
# Dictionaries and arrays for SQL and MongoDB queries
snpInserts = {}    # Dictionary for rsid/insert for SNP data
lociInserts = []   # Array for loci insert queries
rsidList = {}      # Dictionary of RSIDs that will also hold the 
                   # primary key for each SNP in SQL

# Load each chromosome into database
for curChr in chromosomes:
    result = Result()
    result.method = "pgsql"
    result.tag = tag    
    print "Chromosome " + str(curChr)
    result.chromosome = str(curChr)
    # Set file paths for current chromosome
    curSnpFilePath = snpFilePath.format(curChr)
    curLociFilePath = lociFilePath.format(curChr)
    if len(path) > 0:
        curSnpFilePath = path.rstrip('\\').rstrip('/') + '\\' + curSnpFilePath
        curLociFilePath = path.rstrip('\\').rstrip('/') + '\\' + curLociFilePath
    # Clear dictionaries for loading multiple chromosomes
    lociInserts = []

    # Print status and flush stdout for nohup