
# limestone HSV filter
hsv_filter = HsvFilter(0, 180, 129, 15, 229, 243, 143, 0, 67, 0)

loop_time = time()
while (True):

    # get an updated image of the game
    screenshot = wincap.get_screenshot()

    # pre-process the image
    processed_image = vision_limestone.apply_hsv_filter(screenshot)

    # do edge detection
    edges_image = vision_limestone.apply_edge_filter(processed_image)

    # do object detection
    #rectangles = vision_limestone.find(processed_image, 0.46)

    # draw the detection results onto the original image
    #output_image = vision_limestone.draw_rectangles(screenshot, rectangles)

    # keypoint searching
    keypoint_image = edges_image
    # crop the image to remove the ui elements
    x, w, y, h = [200, 1130, 70, 750]
    keypoint_image = keypoint_image[y:y + h, x:x + w]

    kp1, kp2, matches, match_points = vision_limestone.match_keypoints(