def testIthr(): lines = get_lines('DAC_scan_ithr_0x40to0xf0.dat') gr1 = TGraphErrors() gr2 = TGraphErrors() fUnit = 1000. / 0.7 yUnit = 'e^{-}' for line in lines: if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] in ['#', '\n']: continue fs = line.rstrip().split() ix = int(fs[0]) gr1.SetPoint(ix, float(fs[1]), float(fs[2]) * fUnit) gr1.SetPointError(ix, 0, float(fs[3]) * fUnit) gr2.SetPoint(ix, float(fs[1]), float(fs[4]) * fUnit) gr2.SetPointError(ix, 0, float(fs[5]) * fUnit) useAtlasStyle() gStyle.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr1.Draw('AP') h1 = gr1.GetHistogram() h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Threshold [" + yUnit + "]") h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("I_{Thre} code") # h1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.2) gPad.SetTicks(1, 0) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.16) y1b = 0 y2b = 15 x1 = h1.GetXaxis().GetXmax() y1 = h1.GetYaxis().GetXmin() y2 = h1.GetYaxis().GetXmax() raxis = TGaxis(x1, y1, x1, y2, y1b, y2b, 506, "+L") raxis.SetLineColor(2) raxis.SetLabelColor(2) raxis.SetTitleColor(2) raxis.SetTitle("ENC [" + yUnit + "]") raxis.Draw() nP = gr2.GetN() Ys = gr2.GetY() EYs = gr2.GetEY() Y = array( 'd', [y1 + (y2 - y1) / (y2b - y1b) * (Ys[i] - y1b) for i in range(nP)]) EY = array('d', [(y2 - y1) / (y2b - y1b) * EYs[i] for i in range(nP)]) gr2x = TGraphErrors(nP, gr2.GetX(), Y, gr2.GetEX(), EY) gr2x.SetMarkerStyle(24) gr2x.SetLineColor(2) gr2x.SetMarkerColor(2) gr2x.Draw('Psame') waitRootCmdX()
gStyle.SetOptFit() gr = TGraphErrors(17, xarray, yarray, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) gr1 = TGraphErrors(17, xarray, yarray1, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) gr.SetLineStyle(1) gr.SetMarkerColor(2) gr.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr.SetLineWidth(2) gr1.SetLineStyle(1) gr1.SetMarkerColor(3) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr1.SetLineWidth(2) gr1.SetTitle(";Concentration(1/cm^{3}) ;# of impurities ") gr1.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(30) gr1.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(0) gr1.GetXaxis().SetLimits(math.pow(10, 10 + 0 * 0.5), math.pow(10, 10 + 16 * 0.5)) leg1 = TLegend(0.2, 0.7, 0.5, 0.9) leg1.SetFillColor(0) leg1.SetFillStyle(0) leg1.SetTextSize(0.05) leg1.SetBorderSize(0) leg1.SetTextFont(22) leg1.AddEntry("", "GeIA group", "") leg1.AddEntry("", "Avalanche region:", "") leg1.AddEntry(gr, str(Avalanche_region) + "cm(Square)", "lp") leg1.AddEntry(gr1, str(Avalanche_region1) + "cm(Circle)", "lp")
def scanKK(): '''Used to test the scan of one or more parameters''' nChips = 19 # the magic number # nChan = len(chans) iP = 1 cd = CommonData() cd.setupConnection() sc1 = SensorConfig(cd) ### get list of chains to be updated # chains = set([sc1.tms1mmX19chainSensors[sc1.tms1mmX19sensorInChain[c]][0] for c in chans]) chan = 5 # cd.inputVs = [3., 0., 3., 0., 0., 0.] # cd.inputVs = [3., 0., 0.732, 1.68, 0., 0.] # cd.inputVs = [0.75, 2.15, 0.7, 0., 0., 0.] show = True g1 = None if show: g1 = TGraphErrors() xj = open('scan_KK_6.ttl','w') ### point insert scan ipar = 2 pts = [(0.,None),(3.,None)] while True: print pts pt, xy, r1, k = insertPoint(pts) print '-'*30 print pt,xy,r1, k print '-'*30 if xy<3 and (r1<0.01 or xy/r1<0.1 or k<0.007): break cd.inputVs[ipar] = pt cd.updatePars(chan, None, False) sc1.update_sensor(chan) time.sleep(3) cd.fetch() m,v = getMeanVar(cd.adcData[chan]) print ' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs]) xj.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs])+'\n') if g1: n1 = g1.GetN() g1.SetPoint(n1, pt, m) g1.SetPointError(n1, 0, v) if xy == 999: pts[r1] = (pt,m) else: pts.append((pt,m)) ### simple scan # while cd.inputVs[0]>0.001: # cd.updatePars(chan, None, False) # sc1.update_sensor(chan) # time.sleep(2) # cd.fetch() # # m,v = getMeanVar(cd.adcData[chan]) # print ' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs]) # xj.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs])+'\n') # # if g1: # g1.SetPoint(g1.GetN(), cd.inputVs[0], m) # cd.inputVs[0] *= 2./3 if g1: g1.SetMarkerStyle(4) g1.SetMarkerColor(2) g1.SetLineColor(2) g1.Draw("AP") h1 = g1.GetHistogram() h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle(cd.voltsNames[ipar]+' [V]') h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("V_{out} [V]") lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2,0.92,"Chip %d"%chan) waitRootCmdX()
def analyzeData(country, total, active, recovered, deaths, tStart, tStop, totalPopulation, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability, recoveryRate, doSmearing, doFit): ntuple = [ tStart, tStop, totalPopulation, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability, recoveryRate ] farFromMax = 0.95 growthRate = 0.13 carryingCapacity = 4e5 ################ # Active cases # ################ myCanvActive = TCanvas('myCanvActive_' + country, 'Active cases ' + country) xValues = [ i for i in range(len(active.keys())) if i >= tStart and i <= tStop ] yValues = [ active[k] for i, k in enumerate(sorted(active.keys())) if i >= tStart and i <= tStop ] erryValues = assignErrors(yValues) myGraphActive = TGraphErrors() myGraphActive.SetMarkerStyle(20) for i in range(len(xValues)): myGraphActive.SetPoint(myGraphActive.GetN(), xValues[i], yValues[i]) myGraphActive.SetPointError(myGraphActive.GetN() - 1, 0, erryValues[i]) myGraphActive.Draw('APE1') myGraphActive.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphActive.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Active cases affected by CoViD-19') historyActive = 0. for i, k in enumerate(sorted(active.keys())): if i < tStart: historyActive += active[k] ntuple.extend([historyActive, xValues, yValues, erryValues]) print('==> History active cases:', historyActive) ################### # Build the model # ################### evActive = evolution([yValues[0], carryingCapacity, growthRate], tStart, tStop, totalPopulation, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability, historyActive) if doFit == True: evActive.runOptimization(xValues, yValues, erryValues, [], doSmearing) evActive.evolve(evActive.tStop, evActive.parValues, True) if doSmearing == True: evActive.smearing() evActiveGraphN = evActive.getGraphN() evActiveGraphN.Draw('PL same') statActive = evActive.addStats(evActive.parNames, evActive.parValues) print( '==> Active cases, history active cases, p-infected, Carrying capacity, total population alive', evActive.evolve(tStop, evActive.parValues), 'at day', tStop) print('==> Percentage population with antibodies', round(100. * evActive.totalInfected(tStop) / totalPopulation), '% at day', tStop, '(herd immunity at', evActive.herdImmunity(), '%)') print('==> Doubling time:', round(log(2.) / evActive.parValues[2], 1), 'days') now = TLine( len(active) - 1, 0, len(active) - 1, evActive.fitFun.Eval(len(active) - 1)) now = TLine(len(active) - 1, 0, len(active) - 1, 1) now.SetLineColor(4) now.SetLineWidth(2) now.Draw('same') willbe = TLine(evActive.fitFun.GetMaximumX(), 0, evActive.fitFun.GetMaximumX(), evActive.fitFun.GetMaximum()) willbe.SetLineColor(6) willbe.SetLineWidth(2) willbe.Draw('same') myCanvActiveR0 = TCanvas('myCanvActiveR0_' + country, 'R0 ' + country) evActiveGraphR0 = evActive.getGraphR0(evActiveGraphN) evActiveGraphR0.Draw('APL') evActiveGraphR0.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') evActiveGraphR0.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle('R') myCanvActiveR0.SetGrid() myCanvActiveR0.Modified() myCanvActiveR0.Update() myCanvActive.SetGrid() myCanvActive.Modified() myCanvActive.Update() ################# # CONTROL PLOTS # ################# ############### # Total cases # ############### myCanvTotal = TCanvas('myCanvTotal_' + country, 'Total cases ' + country) myGraphTotal = TGraphErrors() myGraphTotal.SetMarkerStyle(20) for k in sorted(total.keys()): myGraphTotal.SetPoint(myGraphTotal.GetN(), myGraphTotal.GetN(), total[k]) myGraphTotal.SetPointError(myGraphTotal.GetN() - 1, 0, sqrt(total[k])) myGraphTotal.Draw('APE1') myGraphTotal.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphTotal.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Total cases affected by CoViD-19') myCanvTotal.SetGrid() myCanvTotal.Modified() myCanvTotal.Update() ########## # Deaths # ########## myCanvDeaths = TCanvas('myCanvDeaths_' + country, 'Deaths ' + country) myGraphDeaths = TGraphErrors() myGraphDeaths.SetMarkerStyle(20) for k in sorted(deaths.keys()): myGraphDeaths.SetPoint(myGraphDeaths.GetN(), myGraphDeaths.GetN(), deaths[k]) myGraphDeaths.SetPointError(myGraphDeaths.GetN() - 1, 0, sqrt(deaths[k])) myGraphDeaths.Draw('APE1') myGraphDeaths.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphDeaths.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle('Total deaths') myCanvDeaths.SetGrid() myCanvDeaths.Modified() myCanvDeaths.Update() ######################## # Ratio deaths / total # ######################## myCanvRatio01 = TCanvas('myCanvRatio01_' + country, 'Ratio ' + country) myGraphRatio01 = TGraphErrors() myGraphRatio01.SetMarkerStyle(20) for k in sorted(deaths.keys()): myGraphRatio01.SetPoint(myGraphRatio01.GetN(), myGraphRatio01.GetN(), deaths[k] / total[k]) myGraphRatio01.SetPointError( myGraphRatio01.GetN() - 1, 0, myGraphRatio01.GetY()[myGraphRatio01.GetN() - 1] * sqrt(deaths[k] / (deaths[k] * deaths[k]) + total[k] / (total[k] * total[k]))) myGraphRatio01.Draw('APE1') myGraphRatio01.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphRatio01.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Total deaths / Total cases') myCanvRatio01.SetGrid() myCanvRatio01.Modified() myCanvRatio01.Update() ############################################ # Ratio delta(deaths + recovered) / active # ############################################ myCanvRatio02 = TCanvas('myCanvRatio02_' + country, 'Ratio ' + country) myGraphRatio02 = TGraphErrors() myGraphRatio02.SetMarkerStyle(20) sortedKeys = sorted(deaths.keys()) for i, k in enumerate(sortedKeys[1:]): numerator = abs(deaths[k] - deaths[sortedKeys[i]] + recovered[k] - recovered[sortedKeys[i]]) denominator = active[k] myGraphRatio02.SetPoint( myGraphRatio02.GetN(), myGraphRatio02.GetN() + 1, numerator / denominator if denominator != 0 else 0) myGraphRatio02.SetPointError( myGraphRatio02.GetN() - 1, 0, (myGraphRatio02.GetY()[myGraphRatio02.GetN() - 1] * sqrt(numerator / pow(numerator, 2) + denominator / pow(denominator, 2))) if denominator != 0 else 0) myGraphRatio02.Draw('AP') myGraphRatio02.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphRatio02.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( '#Delta Recovered (alive + dead) / Active cases') myCanvRatio02.SetGrid() myCanvRatio02.Modified() myCanvRatio02.Update() ###################################### # Ratio delta(deaths) / delta(total) # ###################################### myCanvRatio03 = TCanvas('myCanvRatio03_' + country, 'Ratio ' + country) myGraphRatio03 = TGraphErrors() myGraphRatio03.SetMarkerStyle(20) sortedKeys = sorted(deaths.keys()) for i, k in enumerate(sortedKeys[1:]): numerator = abs(deaths[k] - deaths[sortedKeys[i]]) denominator = total[k] - total[sortedKeys[i]] myGraphRatio03.SetPoint( myGraphRatio03.GetN(), myGraphRatio03.GetN() + 1, numerator / denominator if denominator != 0 else 0) myGraphRatio03.SetPointError( myGraphRatio03.GetN() - 1, 0, (myGraphRatio03.GetY()[myGraphRatio03.GetN() - 1] * sqrt(numerator / pow(numerator, 2) + denominator / pow(denominator, 2))) if denominator != 0 else 0) myGraphRatio03.Draw('AP') myGraphRatio03.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphRatio03.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( '#Delta deaths / #Delta total') myCanvRatio03.SetGrid() myCanvRatio03.Modified() myCanvRatio03.Update() if doFit == False: return [ ntuple, myCanvTotal, myGraphTotal, myCanvActive, myGraphActive, myCanvDeaths, myGraphDeaths, myCanvRatio01, myGraphRatio01, myCanvRatio02, myGraphRatio02, myCanvRatio03, myGraphRatio03 ] return [ ntuple, myCanvTotal, myGraphTotal, myCanvActive, myGraphActive, evActive, evActiveGraphN, statActive, now, willbe, myCanvActiveR0, evActiveGraphR0, myCanvDeaths, myGraphDeaths, myCanvRatio01, myGraphRatio01, myCanvRatio02, myGraphRatio02, myCanvRatio03, myGraphRatio03 ]
def runGlobalFit(country, active, totalPopulation, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability, recoveryRate, doSmearing, doFit): tStart = 0 tStop = 9 + 6 + 12 + 42 + 61 + 40 + 50 + 200 timeList = [ 9, 9 + 6, 9 + 6 + 12, 9 + 6 + 12 + 42, 9 + 6 + 12 + 42 + 61, 9 + 6 + 12 + 42 + 61 + 40, 9 + 6 + 12 + 42 + 61 + 40 + 50, tStop ] ntuple = [ tStart, tStop, totalPopulation, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability, recoveryRate ] ################ # Active cases # ################ myCanvActive = TCanvas('myCanvActive_' + country, 'Active cases ' + country) xValues = [ i for i in range(len(active.keys())) if i >= tStart and i <= tStop ] yValues = [ active[k] for i, k in enumerate(sorted(active.keys())) if i >= tStart and i <= tStop ] erryValues = assignErrors(yValues) myGraphActive = TGraphErrors() myGraphActive.SetMarkerStyle(20) for i in range(len(xValues)): myGraphActive.SetPoint(myGraphActive.GetN(), xValues[i], yValues[i]) myGraphActive.SetPointError(myGraphActive.GetN() - 1, 0, erryValues[i]) myGraphActive.Draw('APE1') myGraphActive.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphActive.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Active cases affected by CoViD-19') ntuple.extend([ 0, xValues, yValues, erryValues, timeList, 1894, 16052, 0.435, 0.438, 0.308, 0.216, 0.054, 0.435 / 2.5, 0.435 / 1.5, 0.435 ]) # 0.0133, 0.175, 0.217, 0.393 if doFit == True: ################### # Build the model # ################### evActive = evolution([ntuple[11], ntuple[12], ntuple[13]], tStart, timeList[0], totalPopulation, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability) evolutions = [ evolution([0, 0, ntuple[14 + i]], timeList[i], timeList[i + 1], 0, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability) for i in range(3) ] evolutions.extend([ evolution([0, 0, ntuple[14 + 3]], timeList[3], timeList[4], 0, 0.035, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability / 8) ]) evolutions.extend([ evolution([0, 0, ntuple[14 + 4]], timeList[4], timeList[5], 0, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability / 2.5) ]) evolutions.extend([ evolution([0, 0, ntuple[14 + 5]], timeList[5], timeList[6], 0, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability / 1.5) ]) evolutions.extend([ evolution([0, 0, ntuple[14 + 6]], timeList[6], timeList[7], 0, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability) ]) istat, parValues, parNames = evActive.runGlobalOptimization( evolutions, xValues, yValues, erryValues, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], doSmearing) evActive.evolveGlobal(evolutions, evolutions[-1].tStop, parValues, True) if doSmearing == True: evActive.smearing() evActive.setFitFun(evActive.evolveLookUpWrapper, tStart, tStop, parNames, parValues) evActiveGraphN = evActive.getGraphN() evActiveGraphN.Draw('PL same') statActive = evActive.addStats(parNames, parValues) print( '==> Active cases, history active cases * dt, p-infected, Carrying capacity, total population alive', evActive.evolveGlobal(evolutions, tStop, parValues), 'at day', tStop) print( '==> Percentage population with antibodies', round(100. * evActive.totalInfectedGlobal(evolutions, tStop, parValues) / totalPopulation), '% at day', tStop) now = TLine( len(active) - 1, 0, len(active) - 1, evActive.fitFun.Eval(len(active) - 1)) now.SetLineColor(4) now.SetLineWidth(2) now.Draw('same') willbe = TLine(evActive.fitFun.GetMaximumX(), 0, evActive.fitFun.GetMaximumX(), evActive.fitFun.GetMaximum()) willbe.SetLineColor(6) willbe.SetLineWidth(2) willbe.Draw('same') myCanvActiveR0 = TCanvas('myCanvActiveR0_' + country, 'R0 ' + country) evActiveGraphR0 = evActive.getGraphR0(evActiveGraphN) evActiveGraphR0.Draw('APL') evActiveGraphR0.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') evActiveGraphR0.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle('R') myCanvActiveR0.SetGrid() myCanvActiveR0.Modified() myCanvActiveR0.Update() myCanvActive.SetGrid() myCanvActive.Modified() myCanvActive.Update() if doFit == False: return [ntuple, myCanvActive, myGraphActive] return [ ntuple, myCanvActive, myGraphActive, evActive, evActiveGraphN, statActive, now, willbe, myCanvActiveR0, evActiveGraphR0 ]
def makeBeamspotCutPlots(name, points): nPoints = len(points) x = TGraphErrors(nPoints) x.SetName(name) x.SetTitle(name + " x; lb; x [mm]") y = TGraphErrors(nPoints) y.SetName(name) y.SetTitle(name + " y; lb; y [mm]") z = TGraphErrors(nPoints) z.SetName(name) z.SetTitle(name + " z; lb; z [mm]") sx = TGraphErrors(nPoints) sx.SetName(name) sx.SetTitle(name + " sx; lb; #sigma(x) [mm]") sy = TGraphErrors(nPoints) sy.SetName(name) sy.SetTitle(name + " sy; lb; #sigma(y) [mm]") sz = TGraphErrors(nPoints) sz.SetName(name) sz.SetTitle(name + " sz; lb; #sigma(z) [mm]") xrms = TGraphErrors(nPoints) xrms.SetName(name + "_rms") xrms.SetTitle(name + "_rms" + " x") yrms = TGraphErrors(nPoints) yrms.SetName(name + "_rms") yrms.SetTitle(name + "_rms" + " y") zrms = TGraphErrors(nPoints) zrms.SetName(name + "_rms") zrms.SetTitle(name + "_rms" + " z") sxrms = TGraphErrors(nPoints) sxrms.SetName(name + "_rms") sxrms.SetTitle(name + "_rms" + " sx") syrms = TGraphErrors(nPoints) syrms.SetName(name + "_rms") syrms.SetTitle(name + "_rms" + " sy") szrms = TGraphErrors(nPoints) szrms.SetName(name + "_rms") szrms.SetTitle(name + "_rms" + " sz") graphs.extend([x, y, z, sx, sy, sz, xrms, yrms, zrms, sxrms, syrms, szrms]) print len(points) for i in range(len(points)): xval = points[i][0] yvals = points[i][1] xerr = 0 x.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[0][0]) y.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[1][0]) z.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[2][0]) sx.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[3][0]) sy.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[4][0]) sz.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[5][0]) x.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[0][1]) y.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[1][1]) z.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[2][1]) sx.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[3][1]) sy.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[4][1]) sz.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[5][1]) xrms.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[0][2]) yrms.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[1][2]) zrms.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[2][2]) sxrms.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[3][2]) syrms.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[4][2]) szrms.SetPoint(i, xval, yvals[5][2]) xrms.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[0][3]) yrms.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[1][3]) zrms.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[2][3]) sxrms.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[3][3]) syrms.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[4][3]) szrms.SetPointError(i, xerr, yvals[5][3]) c = TCanvas("cx") c.Divide(3, 1) x.Draw("ap") y.Draw("ap+Y+") yaxis_xrms = TGaxis(-1, 0.2, 1, 0.2, -1, 2, 510, "+R") yaxis_xrms.ImportAxisAttributes(y.GetHistogram().GetYaxis()) #g = TMultiGraph() #g.Add(x,"aXp") #g.Add(y,"aY*") #g.Draw("a") # graphs.append(g) # aa = y.GetHistogram() #x.Draw("ap") yaxis_xrms.Draw() #axis.PaintAxis(0,0.5,0.1,0.6,0.4,1.4,510,"+R") #y.Draw("pY+sames") #b.Draw("sames") c.Modified() c.Update() #c.Print() canvases.append(c)
#gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle("E[TeV]") #gr.GetXaxis().SetTitleColor(4) #gr.GetYaxis().SetTitle("<T_{delay>}") #gr_QQ.SetTitle("<T_{delay}>[ns] Vs E[TeV]") gr_QQ_5TeV.Draw("ALP") gr_WW_5TeV.Draw("LPsame") gr_QQ_10TeV.Draw("LPsame") gr_WW_10TeV.Draw("LPsame") gr_QQ_20TeV.Draw("LPsame") gr_WW_20TeV.Draw("LPsame") gr_QQ_40TeV.Draw("LPsame") gr_WW_40TeV.Draw("LPsame") if (Sort_particle == 4): gr_QQ_5TeV.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(1.5) gr_QQ_5TeV.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(0.5) else: gr_QQ_5TeV.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(0.4) gr_QQ_5TeV.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(0) gr_QQ_5TeV.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0, 2) gr_QQ_5TeV.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() gr_QQ_5TeV.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() #================================= leg1 = TLegend(0.15, 0.55, 0.35, 0.9) leg1.SetFillColor(0) leg1.SetFillStyle(0) leg1.SetTextSize(0.04) leg1.SetBorderSize(0)
gr.SetLineWidth(2) gr1.SetLineStyle(1) gr1.SetMarkerColor(3) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr1.SetLineWidth(2) gr2.SetLineStyle(1) gr2.SetMarkerColor(4) gr2.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr2.SetLineWidth(2) gr3.SetLineStyle(1) gr3.SetMarkerColor(5) gr3.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr3.SetLineWidth(2) gr1.SetTitle(";E(V/cm) ;Ionization Rate(/cm) ") gr.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(3000) gr.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(0) gr.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0, 10) gr.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() gr.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() #================================ gr.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.02) gr.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.02) gr.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.02) gr.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.02) gr.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(22) gr.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(22) gr.GetXaxis().SetTitleColor(1) gr.GetYaxis().SetTitleColor(1) leg1 = TLegend(0.2, 0.6, 0.5, 0.8)
p2 = round(p2,4) # error of the first parameter e2 = fit_x.GetParError(1) e2 = round(e2,4) print "Chi2 = " + str(chi2) print "P1 = " + str(p1) print "E1 = " + str(e1) TVirtualFitter.GetFitter().GetConfidenceIntervals(grint) grint.SetLineColor(1) grint.SetFillColorAlpha(16,0.65) grint.GetHistogram().SetTitle(" "); grint.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle("Top P_{T} (GeV)") if(THEORY == "PWHGP8" ): grint.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("DATA/Powheg+Pythia8") elif(THEORY == "Kidonakis"): grint.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("DATA/aN^3LO") elif(THEORY == "Mitov"): grint.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("DATA/NNLO") elif(THEORY == "Lipka"): grint.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("DATA/approx. NNLO") elif(THEORY == "Pecjak"): grint.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("DATA/approx. NLO + NNLL'")
h_temp.Draw() temp_x.append( p_ele_dp_ele_from_ang_ftof_isr[ss].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(xx)) temp_xerr.append(0) temp_y.append(f_temp.GetParameter(1)) temp_yerr.append(f_temp.GetParError(1)) can.Print(mon_out_file_name) if len(temp_x) == 0: continue g_temp = TGraphErrors(len(temp_x), temp_x, temp_y, temp_xerr, temp_yerr) g_temp.SetTitle( 'El. P_{e} from #Theta_{e}#Theta_{p} #Delta P_{e} vs P_{e} Pr (FTOF) S' + str(ss) + ', #gamma (ISR) ; P_{e} (GeV); #Delta P_{e}') g_temp.SetMarkerStyle(21) g_temp.SetMarkerColor(kRed) g_temp.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(0.1) g_temp.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(-0.1) g_temp1.append(g_temp) l0 = TLine(temp_x[0], 0.0, temp_x[-1], 0.0) l0.SetLineColor(kRed) l_temp1.append(l0) store_graphs.append(g_temp) can.Clear() can.Divide(2, 3) for ss in range(0, len(g_temp1)): + 1) g_temp1[ss].Draw('AP') l_temp1[ss].Draw('same') can.Print(mon_out_file_name)
fitFcn = TF1("fitFcn","sqrt([0]*[0]/(x)+[1]*[1])",20,300) fitFcn.SetLineColor(2) gr.Fit(fitFcn,"R") print fitFcn.GetChisquare() print fitFcn.GetNDF() print fitFcn.GetChisquare()/fitFcn.GetNDF() fitFcn1 = TF1("fitFcn1","sqrt([0]*[0]/(x)+[1]*[1])",20,300) fitFcn1.SetLineColor(3) gr1.Fit(fitFcn1,"R") print fitFcn1.GetChisquare() print fitFcn1.GetNDF() print fitFcn1.GetChisquare()/fitFcn1.GetNDF() ''' gr_QQ.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(+5) gr_QQ.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(-5) #gr.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0,320) gr_QQ.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() gr_QQ.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() #================================= leg1 = TLegend(0.15, 0.75, 0.35, 0.9) leg1.SetFillColor(0) leg1.SetFillStyle(0) leg1.SetTextSize(0.04) leg1.SetBorderSize(0) leg1.SetTextFont(22) leg1.AddEntry(gr_QQ, "Z'#rightarrowQQ", "lp") leg1.AddEntry(gr_WW, "Z'#rightarrowWW", "lp")
def showDAC(fname, Infox=None, saveName='temp_figs/test', mode=1): lines = None with open(fname, 'r') as f1: lines = f1.readlines() gr1 = TGraphErrors() gr2 = TGraph() gr3 = TGraph() gr4 = TGraph() largeError = -1 largeErrorI = None largeErrorMS = None for line in lines: line = line.rstrip() if len(line) == 0: continue elif line[0] == '#': fs = line.split() code = int(fs[3][5:], 16) print code else: ms = [float(x) for x in line.split(',')][1::2] if mode == 0: ms = [float(line)] mean = nm.mean(ms) error = nm.std(ms) if error > largeError: largeError = error largeErrorI = code largeErrorMS = ms gr1.SetPoint(code, code, mean) gr1.SetPointError(code, 0, error) print largeErrorI, largeErrorMS, nm.mean(largeErrorMS), nm.mean(ms) for i in range(len(largeErrorMS)): gr4.SetPoint(i, i, largeErrorMS[i]) N = gr1.GetN() Ys = gr1.GetY() print Ys[0], Ys[N - 1], Ys[largeErrorI] LSB = (Ys[N - 1] - Ys[0]) / (N - 1) print LSB for i in range(N): gr2.SetPoint(i, i, Ys[i] - (Ys[0] + i * LSB)) gr3.SetPoint(i, i, Ys[i] - Ys[i - 1] - LSB if i > 0 else 0) line = TLine() lt = TLatex() cav1 = TCanvas('cav1', 'cav1', 1000, 800) cav1.Divide(2, 2) gr1.Draw('AP') h1 = gr1.GetHistogram() h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Code') h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle('U [V]') ln1 = line.DrawLine(0, Ys[0], N - 1, Ys[N - 1]) ln1.SetLineColor(2) rgInfo = '[{0:.2g},{1:.2g}] V'.format(Ys[0], Ys[N - 1]) if Infox: rgInfo = Infox + ': ' + rgInfo lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.85, rgInfo) gr4.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr4.Draw('AP') h4 = gr4.GetHistogram() h4.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#it{i}th') h4.GetYaxis().SetTitle('U [V]') lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.2, 0.85, "{0:d} measurements for code={1:d}".format(len(largeErrorMS), largeErrorI)) gr2.SetFillColor(2) gr2.Draw('APB') h2 = gr2.GetHistogram() h2.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Code') h2.GetYaxis().SetTitle('INL [V]') lY = LSB if gr2.GetMean(2) > 0 else -LSB ln2 = line.DrawLine(0, lY, N, lY) ln2.SetLineStyle(2) lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.6, 0.85, "Max INL={0:.1f} LSB".format(max([abs(x) for x in gr2.GetY()]) / LSB)) gr3.SetFillColor(4) gr3.Draw('APB') h3 = gr3.GetHistogram() h3.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Code') h3.GetYaxis().SetTitle('DNL [V]') lY = LSB if gr3.GetMean(2) > 0 else -LSB ln3 = line.DrawLine(0, lY, N, lY) ln3.SetLineStyle(2) lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.6, 0.85, "Max DNL={0:.1f} LSB".format(max([abs(x) for x in gr3.GetY()]) / LSB)) waitRootCmdX(saveName)
def MedianCharges(): canvas = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 600) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) #hides stat table gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) thick = [25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 270, 280, 290, 300, 310] nOfPoints = len(thick) #Allpix with CT chargesAllpix1 = [ 0.224, 0.468, 1.197, 1.864, 2.521, 3.193, 3.466, 3.592, 3.733, 3.863, 3.991 ] errorsAllpix1 = [0.063] + [0.002] * (nOfPoints - 1) #Allpix no CT chargesAllpix2 = [ 0.224, 0.504, 1.266, 1.961, 2.654, 3.361, 3.6479, 3.7848, 3.9223, 4.058, 4.206 ] errorsAllpix2 = [0.057] + [0.002] * (nOfPoints - 1) #Athena chargesAthena = [ 0.35, 0.731, 1.364, 1.949, 2.425, 2.809, 2.9257, 2.9877, 3.042, 3.093, 3.141 ] errorsAthena = [ 0.079, 0.001, 0.002, 0.002, 0.003, 0.003, 0.007, 0.007, 0.007, 0.007, 0.007 ] graphAllpix1 = TGraphErrors(nOfPoints) graphAllpix2 = TGraphErrors(nOfPoints) graphAthena = TGraphErrors(nOfPoints) for i in range(nOfPoints): graphAllpix1.SetPoint(i, thick[i], chargesAllpix1[i]) graphAllpix1.SetPointError(i, 0, errorsAllpix1[i]) graphAllpix2.SetPoint(i, thick[i], chargesAllpix2[i]) graphAllpix2.SetPointError(i, 0, errorsAllpix2[i]) graphAthena.SetPoint(i, thick[i], chargesAthena[i]) graphAthena.SetPointError(i, 0, errorsAthena[i]) graphAllpix1.SetMarkerSize(1) graphAllpix1.SetMarkerColor(2) graphAllpix1.SetMarkerStyle(22) graphAllpix1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Active sensor thickness [#mum]") graphAllpix1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Median charge [fC]") graphAllpix1.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(4.4) graphAllpix1.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(2.8) graphAllpix1.GetXaxis().SetLimits(260, 320) graphAllpix2.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0, 330) graphAthena.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0, 330) graphAllpix2.SetMarkerSize(1) graphAllpix2.SetMarkerColor(1) graphAllpix2.SetMarkerStyle(21) graphAthena.SetMarkerSize(1) graphAthena.SetMarkerColor(4) graphAthena.SetMarkerStyle(23) graphAllpix1.Draw("AP") graphAllpix2.Draw("sameP") graphAthena.Draw("sameP") graphAllpix1Func = TF1("graphAllpix1Func", "[0]*x+[1]", 0, 310) graphAllpix2Func = TF1("graphAllpix2Func", "[0]*x+[1]", 0, 310) graphAthenaFunc = TF1("graphAthenaFunc", "[0]*x+[1]", 240, 320) # graphAthenaFunc = TF1("graphAthenaFunc","[0]*x**2+[1]*x+[2]",0, 310) graphAllpix1Func.SetLineStyle(2) graphAllpix1Func.SetLineColor(2) graphAllpix2Func.SetLineStyle(2) graphAllpix2Func.SetLineColor(1) graphAthenaFunc.SetLineStyle(2) graphAthenaFunc.SetLineColor(4) graphAllpix1.Fit("graphAllpix1Func") graphAllpix2.Fit("graphAllpix2Func") graphAthena.Fit("graphAthenaFunc", "r") # textSize = legend = TLegend(0.13, 0.63, 0.33, 0.88) legend.SetBorderSize(0) # legend.SetTextSize(textSize) legend.AddEntry(graphAllpix2, "Allpix, no crosstalk", "p") legend.AddEntry(graphAllpix2Func, "Linear fit", "l") legend.AddEntry(graphAllpix1, "Allpix, crosstalk", "p") legend.AddEntry(graphAllpix1Func, "Linear fit", "l") legend.AddEntry(graphAthena, "Athena", "p") legend.AddEntry(graphAthenaFunc, "Linear fit", "l") legend.Draw("same") canvas.SaveAs("results/Thickness.pdf")
gr_WW = TGraphErrors(4, X_PT, Fraction_WW, X_Error, Y_Error_WW) gr_WW.SetLineColor(3) gr_WW.SetLineWidth(1) gr_WW.SetLineStyle(1) gr_WW.SetMarkerColor(2) gr_WW.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr_WW.SetMarkerSize(1) #gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle("E[TeV]") #gr.GetXaxis().SetTitleColor(4) #gr.GetYaxis().SetTitle("<T_{delay>}") #gr_QQ.SetTitle("<T_{delay}>[ns] Vs E[TeV]") gr_QQ.Draw("ALP") gr_WW.Draw("LPsame") gr_QQ.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(1.2) gr_QQ.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(0) gr_QQ.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0, 2) gr_QQ.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() gr_QQ.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() #================================= leg1 = TLegend(0.15, 0.75, 0.35, 0.9) leg1.SetFillColor(0) leg1.SetFillStyle(0) leg1.SetTextSize(0.04) leg1.SetBorderSize(0) leg1.SetTextFont(22) leg1.AddEntry( gr_QQ, "Z'(" + str(Energy_List[Energy]) + "TeV)#rightarrowq#bar{q}#rightarrow1 subjet", "lp")
gr4.SetMarkerColor(6) gr4.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr4.SetLineWidth(2) gr5.SetLineStyle(1) gr5.SetMarkerColor(7) gr5.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr5.SetLineWidth(2) #gr.SetTitle(";mass[GeV] ;Log_{10}P [GeV] ") gr.SetTitle(";L[cm] ;p[GeV] ") gr.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 200) gr.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 14) #====M vs P gr.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(6) gr.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(0) #gr.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0,1000) gr.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() gr.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() gr.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) gr.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) #================================ gr.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) gr.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) gr.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) gr.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) gr.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(22) gr.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(22) gr.GetXaxis().SetTitleColor(1)