def make_tgrapherrors(name, title, color=1, marker=20, marker_size=1, width=1, asym_err=False, style=1, x=None, y=None): if (x and y) is None: gr = TGraphErrors() if not asym_err else TGraphAsymmErrors() else: gr = TGraphErrors(len(x), array(x, 'd'), array( y, 'd')) if not asym_err else TGraphAsymmErrors( len(x), array(x, 'd'), array(y), 'd') gr.SetTitle(title) gr.SetName(name) gr.SetMarkerStyle(marker) gr.SetMarkerColor(color) gr.SetLineColor(color) gr.SetMarkerSize(marker_size) gr.SetLineWidth(width) gr.SetLineStyle(style) return gr
def draw_nse_mean(self): cent_bin1 = [0, 4, 7] cent_bin2 = [3, 6, 8] p_bin1 = [ 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 ] p_bin2 = [ 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0 ] gr_mean = TGraphErrors() gr_width = TGraphErrors() gr_eff = TGraphErrors() for i in range(0, len(p_bin1)): f_gaus = self.draw_nse(cent_bin1[1], cent_bin2[1], p_bin1[i], p_bin2[i], -1, 2) mean = f_gaus.GetParameter(1) mean_err = f_gaus.GetParError(1) width = f_gaus.GetParameter(2) width_err = f_gaus.GetParError(2) gr_mean.SetPoint(i, (p_bin1[i] + p_bin2[i]) * 0.5, mean) gr_mean.SetPointError(i, (p_bin2[i] - p_bin1[i]) * 0.5, mean_err) gr_width.SetPoint(i, (p_bin1[i] + p_bin2[i]) * 0.5, width) gr_width.SetPointError(i, (p_bin2[i] - p_bin1[i]) * 0.5, width_err) p = 0.5 * (p_bin1[i] + p_bin2[i]) if p < 1: nse_low = 0.5 * p - 1.5 else: nse_low = -1 m = f_gaus.Integral(nse_low, 2.0) N = f_gaus.Integral(-10.0, 10.0) gr_eff.SetPoint(i, p, m / N) gr_eff.SetPointError(i, (p_bin2[i] - p_bin1[i]) * 0.5, eff_err(m, N)) gr_mean.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr_mean.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr_mean.SetMarkerColor(632) gr_width.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr_width.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr_width.SetMarkerColor(600) gr_eff.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr_eff.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr_eff.SetMarkerColor(600) hx = histo(0, 10, -0.2, 1.2, "p_{T}(GeV/c)", "Mean/Width") canvas_file = self.__canvas__ c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1000, 800) hx.Draw() gr_width.Draw("psame") gr_mean.Draw("psame") c1.Write("nse") c1.SaveAs("nse.png") c2 = TCanvas("c2", "c2", 1000, 800) hx.GetYaxis().SetTitle("n#sigma_{e} cut efficiency") hx.Draw() gr_eff.Draw("psame") c2.Write("nse_eff") c2.SaveAs("nse_eff.png")
def testIthr(): lines = get_lines('DAC_scan_ithr_0x40to0xf0.dat') gr1 = TGraphErrors() gr2 = TGraphErrors() fUnit = 1000. / 0.7 yUnit = 'e^{-}' for line in lines: if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] in ['#', '\n']: continue fs = line.rstrip().split() ix = int(fs[0]) gr1.SetPoint(ix, float(fs[1]), float(fs[2]) * fUnit) gr1.SetPointError(ix, 0, float(fs[3]) * fUnit) gr2.SetPoint(ix, float(fs[1]), float(fs[4]) * fUnit) gr2.SetPointError(ix, 0, float(fs[5]) * fUnit) useAtlasStyle() gStyle.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr1.Draw('AP') h1 = gr1.GetHistogram() h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Threshold [" + yUnit + "]") h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("I_{Thre} code") # h1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.2) gPad.SetTicks(1, 0) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.16) y1b = 0 y2b = 15 x1 = h1.GetXaxis().GetXmax() y1 = h1.GetYaxis().GetXmin() y2 = h1.GetYaxis().GetXmax() raxis = TGaxis(x1, y1, x1, y2, y1b, y2b, 506, "+L") raxis.SetLineColor(2) raxis.SetLabelColor(2) raxis.SetTitleColor(2) raxis.SetTitle("ENC [" + yUnit + "]") raxis.Draw() nP = gr2.GetN() Ys = gr2.GetY() EYs = gr2.GetEY() Y = array( 'd', [y1 + (y2 - y1) / (y2b - y1b) * (Ys[i] - y1b) for i in range(nP)]) EY = array('d', [(y2 - y1) / (y2b - y1b) * EYs[i] for i in range(nP)]) gr2x = TGraphErrors(nP, gr2.GetX(), Y, gr2.GetEX(), EY) gr2x.SetMarkerStyle(24) gr2x.SetLineColor(2) gr2x.SetMarkerColor(2) gr2x.Draw('Psame') waitRootCmdX()
def plotGainSummary(self, strDetName): #Create the Plot - Average gDet_AvgEffGain = TGraphErrors(len(self.GAIN_AVG_POINTS)) gDet_AvgEffGain.SetName("g_{0}_EffGainAvg".format(strDetName)) #Create the Plot - Max Gain gDet_MaxEffGain = TGraphErrors(len(self.GAIN_MAX_POINTS)) gDet_MaxEffGain.SetName("g_{0}_EffGainMax".format(strDetName)) #Create the Plot - Min Gain gDet_MinEffGain = TGraphErrors(len(self.GAIN_MIN_POINTS)) gDet_MinEffGain.SetName("g_{0}_EffGainMin".format(strDetName)) #Set and print the points #print "===============Printing Gain Data===============" #print "[BEGIN_DATA]" #print "\tVAR_INDEP,VAR_DEP,VAR_DEP_ERR" for i in range(0, len(self.GAIN_AVG_POINTS)): #Average gDet_AvgEffGain.SetPoint(i, self.DET_IMON_POINTS[i], self.GAIN_AVG_POINTS[i]) gDet_AvgEffGain.SetPointError(i, 0, self.GAIN_STDDEV_POINTS[i]) #print "\t%f,%f,%f"%(self.DET_IMON_POINTS[i],self.GAIN_AVG_POINTS[i],self.GAIN_STDDEV_POINTS[i]) #Max gDet_MaxEffGain.SetPoint(i, self.DET_IMON_POINTS[i], self.GAIN_MAX_POINTS[i]) #Min gDet_MinEffGain.SetPoint(i, self.DET_IMON_POINTS[i], self.GAIN_MIN_POINTS[i]) pass #print "[END_DATA]" #print "" #Draw canv_AvgEffGain = TCanvas( "canv_{0}_EffGainAvg".format(strDetName), "{0} Average Effective Gain".format(strDetName), 600, 600) gDet_AvgEffGain.GetXaxis().SetTitle("HV") gDet_AvgEffGain.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#LT Effective Gain #GT") gDet_AvgEffGain.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e2, 1e6) gDet_AvgEffGain.SetMarkerStyle(21) gDet_AvgEffGain.Draw("AP") gDet_MaxEffGain.Draw("sameL") gDet_MinEffGain.Draw("sameL") #Write dir_Summary = self.FILE_OUT.mkdir("Summary") canv_AvgEffGain.Write() gDet_AvgEffGain.Write() gDet_MaxEffGain.Write() gDet_MinEffGain.Write() return
def draw_tof_cut_eff(self, cent_low, cent_high): cent_bin1 = [0, 4, 7] cent_bin2 = [3, 6, 8] p_bin1 = [ 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 ] p_bin2 = [ 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0 ] gr_mean = TGraphErrors() gr_width = TGraphErrors() gr_eff = TGraphErrors() for i in range(0, len(p_bin1)): f_gaus = self.draw_tof_cut(cent_bin1[1], cent_bin2[1], p_bin1[i], p_bin2[i]) mean = f_gaus.GetParameter(1) mean_err = f_gaus.GetParError(1) width = f_gaus.GetParameter(2) width_err = f_gaus.GetParError(2) gr_mean.SetPoint(i, (p_bin1[i] + p_bin2[i]) * 0.5, mean) gr_mean.SetPointError(i, (p_bin2[i] - p_bin1[i]) * 0.5, mean_err) gr_width.SetPoint(i, (p_bin1[i] + p_bin2[i]) * 0.5, width) gr_width.SetPointError(i, (p_bin2[i] - p_bin1[i]) * 0.5, width_err) m = f_gaus.Integral(0.97, 1.03) N = f_gaus.GetParameter(0) * math.sqrt( 2 * math.pi) * f_gaus.GetParameter(2) print m, N gr_eff.SetPoint(i, (p_bin1[i] + p_bin2[i]) * 0.5, m / N) gr_eff.SetPointError(i, (p_bin2[i] - p_bin1[i]) * 0.5, eff_err(m, N)) gr_mean.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr_mean.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr_mean.SetMarkerColor(632) gr_width.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr_width.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr_width.SetMarkerColor(600) gr_eff.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr_eff.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr_eff.SetMarkerColor(600) hx = histo(0, 10, -0.2, 1.2, "p_{T}(GeV/c)", "Mean/Width") canvas_file = self.__canvas__ c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1000, 800) hx.GetYaxis().SetTitle("1/#beta cut efficency") hx.Draw() gr_width.Draw("psame") gr_mean.Draw("psame") c1.Write("tof") c1.SaveAs("tof.png") c2 = TCanvas("c2", "c2", 1000, 800) hx.Draw() gr_eff.Draw("psame") c2.Write("tof_cut_eff") c2.SaveAs("tof_cut.png")
def plotPDSummary(self, strDetName): #Create the Plot - Average gDet_AvgPD = TGraphErrors(len(self.PD_AVG_POINTS)) gDet_AvgPD.SetName("g_{0}_PDAvg".format(strDetName)) #Create the Plot - Max Gain gDet_MaxPD = TGraphErrors(len(self.PD_MAX_POINTS)) gDet_MaxPD.SetName("g_{0}_PDMax".format(strDetName)) #Create the Plot - Min Gain gDet_MinPD = TGraphErrors(len(self.PD_MIN_POINTS)) gDet_MinPD.SetName("g_" + strDetName + "_PDMin") gDet_MinPD.SetName("g_{0}_PDMin".format(strDetName)) #Set the points for i in range(0, len(self.PD_AVG_POINTS)): #Average gDet_AvgPD.SetPoint(i, self.GAIN_AVG_POINTS[i], self.PD_AVG_POINTS[i]) gDet_AvgPD.SetPointError(i, self.GAIN_STDDEV_POINTS[i], self.PD_STDDEV_POINTS[i]) #Max gDet_MaxPD.SetPoint(i, self.GAIN_AVG_POINTS[i], self.PD_MAX_POINTS[i]) #Min gDet_MinPD.SetPoint(i, self.GAIN_AVG_POINTS[i], self.PD_MIN_POINTS[i]) #Draw canv_AvgPD = TCanvas("canv_{0}_PDAvg".format(strDetName), "{0} Discharge Probability".format(strDetName), 600, 600) gDet_AvgPD.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#LT Effective Gain #GT") gDet_AvgPD.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Discharge Probability P_{D}") gDet_AvgPD.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-11, 1e-6) gDet_AvgPD.SetMarkerStyle(21) gDet_AvgPD.Draw("AP") gDet_MaxPD.Draw("sameL") gDet_MinPD.Draw("sameL") #Write dir_Summary = self.FILE_OUT.GetDirectory("Summary") canv_AvgPD.Write() gDet_AvgPD.Write() gDet_MaxPD.Write() gDet_MinPD.Write() return
def fit(label, iter, xs_file, tfunc, xmin, xmax, is_fit=True): ''' ARGUE: 1. label of your input 2. iter name 3. data source file path and its name 4. fit function 5. minimum of tfunc 6. maximum of tfunc 7. is fit or not ''' ipoint, gaexs, geeff, gexs = 0, TGraphAsymmErrors(0), TGraphErrors( 0), TGraphErrors(0) ipoint_xs = 0 for line in open(xs_file): try: fargs = map(float, line.strip().split()) sample, ecms, lum, br, nsig, nsigerrl, nsigerrh = fargs[0], fargs[ 1], fargs[2], fargs[3], fargs[4], fargs[5], fargs[6] eff, isr, vp, N0 = fargs[7], fargs[8], fargs[9], fargs[10] ''' USER DEFINE SECTION { formula of cross section ''' xs = nsig / (2 * lum * eff * br * isr) xserrl = sqrt(3) * nsigerrl / (2 * lum * eff * br * isr) xserrh = sqrt(3) * nsigerrh / (2 * lum * eff * br * isr) ''' } USER DEFINE SECTION ''' gexs.Set(ipoint_xs + 1) gexs.SetPoint(ipoint_xs, ecms, xs) gexs.SetPointError(ipoint_xs, 0.0, xserrl) ipoint_xs += 1 if (sample == 4700 and xmin == 4.0205): continue gaexs.Set(ipoint + 1) gaexs.SetPoint(ipoint, ecms, xs) gaexs.SetPointError(ipoint, 0.0, 0.0, xserrl, xserrh) geeff.Set(ipoint + 1) geeff.SetPoint(ipoint, ecms, eff * isr) geeff.SetPointError(ipoint, 0.0, sqrt(isr * eff * (1.00 - eff) / N0)) ipoint += 1 except: ''' ''' if is_fit: results = gaexs.Fit(tfunc, 'S') path_user = '******' + label + '_' + iter + '.dat' f_user = open(path_user, 'w') for i in xrange(int((xmax - xmin) / 0.001)): ecm = xmin + i * 0.001 xs_ecm = tfunc.Eval(ecm) out = str(ecm) + ' ' + str(xs_ecm) + '\n' f_user.write(out) f_user.close() return gaexs, geeff, gexs, tfunc
def plotGainSummary(self, strDetName): #Create the Plot - Average gDet_AvgEffGain = TGraphErrors( len(self.GAIN_AVG_POINTS) ) #gDet_AvgEffGain.SetName("g_" + strDetName + "_EffGainAvg") gDet_AvgEffGain.SetName("g_{0}_EffGainAvg".format(strDetName)) #Create the Plot - Max Gain gDet_MaxEffGain = TGraphErrors( len(self.GAIN_MAX_POINTS) ) #gDet_MaxEffGain.SetName("g_" + strDetName + "_EffGainMax") gDet_MaxEffGain.SetName("g_{0}_EffGainMax".format(strDetName)) #Create the Plot - Min Gain gDet_MinEffGain = TGraphErrors( len(self.GAIN_MIN_POINTS) ) #gDet_MinEffGain.SetName("g_" + strDetName + "_EffGainMin") gDet_MinEffGain.SetName("g_{0}_EffGainMin".format(strDetName)) #Set the points for i in range(0, len(self.GAIN_AVG_POINTS) ): #Average gDet_AvgEffGain.SetPoint(i,self.DET_IMON_POINTS[i],self.GAIN_AVG_POINTS[i]) gDet_AvgEffGain.SetPointError(i,0,self.GAIN_STDDEV_POINTS[i]) #Max gDet_MaxEffGain.SetPoint(i,self.DET_IMON_POINTS[i],self.GAIN_MAX_POINTS[i]) #Min gDet_MinEffGain.SetPoint(i,self.DET_IMON_POINTS[i],self.GAIN_MIN_POINTS[i]) #Draw #canv_AvgEffGain = TCanvas("canv_" + strDetName + "_EffGainAvg",strDetName + " Average Effective Gain",600,600) canv_AvgEffGain = TCanvas("canv_{0}_EffGainAvg".format(strDetName),"{0} Average Effective Gain".format(strDetName),600,600) gDet_AvgEffGain.GetXaxis().SetTitle("HV") gDet_AvgEffGain.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#LT Effective Gain #GT") gDet_AvgEffGain.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e2,1e6) gDet_AvgEffGain.SetMarkerStyle(21) gDet_AvgEffGain.Draw("AP") gDet_MaxEffGain.Draw("sameL") gDet_MinEffGain.Draw("sameL") #Write dir_Summary = self.FILE_OUT.mkdir("Summary") canv_AvgEffGain.Write() gDet_AvgEffGain.Write() gDet_MaxEffGain.Write() gDet_MinEffGain.Write() return
def __init__(self, num_pars=0, pars=None, norm=True): pars = pars or [] self._numPars = num_pars self.parameter = pars self.fCov = [[None for j in range(self._numPars)] for i in range(self._numPars) ] # Simple matrix replacement self._dEff_dP = list() self.TGraph = TGraphErrors() # Normalization factors self._doNorm = norm self.norm = 1.0 self.TF1.FixParameter(0, self.norm) # Normalization self.TF1.SetRange(0, 10000) # Default range for efficiency function self._fitInput = Pairs(lambda x: ufloat(x, 0)) # if self.parameter: # Parameters were given # map(lambda i: self.TF1.SetParameter(i + 1, self.parameter[i]), range(1, len(pars))) # Set initial parameters # else: # self.parameter = [None for i in range(1, self._numPars + 1)] # self.TF1.SetParName(0, "N") # Normalization for i in range(0, num_pars): self._dEff_dP.append(None) if num_pars <= len(string.ascii_lowercase): self.TF1.SetParName(i + 1, string.ascii_lowercase[i])
def dip_residual_method(): hh = TH2F("hh", "", 20, hodo_center - 4.0, hodo_center + 4.0, 200, -2, 2) cuts = 'n_tracks==1 && amp_max[{}]>1000 && amp_max[{}]>1000'.format( self.xtal[0], self.xtal[1]) t_tree.Draw("(fit_time[{0}]-fit_time[{1}]):{2}>>hh".format( self.xtal[0], self.xtal[1], axis[0]), cuts, "COLZ") # Plot dt vs (X or Y) hh.FitSlicesY() # Fit slices with gaussians gr = TGraphErrors(t_file.Get( "hh_1")) # hh_1 is the histo of means from FitSlicesY ## Sorry for the confusing names. We plot dt vs (X or Y), so dt is our y_var, and dx is our x_var, the distance term (ie X OR Y) points = range(gr.GetN()) dx = array('d', gr.GetX()) dt = array('d', gr.GetY()) p1 = TF1("p1", "pol1") TGraph(gr.GetN(), dx, dt).Fit("p1", "WQ") # Fit dt_mean vs Y linearly ## Sum each 3 consecutive residuals, take the max from this value's abs(), and the middle index is where the "dip" is farthest from the fit, the "center" res = [dt[i] - p1.Eval(dx[i]) for i in points] # The residual between the fit and data sum_res = [abs(sum(res[i:i + 3])) for i in points[:-2] ] # Sum 3 residuals ([:-2] to avoid index out of range) axis_center = dx[ sum_res.index(max(sum_res)) + 1] # +1 b/c we index the 1st out of 3 residuals, but we want the middle one return axis_center
def compareEEC( filename="sjm91_all.root", datafilename="../EECMC/share/OPAL/data.dat" ): f= TFile( filename ) ao= createAnalysisObservable( f, "EEC" ) tokens= datafilename.split( "/" ) exp= tokens[3] plotoptions= { "xmin": 0.0, "xmax": 3.14159, "ymin": 0.05, "ymax": 5.0, "markerStyle": 20, "markerSize": 0.5, "drawas": "3", "fillcolor": 6, "title": "EEC "+exp, "xlabel": "\chi\ [rad.]", "ylabel": "1/\sigma d\Sigma/d\chi", "logy": 1 } tgest, tgesy= ao.plot( plotoptions ) lines= [ line.rstrip( '\n' ) for line in open( datafilename ) ] n= len( lines ) points= TVectorD( n ) values= TVectorD( n ) errors= TVectorD( n ) perrs= TVectorD(n) grad2rad= 3.14159/180.0 for i in range( n ): line= (lines[i]).split() points[i]= float(line[0])*grad2rad values[i]= float(line[3]) errors[i]= float(line[4]) perrs[i]= 0.0 datatge= TGraphErrors( points, values, perrs, errors ) datatge.SetMarkerStyle( 20 ) datatge.SetMarkerSize( 0.5 ) datatge.Draw( "psame" ) legend= TLegend( 0.2, 0.7, 0.5, 0.85 ) datatge.SetName( "datatge" ); tgesy.SetName( "tgesy" ) legend.AddEntry( "datatge", exp+" data", "pe" ) legend.AddEntry( "tgesy", "OPAL "+filename, "f" ) legend.Draw() return
def overlay(self, x, y, dx=None, dy=None, symbol='plus', color='black'): npts, xx, yy, dxx, dyy = self._fillArrays(x, y, dx, dy) if npts == 0: return self.graphs.append(TGraphErrors(npts, xx, yy, dxx, dyy)) self._drawData(self.graphs[-1], symbol, color)
def load_cck(): #model by Guillermo at. al. f = open("data/data-dtdy-y_0-RHIC-clean_CCK.dat", "read") sigma = [] for line in f: if line[0] == "#": continue p = line.split("\t") t = float(p[3]) nucl = float(p[4]) hs = float(p[8]) sigma.append({"t": t, "nucl": nucl, "hs": hs}) #correction from gamma-Au to AuAu by Michal k_auau = 9.0296 #scaling to XnXn kx = 0.1702 gCCK = TGraphErrors(len(sigma)) for i in xrange(len(sigma)): gCCK.SetPoint(i, sigma[i]["t"], sigma[i]["hs"] * k_auau * kx) gCCK.SetLineColor(rt.kRed) gCCK.SetLineWidth(3) gCCK.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashed) # 9 return gCCK
def CalibrationENC(calibration_filename): # Read data fron the calibration curve dataset C, e_C, noise_rms, d_noise_rms, fall_time, d_fall_time, amplitude, d_amplitude = LoadCalibrationFile(calibration_filename) noise_rms = noise_rms / 1000. # convert form \muV to mV d_noise_rms = d_noise_rms / 1000. ENC = (noise_rms/amplitude) * (C * 20.0) * pow(10,-15) / (1.602 * pow(10,-19) ) #pF * mV = 10^-12 * 10^-3 = 10^-15 C / 10^-19 C = 10^4 electrons d_ENC = np.zeros([len(ENC)]) for i in range(len(ENC)): d_ENC[i] = sqrt( d_noise_rms[i]*d_noise_rms[i]*(C[i] * 20.0/amplitude[i])*(C[i] * 20.0/amplitude[i]) + d_amplitude[i]*d_amplitude[i]*((noise_rms[i]/(amplitude[i]*amplitude[i])) * (C[i] * 20.0))*((noise_rms[i]/(amplitude[i]*amplitude[i])) * (C[i] * 20.0)) ) d_ENC = d_ENC * pow(10,-15) / (1.602 * pow(10,-19) ) # conversted to # of electrons calib_curve = TGraphErrors(len(ENC), array('d', C[:-1].tolist()), array('d', ENC.tolist()), array('d', e_C.tolist()), array('d', d_ENC) ) # Construct the fit with a 1st and 2nd order polynomial fit_curve = TF1('fit_curve','[1]*x + [0]',0.,110.) fit_curve2 = TF1('fit_curve2','[0]*x*x + [1]*x + [2]',0.,110.) # Fit the calibration curve calib_curve.Fit(fit_curve,'R') calib_curve.Fit(fit_curve2, 'R') lin_par0 = fit_curve.GetParameter(0) lin_e_par0 = fit_curve.GetParError(0) lin_par1 = fit_curve.GetParameter(1) lin_e_par1 = fit_curve.GetParError(1) xx = np.linspace(0., 105, 1000) yy = [fit_curve.Eval(x) for x in xx] yy2 = [fit_curve2.Eval(x) for x in xx] par = [lin_par0, lin_par1] l = 'fit pol1 $p_0$: {:.3g} $p_1$: {:.3g}'.format(*par) # Plot the calibration curve with matplotlib font0 = FontProperties() font = font0.copy() font.set_style('italic') font.set_weight('bold') font.set_size('x-large') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel('C [pF]') ax.set_ylabel('ENC [# of electrons]') ax.errorbar(C, ENC, d_ENC, marker='o', color='k', linestyle='None', label='Data') ax.plot(xx, yy, color='r', label=l) ax.plot(xx, yy2, color='g', label='fit pol2') ax.text(0.05,0.65, 'Group 1', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', fontproperties=font, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.legend(loc='upper left', numpoints=1) plt.grid() fig.savefig('../graphics/calibrationENC_diode.pdf') plt.close(fig) plt.clf() return lin_par0, lin_e_par0, lin_par1, lin_e_par1
def test1a(fname='data/fpgaLin/dp02a_Mar04C1a_data_0.root'): add_fit_menu() t1 = TChain('reco') t1.Add(fname) t1.Show(0) V = 200 gr1 = TGraphErrors() for i in range(19): lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2,0.4,'Ch={0:d}'.format(i)) t1.Draw('Q[{0:d}]>>hx{0:d}'.format(i),'tID!=7') hx = gPad.GetPrimitive('hx{0:d}'.format(i)) hx.Fit('gaus') fun1 = hx.GetFunction('gaus') encN = 7.40*V*fun1.GetParameter(2)/fun1.GetParameter(1) encE = 7.40*V*fun1.GetParError(2)/fun1.GetParameter(1) gr1.SetPoint(i,i,encN) gr1.SetPointError(i,0,encE) gr1.Draw('AP') waitRootCmdX()
def __init__(self, file_name): file = open(file_name) out = open(output, 'w') for line in file: #calculate errors and dump the content to output file if '#' in line: continue t, vin, vout = [float(x) for x in line.split()] te = osc_error_t(t, TIME_DIV) vd = vin - vout voute = osc_error_v(vout, POT_DIV) vde = osc_error_v(vd, POT_DIV) id = vout / R[0] if vout: ide = id * ((voute / vout) + (R[1] / R[0])) else: ide = id * (R[1] / R[0]) new_line = [vd, id, vde, ide] new_line = ' '.join([str(x) for x in new_line]) + '\n' out.write(new_line) file.close() out.close() #create Graph. ROOT automatically reads columns self.graph = TGraphErrors(output) self.graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) self.func = TF1("shockley", "[0]*(exp(x/[1])-1)", 0.1, 1) self.func.SetParameters(5, 0.026)
def __make_summary_plot(self, name, ibin2, successful): # Nominal histogram successful_tmp = copy(successful) successful_tmp.sort() filename = f"finalcross{}{self.typean}mult{ibin2}.root" filepath = join(self.nominal_analyzer_merged.d_resultsallpdata, filename) nominal_histo = self.__get_histogram(filepath, name) histos = [] ml_trials = [] for succ in successful_tmp: filename = f"finalcross{}{self.typean}mult{ibin2}.root" filepath = join(self.analyzers_syst[succ].d_resultsallpdata, filename) histos.append(self.__get_histogram(filepath, name)) ml_trials.append( list(map(itemgetter(self.mcopt), self.ml_wps[succ]))) nptbins = self.nominal_processer_mc.p_nptfinbins gr = [TGraphErrors(0) for _ in range(nptbins)] for ipt in range(nptbins): gr[ipt].SetTitle("pT bin %d" % ipt) gr[ipt].SetPoint(0, self.cent_cv_cut[ipt], nominal_histo.GetBinContent(ipt + 1)) gr[ipt].SetPointError(0, 0.0001, nominal_histo.GetBinError(ipt + 1)) for iml, succ in enumerate(successful_tmp): gr[ipt].SetPoint(iml + 1, ml_trials[succ][ipt], histos[succ].GetBinContent(ipt + 1)) gr[ipt].SetPointError(iml + 1, 0.0001, histos[succ].GetBinError(ipt + 1)) canvas = TCanvas("cvsml%d" % ibin2, "", 1200, 800) if len(gr) <= 6: canvas.Divide(3, 2) elif len(gr) <= 12: canvas.Divide(4, 3) else: canvas.Divide(5, 4) for i, graph in enumerate(gr): + 1) graph.Draw("a*") save_path = join(self.nominal_analyzer_merged.d_resultsallpdata, self.syst_out_dir, f"ml_wp_syst_{name}_vs_MLcut_ibin2_{ibin2}.eps") canvas.SaveAs(save_path) save_path = join(self.nominal_analyzer_merged.d_resultsallpdata, self.syst_out_dir, f"ml_wp_syst_{name}_vs_MLcut_ibin2_{ibin2}.root") file_out = TFile.Open(save_path, "RECREATE") for i, graph in enumerate(gr): graph.Write("%s%d" % (graph.GetName(), i)) canvas.Write() file_out.Close() canvas.Close()
def TGraph(x, y, yError=None, xError=None, **kwargs): __parseDrawOptions(kwargs) import sys #TODO: Need to check the types try: assert (len(x) == len(y)) except AssertionError: print "Oops! Data points x and y aren't of the same size!" sys.exit() nPoints = len(x) from array import array if xError is None: xError = __zeros(nPoints) if yError is None: yError = __zeros(nPoints) from ROOT import TGraphErrors graph = TGraphErrors(nPoints, array('d', x), array('d', y), array('d', xError), array('d', yError)) graph.SetTitle(__drawOptions['title']) graph.SetMarkerStyle(__drawOptions['mstyle']) graph.SetMarkerSize(__drawOptions['msize']) graph.SetMarkerColor(__drawOptions['mcolour']) graph.SetFillStyle(0) graph.SetFillColor(0) return graph
def __init__(self, models, bcids, values, fill=4954, workinprogress=False): """Initialize a summary plot of values per model and bcid.""" nbcid, nmodels = len(bcids), len(models) order = sorted(range(nbcid), key=lambda i: bcids[i]) mini, maxi = 1.0e99, -1.0e99 multi = TMultiGraph('summary', '') for i, mod in enumerate(models): xval = array( 'd', [c + 0.09 * (i - 0.5 * nmodels) for c in range(nbcid)]) xerr = array('d', [0.0] * nbcid) yval = array('d', [values[i][j][0] for j in order]) yerr = array('d', [values[i][j][1] for j in order]) #[0.0]*nbcid) mini = min(mini, min([v - e for v, e in zip(yval, yerr)])) maxi = max(maxi, max([v + e for v, e in zip(yval, yerr)])) graph = TGraphErrors(nbcid, xval, yval, xerr, yerr) graph.SetName('summary_{0}'.format(mod)) multi.Add(graph) self._multi = multi mini, maxi = mini - 0.08 * (maxi - mini), maxi + 0.25 * (maxi - mini) hist = TH2F('axishist', '', nbcid, -0.5, nbcid - 0.5, 100, mini, maxi) for i, j in enumerate(order): hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, str(bcids[j])) SingleGraphBase.__init__(self, hist, 'summary', fill, workinprogress) for gr in multi.GetListOfGraphs(): self.add(gr, draw=False) self._xtitle = 'bcid' self._drawoption = 'AXIS' self.markers = [markers(i) for i in range(nmodels)] self.colors = [colors(i) for i in range(nmodels)] self.xrange(-0.5, nbcid - 0.5) self.yrange(mini, maxi)
def rescaleJetPlot(plot): #loop on all data points nPoints = plot.GetN() # print "old:",plot.GetName(), nPoints #create another TGraph newPlot = TGraphErrors() for i in xrange(0, nPoints): dataPointX = Double(0) dataPointY = Double(0) error = Double(0) plot.GetPoint(i, dataPointX, dataPointY) #if numpy.isnan(dataPointY) : dataPointY = 0.000001 if dataPointY < 0.000001: dataPointY = 0.000001 errorX = plot.GetErrorX(i) errorY = plot.GetErrorY(i) newPlot.SetPoint(i, dataPointX / 1000., dataPointY) newPlot.SetPointError(i, errorX / 1000., errorY) # print "new:", newPlot.GetName(), newPlot.GetN() return newPlot
def create_resolutiongraph(n, energies, sigmasmeans, energieserrors, sigmasmeanserrors, graphname): """Function to perform ROOT graphs of resolutions""" #How many points n = int(n) TGraphresolution = TGraphErrors(n, energies, sigmasmeans, energieserrors, sigmasmeanserrors) #Draw + DrawOptions, Fit + parameter estimation Style = gStyle Style.SetOptFit() XAxis = TGraphresolution.GetXaxis() #TGraphresolution TGraphresolution.SetMarkerColor(4) TGraphresolution.SetMarkerStyle(20) TGraphresolution.SetMarkerSize(2) XAxis.SetTitle("Energy (GeV)") YAxis = TGraphresolution.GetYaxis() YAxis.SetTitle("Sigma/Mean") resolutionfit = TF1("resolutionfit", '([0]/((x)**0.5))+[1]', 0, max(energies)) #somma non quadratura TGraphresolution.Fit("resolutionfit") a = resolutionfit.GetParameter(0) b = resolutionfit.GetParameter(1) TGraphresolution.Draw("AP") gPad.SaveAs(graphname) gPad.Close() return a, b
def create_tgrapherrors(self, x_value, y_value, dx_value, dy_value): """Function to create pyroot TGraphErrors object""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use # Creating pyroot TGraphErrors object x_values = array('i') y_values = array('i') dx_values = array('i') dy_values = array('i') length = len(x_value) if (all(isinstance(x, int) for x in x_value) and all(isinstance(x, int) for x in y_value) and all(isinstance(x, int) for x in dx_value) and all(isinstance(x, int) for x in dy_value)): y_values = array('i') x_values = array('i') dx_values = array('i') dy_values = array('i') else: y_values = array('d') x_values = array('d') dx_values = array('d') dy_values = array('d') for value in range(length): x_values.append(x_value[value]) y_values.append(y_value[value]) dx_values.append(dx_value[value]) dy_values.append(dy_value[value]) t_object = TGraphErrors(length, x_values, y_values, dx_values, dy_values) graph = ru.get_graph_points(t_object) return graph
def h1_to_graph(hx): tx = TGraphErrors(hx.GetNbinsX()) for ibin in xrange(1, hx.GetNbinsX() + 1): tx.SetPoint(ibin - 1, hx.GetBinCenter(ibin), hx.GetBinContent(ibin)) return tx
def write(self, setup): #Rescaling to efficiency normalisation = 1/self.histogram.GetBinContent(1) #Rescaling everything to have rates self.histogram.Scale(normalisation) efficiencyPlot = TGraphErrors(self.histogram) efficiencyPlot.SetName(self.cfg_ana.plot_name+"_errors") efficiencyPlot.SetTitle(self.cfg_ana.plot_title) for index in xrange(0, len(efficiencyPlot.GetX())): efficiencyPlot.SetPointError(index, efficiencyPlot.GetEX()[index], sqrt(efficiencyPlot.GetY()[index] * normalisation) ) c1 = TCanvas ("canvas_" + self.cfg_ana.plot_name, self.cfg_ana.plot_title, 600, 600) c1.SetGridx() c1.SetGridy() efficiencyPlot.Draw("AP") c1.Update() c1.Write() c1.Print(self.cfg_ana.plot_name + ".svg", "svg") efficiencyPlot.Write()
def Sigma_Calc(g,i_,x,y,xe,ye,percentage): #print'Creating TGraph with new uncertainty band' # sigma factor. What to multiply uncertainties by, assuming current uncertainties are 1 sigma. #print'percentage/100. = ',percentage/100. sf = TMath.ErfInverse(percentage/100.)*TMath.Sqrt(2) # sigma value for desired percentage events contained in distribution #print"sf = ",sf #for i in range(i_ - 1): #print'i_ = ',i_ for i in range(i_): ye[i] = ye[i]*sf # multiply 1 sigma uncertainties by new sigma value. #print sf,'sig errors = ',ye #ng = TGraphErrors(i_ - 1, x, y, xe, ye) ng = TGraphErrors(i_, x, y, xe, ye) if percentage == 90: j = 2 if percentage == 99.5: j = 4 ng.SetMarkerStyle(g.GetMarkerStyle()) ng.SetLineStyle(g.GetLineStyle()) #ng.SetMarkerColor(g.GetMarkerColor() + j) #ng.SetLineColor(g.GetLineColor() + j) ng.SetFillColor(g.GetFillColor() + j) #ng.SetName(g.GetName()) ng.SetFillStyle(g.GetFillStyle()) return ng
def Ratio(histo1,histo2, recorded, title): #gSystem.Exec("mkdir -p ZPlots") can1 = makeCMSCanvas(str(random.random()),"mult vs lumi ",900,700) lumi = [] lumi_err = [] ratio = [] ratio_err = [] sumLumi = 0. for i in range(0,len(recorded)): sumLumi += float(recorded[i]) lumi.append(sumLumi - float(recorded[i])/2) lumi_err.append(float(recorded[i])/2) ratio.append(histo1[i].GetEntries()/histo2[i].GetEntries()) ratio_err.append(0) graph1 = TGraphErrors(len(recorded),array('d',lumi),array('d',ratio),array('d',lumi_err),array('d',ratio_err)) graph1.SetTitle("") graph1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Lumi [fb^{-1}]") graph1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("e^{+}e^{-}/#mu^{+}#mu^{-}") graph1.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph1.SetMarkerSize(1) graph1.Draw("AP") printLumiPrelOut(can1) can1.SaveAs("ZPlots/Z_ratio_"+title+".pdf") can1.SaveAs("ZPlots/Z_ratio_"+title+".png") return;
def getTGraphErrors(x, y, ex=None, ey=None): if (ex == None): ex = [0] * len(x) if (ey == None): ey = [0] * len(x) return TGraphErrors(len(x), array('f', x), array('f', y), array('f', ex), array('f', ey))
def makeGraph(self, name='', xtitle='', ytitle=''): """This function returns an instance of ROOTs TGraphErrors, made with the points in from this class. Some of the graph's default settings are changed: - black points - every point has the symbol of 'x' - x- and y-axis are centered Arguments: name -- ROOT internal name of graph (default = '') xtitle -- title of x-axis (default = '') ytitle -- title of y-axis (default = '') """ if self.points: x = self.getX() y = self.getY() ex = self.getEX() ey = self.getEY() graph = TGraphErrors(self.getLength(), array.array('f', x), array.array('f', y), array.array('f', ex), array.array('f', ey)) graph.SetName(name) graph.SetMarkerColor(1) graph.SetMarkerStyle(5) graph.SetTitle("") graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) graph.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) graph.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() return graph else: return None
def draw_neta_cut_eff(self, cent_low, cent_high): cent_bin1 = [0, 4, 7] cent_bin2 = [3, 6, 8] p_bin1 = [ 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 ] p_bin2 = [ 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0 ] gr_eff = TGraphErrors() for i in range(0, len(p_bin1)): mn = self.draw_neta_cut(cent_low, cent_high, p_bin1[i], p_bin2[i]) m = mn[0] N = mn[1] gr_eff.SetPoint(i, (p_bin1[i] + p_bin2[i]) * 0.5, m / N) gr_eff.SetPointError(i, (p_bin2[i] - p_bin1[i]) * 0.5, eff_err(m, N)) gr_eff.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr_eff.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr_eff.SetMarkerColor(600) hx = histo(0, 8, -0.2, 1.2, "p_{T}(GeV/c)", "n#eta cut efficiency") canvas_file = self.__canvas__ c2 = TCanvas("c2", "c2", 1000, 800) hx.Draw() gr_eff.Draw("psame") c2.Write("neta_cut_eff") c2.SaveAs("neta_cut.png")
def ZMultVsLumi(histo, recorded, outputDir, title): #gSystem.Exec("mkdir -p ZPlots") can1 = makeCMSCanvas(str(random.random()),"mult vs lumi ",900,700) lumi = [] lumi_err = [] mult = [] mult_err = [] sumLumi = 0. for i in range(0,len(recorded)): sumLumi += float(recorded[i]) lumi.append(sumLumi - float(recorded[i])/2) lumi_err.append(float(recorded[i])/2) mult.append(histo[i].GetEntries()/float(recorded[i])) mult_err.append(math.sqrt(histo[i].GetEntries()/float(recorded[i]))) graph1 = TGraphErrors(len(lumi),array('d',lumi),array('d',mult),array('d',lumi_err),array('d',mult_err)) graph1.SetTitle("") graph1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Lumi [fb^{-1}]") graph1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#Z / fb^{-1}") graph1.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph1.SetMarkerSize(1) graph1.Draw("AP") printLumiPrelOut(can1) can1.SaveAs(str(outputDir) + "/Z_multiplicity_"+title+".pdf") can1.SaveAs(str(outputDir) + "/Z_multiplicity_"+title+".png") return graph1;