result.lociInsertStart = time.time()
    # Insert each locus
    for locus in lociInserts:
    # Commit data to pgsql
    # Log end time and total pgsql time
    result.lociInsertEnd = time.time()
    # Close pgsql cursor
    print result.toTerm()
    resultsFile.write(result.toString() + '\n')

# Create new cursor, create indexes and run test queries
cursor = postgresConnection.cursor()    

# Turn on triggers, create FK index since PGSQL does not
# automatically index FKs
print "Turning on key checks..."
cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE snp ENABLE trigger ALL;")
cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE locus ENABLE trigger ALL;")
cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_snpid_fk ON locus (snp_id)")

# Create indexes if requested in arguments
if createIndexes: