, -0.5, 0.5) sigma2 = RooRealVar("sigma2", "sigma2", 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) alphacb = RooRealVar("alphacb", "alphacb", 1, 0.1, 3) ncb = RooRealVar("ncb", "ncb", 4, 1, 100) gauss2 = RooCBShape("cb2", "cb", x, mean2, sigma2, alphacb, ncb) frac = RooRealVar("frac", "fraction", 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) model = RooAddPdf("sum", "g1+g2", RooArgList(gauss1, gauss2), RooArgList(frac)) status = model.fitTo(data, RooFit.Save()).status() if status != 0: continue RooAbsPdf.plotOn(model, frame) frame.Draw() labels.append(TPaveText(0.6, 0.65, 0.85, 0.9, 'brNDC')) ilab = len(labels) - 1 labels[ilab].SetName(r + k + 'dmfitrestxt') labels[ilab].SetBorderSize(0) labels[ilab].SetFillStyle(0) labels[ilab].SetTextFont(42) labels[ilab].SetTextAlign(12) labels[ilab].AddText('Gaussian #1 (f=%3.3f)' % frac.getVal()) labels[ilab].AddText('#mu=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (mean1.getVal(), mean1.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('#sigma=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (sigma1.getVal(), sigma1.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('Gaussian #2 (f=%3.3f)' % (1 - frac.getVal())) labels[ilab].AddText('#mu=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (mean2.getVal(), mean2.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('#sigma=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (sigma2.getVal(), sigma2.getError())) labels[ilab].Draw() drawHeader() labels.append(TPaveText(0.15, 0.8, 0.4, 0.9, 'brNDC')) ilab = len(labels) - 1 labels[ilab].SetName(k + r + 'dmjj') labels[ilab].SetBorderSize(0) labels[ilab].SetFillStyle(0) labels[ilab].SetTextFont(42) labels[ilab].SetTextAlign(12) regionTitle = "inclusive" if r == 'bb': regionTitle = 'barrel-barrel' if r == 'eb': regionTitle = 'endcap-barrel' if r == 'ee': regionTitle = 'endcap-endcap' labels[ilab].AddText(regionTitle) ptthreshold = 30 if k != '': ptthreshold = float(k) labels[ilab].AddText('p_{T}>%3.0f GeV' % ptthreshold) labels[ilab].Draw() c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs('dmjj' + k + r + '.png') massResolution.SetTitle(regionTitle) ip = massResolution.GetN() x = 40 xerr = 10 if k == '50': x = 75 xerr = 25 elif k == '100': x = 150 xerr = 50 y = sigma1.getVal() yerr = sigma1.getError() if frac.getVal() < 0.8: if sigma2.getVal() < sigma1.getVal(): y = sigma2.getVal() ey = sigma2.getError() massResolution.SetPoint(ip, x, y) massResolution.SetPointError(ip, xerr, yerr) frame = TGraphErrors() frame.SetPoint(0, 0, 0) frame.SetPoint(1, 200, 0.2) frame.SetMarkerStyle(1) frame.SetFillStyle(0) frame.SetName('dmframe') cdmevol = TCanvas('cdmevol', 'cdmevol', 500, 500) frame.Draw('ap') leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) for dmGr in massResolutionGrs: dmGr.Draw('pl') leg.AddEntry(dmGr, dmGr.GetTitle(), 'fp') frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Leading quark transverse momentum [GeV]") frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Core resolution") frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) frame.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(10) drawHeader() leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.Draw() cdmevol.Modified() cdmevol.Update() cdmevol.SaveAs('dm_evol.png') c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 600, 600) histos['sel'].Draw('histtext') drawHeader() c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs('selection.png') return
] icol = 0 for iwidth in jitsWidth: for ilambdaB in jitsLambdaB: name = "limit_%d_%d" % (ilambdaB, iwidth) limit = TGraphErrors() limit.SetName(name) thefiles = GetFiles(files, ilambdaB, iwidth) gres = GetGraphs(thefiles) # print len(gres) limit.SetMarkerStyle(20) limit.SetMarkerSize(0.7) limit.SetMarkerColor(cols[icol]) limit.SetFillColor(cols[icol]) limit.SetLineColor(cols[icol]) GetLimitPlot(gres, limit, fit) limits.append(limit) icol += 1 print "number of limits: %d" % len(limits) limits[0].SetTitle("limit sytematics on #lambda_{B} and #Gamma") limits[0].GetXaxis().SetTitle("mass [GeV/c^{2}]") limits[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle("#lambda_{s}") limits[0].SetMinimum(0) limits[0].SetMinimum(2) limits[0].SetMaximum(8) limits[0].Draw("ape")
def crossSectionRatioPlot(group,groups,keys_no_comb, sigmas,stats,systs,lumis,tots): delChars = '#\\/+.~${}><,?[]|&^_!@%*()-`;:\'\"' sigmas_lcl = array('d',sigmas[:]) stats_lcl = array('d',stats[:]) systs_lcl = array('d',systs[:]) tots_lcl = array('d',tots[:]) lumis_lcl = array('d',lumis[:]) tots_theory = array('d') if 'combined' in groups[group]: sig, sta, sys, tot = getCSInfo(groups[group]['combined']) sigmas_lcl.insert(0,sig) stats_lcl.insert(0,sta) systs_lcl.insert(0,sys) tots_lcl.insert(0,tot) lumis_lcl.insert(0,sig*lumi_err/100.0) for i in range(len(sigmas_lcl)): tots_lcl[i] = tots_lcl[i]/sigmas_lcl[i] sigmas_lcl[i] = sigmas_lcl[i]/mc_info['sigma'] tots_theory.append(hypot(tots_lcl[i], mc_info['theory_err']/mc_info['sigma'])) yvals = array('d',[i*2 for i in range(1,len(sigmas_lcl)+1)]) xones = array('d',[1 for i in range(len(sigmas_lcl))]) x1serrs = array('d',[lumi_err/100.0 for i in range(len(sigmas_lcl))]) yerrs = array('d',[0 for i in range(len(sigmas_lcl))]) y1serrs = array('d',[2 for i in range(len(sigmas_lcl))]) gStats = TGraphErrors(len(sigmas_lcl),sigmas_lcl,yvals,tots_lcl,yerrs) gTotes = TGraphErrors(len(sigmas_lcl),sigmas_lcl,yvals,tots_theory,yerrs) gLine = TGraphErrors(len(sigmas_lcl),xones,yvals,x1serrs,y1serrs) lOne = TLine(1,0,1,2*(len(sigmas_lcl)+1)) canv = TCanvas(group+'val','',500,500) frame = canv.DrawFrame(0.1,0,2,2*(len(sigmas_lcl)+1)) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Ratio (CMS/Theory)") unshitify(frame) gLine.SetFillColor(6) gLine.SetFillStyle(3004) gLine.Draw("E2") lOne.SetLineWidth(2) lOne.SetLineColor(6) lOne.Draw() gTotes.SetMarkerColor(2) gTotes.SetMarkerStyle(20) gTotes.SetLineColor(4) gTotes.SetLineWidth(2) gTotes.Draw("PE1") gStats.SetMarkerColor(2) gStats.SetMarkerStyle(20) gStats.SetLineColor(1) gStats.SetLineWidth(2) gStats.Draw("PE1") tex1 = TLatex() tex1.SetTextSize(0.04) tex2 = TLatex() tex2.SetTextSize(0.03) xmin = 0.1 xmax = 2.0 xscale = xmax - xmin xpad = xmin + xscale*xpadfactor ymin = 0 ymax = 2*(len(sigmas_lcl)+1) yscale = ymax-ymin ypad = ymin + yscale*ypadfactor for i in range(len(sigmas_lcl)): if('combined' in groups[group]): if( i == 0 ): tex2.DrawLatex(0.75*xpad,yvals[i]-0.009*yscale, "#font[132]{BLUE Combination}") else: tex2.DrawLatex(0.75*xpad,yvals[i]-0.009*yscale, "#font[132]{%s: %s}"%(group, keys_no_comb[i-1])) else: if 'combined' in group: tex2.DrawLatex(0.75*xpad,yvals[i]-0.009*yscale, "#font[132]{BLUE Comb.: %s}"%keys_no_comb[i]) else: tex2.DrawLatex(0.75*xpad,yvals[i]-0.009*yscale, "#font[132]{%s: %s}"%(group, keys_no_comb[i])) tex2.DrawLatex(4.60*xpad,yvals[i]-0.009*yscale, "#font[132]{%.2f #pm "%sigmas_lcl[i]+ "%.2f_{exp} #pm "%tots_lcl[i]+ "%.2f_{theo}}"%(mc_info['theory_err']/mc_info['sigma'])) #flavor text tex1.DrawLatex(0.85*xpad,yvals[-1] + 0.95*ypad, "#font[132]{%s}"%luminosity) for i,flav in enumerate(flavor_text.split('\\')): tex1.DrawLatex(3.7*xpad, yvals[-1] + (1.40-0.50*i)*ypad, "#font[132]{%s}"%flav) tex1.DrawLatex(xmin,ymax+0.08, "#font[132]{CMS Preliminary 2011}") tex1.DrawLatex(xmin+0.78*xscale, ymax+0.08, "#font[132]{#sqrt{s} = 7 TeV}") #lumi uncertainty tex1.SetTextColor(6) tex1.DrawLatex(3.7*xpad, yvals[0] - 1.5*ypad, "#font[132]{lumi. uncertainty %.1f}"%lumi_err + "%") saneName = group.translate(None,delChars) valName = saneName+"_CS_ratio_plot" canv.Print(valName+".png") canv.Print(valName+".eps") canv.Print(valName+".pdf")
def drawMassRes(data, mc, output, rapidity, ptda, ptmc, trackType, funct, mcIsData, dataIsMC): style = setTDRStyle() pt_e = [0 for x in range(len(data))] pt_x = [0 for x in range(len(data))] for i, pt in enumerate(pt_x): pt_x[i] = ptbins[i] + (ptbins[i + 1] - ptbins[i]) / 2. pt_e[i] = (ptbins[i + 1] - ptbins[i]) / 2. if dataIsMC: (da_mean, da_meane, da_sig, da_sige, da_nChi2) = doFit(data, output, rapidity, "MC2", trackType, funct) else: (da_mean, da_meane, da_sig, da_sige, da_nChi2) = doFit(data, output, rapidity, "DATA", trackType, funct) if mcIsData: (mc_mean, mc_meane, mc_sig, mc_sige, mc_nChi2) = doFit(mc, output, rapidity, "DATA2", trackType, funct) else: (mc_mean, mc_meane, mc_sig, mc_sige, mc_nChi2) = doFit(mc, output, rapidity, "MC", trackType, funct) result = {} result["data_mean"] = da_mean result["data_meane"] = da_meane result["data_sig"] = da_sig result["data_sige"] = da_sige result["mc_mean"] = mc_mean result["mc_meane"] = mc_meane result["mc_sig"] = mc_sig result["mc_sige"] = mc_sige result["ptda"] = ptda result["ptmc"] = ptmc result["da_nChi2"] = da_nChi2 result["mc_nChi2"] = mc_nChi2 pklFile = open( output + "/MassResolutionVsPt_%s_%s.pkl" % (trackType, rapidity), "wb") pickle.dump(result, pklFile) pklFile.close() c2 = TCanvas("c2", "c2", 700, 700) # Upper plot will be in pad1 pad1 = TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0) pad1.SetGrid() # Vertical grid pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.1) pad1.Draw() # Draw the upper pad: pad1 # pad1 becomes the current pad pad1.SetTicks() res_data = TGraphAsymmErrors() res_data.SetName("res_data") res_mc = TGraphAsymmErrors() res_mc.SetName("res_mc") ratio = TGraphErrors() ratio.SetName("ratio") #~ print len(pt_x) for i, pt in enumerate(pt_x): res_data.SetPoint(i, ptda[i], da_sig[i]) res_data.SetPointError(i, ptda[i] - ptbins[i], ptbins[i + 1] - ptda[i], da_sige[i], da_sige[i]) res_mc.SetPoint(i, ptmc[i], mc_sig[i]) res_mc.SetPointError(i, ptmc[i] - ptbins[i], ptbins[i + 1] - ptmc[i], mc_sige[i], mc_sige[i]) if mc_sig[i] > 0: ratio.SetPoint(i, pt, da_sig[i] / mc_sig[i]) ratio.SetPointError(i, pt_e[i], (da_sig[i] / mc_sig[i]) * math.sqrt((da_sige[i] / da_sig[i])**2 + (mc_sige[i] / mc_sig[i])**2)) res_data.SetMarkerStyle(22) res_data.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) res_data.SetLineColor(kBlack) res_data.SetFillColor(0) res_data.SetTitle("Dimuon mass resolution vs pT for %s tracks" % trackType) res_data.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Mass resolution at Z peak [GeV]") res_data.GetXaxis().SetTitle("p_{T} (#mu^{#pm}) [GeV]") res_data.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) res_data.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 6.) if trackType == "Outer": res_data.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1., 20.) res_data.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(ptbins[0], ptbins[len(ptda)]) res_data.Draw("AP E0") res_mc.SetMarkerStyle(22) res_mc.SetMarkerColor(kRed) res_mc.SetLineColor(kRed) res_mc.SetFillColor(0) res_mc.SetTitle("Dimuon mass resolution vs pT for %s tracks" % trackType) res_mc.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Mass resolution at Z peak [GeV]") res_mc.GetXaxis().SetTitle("p_{T} (#mu^{#pm}) [GeV]") res_mc.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5) res_mc.Draw("P E0 SAME") if rapidity == "BB": leg = TLegend(0.25, 0.6, 0.50, 0.80, "both muons |#eta| < 1.2", "brNDC") else: leg = TLegend(0.25, 0.6, 0.5, 0.8, "at least one muon |#eta| > 1.2", "brNDC") if mcIsData: leg.AddEntry(res_data, "DATA 2017") leg.AddEntry(res_mc, "DATA 2016") elif dataIsMC: leg.AddEntry(res_data, "MC 2017") leg.AddEntry(res_mc, "MC 2016") else: leg.AddEntry(res_data, "DATA", "p") leg.AddEntry(res_mc, "Simulation") leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextSize(.04) leg.Draw("SAME") latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextAlign(31) latex.SetTextSize(0.04) latex.SetNDC(True) latexCMS = TLatex() latexCMS.SetTextFont(61) latexCMS.SetTextSize(0.055 / 0.7) latexCMS.SetNDC(True) latexCMSExtra = TLatex() latexCMSExtra.SetTextFont(52) latexCMSExtra.SetTextSize(0.03 / 0.7) latexCMSExtra.SetNDC(True) latex.DrawLatex(0.95, 0.96, "(13 TeV)") cmsExtra = "Preliminary" latexCMS.DrawLatex(0.78, 0.88, "CMS") yLabelPos = 0.84 latexCMSExtra.DrawLatex(0.78, yLabelPos, "%s" % (cmsExtra)) # Go back to the main canvas before defining pad2 pad2 = TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0.1, 1, 0.30) pad2.SetTopMargin(0) pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.3) pad2.SetGrid() pad2.Draw() pad2.SetTicks() ratio.SetMarkerColor(kBlue - 4) ratio.SetFillColor(kBlue - 4) ratio.SetTitle("") ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/MC") if mcIsData: ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data 2017 / Data 2016") elif dataIsMC: ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("MC 2017 / MC 2016") ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle("p_{T} (#mu^{#pm}) [GeV]") ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.5, 1.5) ratio.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(ptbins[0], ptbins[len(ptda)]) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.50) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.14) ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.14) ratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(506) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.12) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.20) ratio.Draw("A P E2") pad2.Update() line = TLine(ptbins[0], 1, ptbins[len(ptda)], 1) line.SetLineColor(kBlue + 1) line.SetLineWidth(2) line.Draw() saveas = "/MassResolutionVsPt_%s_%s" % (trackType, rapidity) c2.SaveAs(output + saveas + ".png") c2.SaveAs(output + saveas + ".pdf") c2.SaveAs(output + saveas + ".root") c2.SaveAs(output + saveas + ".C")
gr.SetTitle( "K^{+}Ar Cross Section; Kinetic Energy [MeV]; Cross Section [barn]") gr.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 800) gr.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.0) gr.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) gr.SetLineWidth(2) grel.SetLineWidth(2) grinel.SetLineWidth(2) gr.SetLineColor(kGreen - 2) grel.SetLineColor(kBlue) grinel.SetLineColor(kRed) gr.SetFillColor(0) grel.SetFillColor(0) grinel.SetFillColor(0) gr.Draw("APL") grel.Draw("PLsame") grinel.Draw("PLsame") hTot.Draw("same") hEla.Draw("same") hIne.Draw("same") legend = TLegend(.14, .68, .54, .88) legend.AddEntry(gr, "G4 Prediction Tot XS") legend.AddEntry(hTot, "True En Dep -- Tot XS")
def plot(name_f_json, projection=1): pulse_start = 35000 pulse_width = 15000 sweep_type = 'threshold' time_scale = 140000 # one for each ASIC #pixels=[(0,1)] pixels = get_pixels(name_f_json + '.json') matrix = [0, 1, 2] hits = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) th_l = 0x0 th_h = 0x800 th_delta = 0x8 thresholdCuts = range(th_l, th_h, th_delta) data_dic = {} pulse_end = pulse_start + pulse_width fast_range = 1500 with open(name_f_json + '.json') as f: #with open('f_j.json') as f: hist = json.load(f, object_hook=dic2timep) data_dic = get_allHists(pixels, matrix, hits, thresholdCuts) #data_dic=get_allHists(pixels,matrix,thresholdCuts,hits) for a in hist: p1 = a.pixel[0] p2 = a.pixel[1] data_dic[(p1, p2)][a.matrix][a.index][a.threshold] = a.time rootf = TFile(name_f_json + '.root', "RECREATE") for key in data_dic: #pixel print(key) for key1 in data_dic[key]: #matri2x h = "hitnumber_pixel_" + str(key) + "_asic" + str( key1) + "_THsweep" h = TH1D(h, ";Hit;Hits number", 8, 0, 8) h_name_all = "cumulTimeHist_pixel_" + str(key) + "_asic" + str( key1) + "_THsweep" #h_name_g="cumulTimeHist_pixel_"+str(key)+"_asic"+str(key1)+"_THsweep_g" a = [] for key3 in data_dic[key][key1][1]: #threshold a.append(key3) a1 = [float(b) / 1241. for b in a] hist_name_all = TH2D(h_name_all, ";Threshold [V];Time [ns]", (th_h - th_l) / th_delta, min(a1), max(a1), 2000, 0, time_scale) for key2 in data_dic[key][key1]: #index h_name = "cumulTimeHist_pixel_" + str(key) + "_asic" + str( key1) + "_hit_" + str(key2) + "_THsweep" hist_name = TH2D(h_name, ";Threshold [V];Time [ns]", (th_h - th_l) / th_delta, min(a1), max(a1), 800, 0, time_scale) g_x = [] g_y = [] g_ex = [] g_ey = [] a = data_dic[key][key1][key2].keys() a.sort() for key3 in a: #threhsold #for key3 in data_dic[key][key1][key2]: #threhsold t_aftercut = [] for val_i in range(len(data_dic[key][key1][key2][key3])): timev = data_dic[key][key1][key2][key3][val_i] #if timev>0: #if (timev<35000): if timev > 0: t_aftercut.append(timev) hist_name.Fill(float(key3) / 1241, timev) hist_name_all.Fill(float(key3) / 1241, timev) h.Fill(key2) if len(t_aftercut) != 0: t_aftercut_a = np.array(t_aftercut) g_x.append(float(key3) / 1241) #print(float(key3)/1241) g_y.append(np.mean(t_aftercut_a)) g_ey.append(np.std(t_aftercut_a)) g_ex.append(0) hist_name.Write() g_ax = np.array(g_x) g_ay = np.array(g_y) g_aex = np.array(g_ex) g_aey = np.array(g_ey) #hist_name_g=TGraph(len(g_ax),g_ax,g_ay) # #hist_name_g="cumulTimeHist_pixel_"+str(key)+"_asic"+str(key1)+"_hit_"+str(key2)+"_THsweep_g" if len(g_ax) != 0: graph_g = TGraph(len(g_ax), g_ax, g_ay) graph_g.SetName("cumulTimeHist_pixel_" + str(key) + "_asic" + str(key1) + "_hit_" + str(key2) + "_THsweep_graph") graph_g.SetTitle(";Threshold [V];Time [ns]") graph_g.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph_g.SetMarkerSize(0.6) graph_g.Write() hist_name_g = TGraphErrors(len(g_ax), g_ax, g_ay, g_aex, g_aey) hist_name_g.SetName("cumulTimeHist_pixel_" + str(key) + "_asic" + str(key1) + "_hit_" + str(key2) + "_THsweep_g") hist_name_g.SetTitle(";Threshold [V];Time [ns]") hist_name_g.SetFillColor(1) hist_name_g.SetMarkerStyle(20) hist_name_g.SetMarkerSize(0.6) hist_name_g.Write() if projection: cut1 = [min(a1), 0] cut2 = [max(a1), 140000] proj_x = get_proj_X(hist_name, h_name, cut1, cut2, min(a1), max(a1)) proj_y = get_proj_Y(hist_name, h_name, cut1, cut2, 0, time_scale) proj_x.Write() proj_y.Write() #hist_name_g="cumulTimeHist_pixel_"+str(key)+"_asic"+str(key1)+"_THsweep_g" #hist_name_g=TGraphErrors(n,g_ax,g_aex,g_ay,g_aey) #hist_name_g=TGraphErrors(n,g_ax,g_aex,g_ay,g_aey) #hist_name_g.SetTitle("cumulTimeHist_pixel_"+str(key)+"_asic"+str(key1)+"_THsweep_g") #hist_name_g=TGraphErrors(h_name_g,";Threshold [V];Time [ns]",n,g_x,g_y,g_ex,g_ey) hist_name_all.Write() h.Write() if projection: cut1 = [min(a1), 0] cut2 = [max(a1), 140000] proj_x_all = get_proj_X(hist_name_all, h_name_all, cut1, cut2, min(a1), max(a1)) proj_y_all = get_proj_Y(hist_name_all, h_name_all, cut1, cut2, 0, time_scale) proj_x_all.Write() proj_y_all.Write() rootf.Close()
#define some data points . . . x = array('f', kineticEnergy) y = array('f', crossSec) exl = array('f', zero) exr = array('f', zero) nPoints = len(x) # . . . and hand over to TGraphErros object gr = TGraphErrors(nPoints, x, y, exl, exr) gr.SetTitle(title + "; Kinetic Energy [MeV]; Cross Section [barn]") gr.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1000) gr.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 2.) gr.SetLineWidth(2) gr.SetLineColor(kGreen - 2) gr.SetFillColor(0) ## Data data_FileName = "/Volumes/Seagate/Elena/TPC/Data60A.root" data_File = TFile.Open(data_FileName) interactingPlotString = "RecoXS/hRecoInteractingKE" incidentPlotString = "RecoXS/hRecoIncidentKE" data_Int = data_File.Get(interactingPlotString) data_Inc = data_File.Get(incidentPlotString) XSDataRecoPion = data_Int.Clone("pionMCXSData") XSDataRecoPion.Sumw2() data_Inc.Sumw2() XSDataRecoPion.Scale(101.10968) XSDataRecoPion.Divide(data_Inc) XSDataRecoPion.SetLineColor(kBlack) XSDataRecoPion.SetLineWidth(2)
from ROOT import gStyle jetToElectronRatioGraph = TGraphErrors("jetToElectronFactors.dat", "%lg %lg %lg %lg") jetToMuonRatioGraph = TGraphErrors("jetToMuonFactors.dat", "%lg %lg %lg %lg") jetToMETRatioGraph = TGraphErrors("jetToMETFactors.dat", "%lg %lg %lg %lg") jetToElectronRatioGraph.SetMarkerColor(2) jetToElectronRatioGraph.SetMarkerStyle(21) jetToMuonRatioGraph.SetMarkerColor(3) jetToMuonRatioGraph.SetMarkerStyle(21) jetToMETRatioGraph.SetMarkerColor(4) jetToMETRatioGraph.SetMarkerStyle(21) jetToElectronRatioGraph.SetFillStyle(1001) jetToElectronRatioGraph.SetFillColor(2) jetToMuonRatioGraph.SetFillStyle(1001) jetToMuonRatioGraph.SetFillColor(3) jetToMETRatioGraph.SetFillStyle(1001) jetToMETRatioGraph.SetFillColor(4) jetToObjectRatioGraphs = TMultiGraph() jetToObjectRatioGraphs.Add(jetToElectronRatioGraph, "") jetToObjectRatioGraphs.Add(jetToMuonRatioGraph, "") jetToObjectRatioGraphs.Add(jetToMETRatioGraph, "") canvas = TCanvas() canvas.SetGrid() canvas.SetLogy()