# Set file paths for current chromosome
    curSnpFilePath = snpFilePath.format(curChr)
    curLociFilePath = lociFilePath.format(curChr)
    if len(path) > 0:
        curSnpFilePath = path.rstrip('\\').rstrip('/') + '\\' + curSnpFilePath
        curLociFilePath = path.rstrip('\\').rstrip('/') + '\\' + curLociFilePath
    # Clear dictionaries for loading multiple chromosomes
    lociInserts = []

    # Print status and flush stdout for nohup
    print "Chromosome " + str(curChr) + ". Reading SNP Data"
    result.snpLoadStart = time.time()

    # Read in data from SNP file and create insert statements
    with open(curSnpFilePath,'r') as csvfile:
        data = csv.reader(csvfile,delimiter='\t')
        for row in data:
            if(len(row) == 3):        
                hasSig = False
                if row[2] != '' and row[2] != 'false':
                    hasSig = True
                rsidList[row[0]] = 0
                insStr = "INSERT INTO snp (rsid, chr, has_sig) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', {2}) RETURNING id".format(row[0], row[1], hasSig)
                snpInserts[row[0]] = insStr
    # Data for reporting