Beispiel #1
def getPlayer(name, season):
    """This will pull player info from excel Database and put it in the
    player object -"""
    global wb
    ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name(season)
    notFound = True
    r = 5       #Names start at row 5
    while notFound and ws.cell(row = r, column = 1).value != None:
        if ws.cell(row = r, column = 1).value == name:
            notFound = False
            r = r + 1

    c = 2
    notFound = True
    while notFound and ws.cell(row = 4, column = c).value != None:
        if ws.cell(row = 4, column = c).value == "Team":
            notFound = False
            c = c + 1

    p = Player(name, ws.cell(row = r, column = c).value)

    traitL = ["G","Assists","TOI", "Shifts", "Games", "Shots on Goal",
              "Takeaways", "Giveaways", "Blocks", "Hits", "Faceoffs",
              "Won", "PIMs"]
    toAdd = []
    for trait in traitL:
        c = 2
        notFound = True
        while notFound and ws.cell(row = 4, column = c).value != None:
            if ws.cell(row = 4, column = c).value == trait:
                notFound = False
                toAdd.append(ws.cell(row = r, column = c).value)
                c = c + 1

    toAdd = blankConvert(toAdd)
    p.goals = int(toAdd[0])
    p.assists = int(toAdd[1])
    y = noComma(toAdd[2])
    p.TOI = int(y)
    y = noComma(toAdd[3])
    p.shifts = int(y)
    p.gamesPlayed = int(toAdd[4])
    p.SOG = int(toAdd[5])
    p.takeaways = int(toAdd[6])
    p.giveaways = int(toAdd[7])
    p.blocks = int(toAdd[8])
    p.hits = int(toAdd[9])
    p.faceoffs = int(toAdd[10])
    p.faceoffWins = int(toAdd[11])
    p.PIM = int(toAdd[12])
    return p # end line