time = (
            p.xLimit * p.yLimit
        ) * .25  #time unit for this algorithm. If needed, comment this and uncomment the next to test different times
        visitedCoordinates = [
        ]  #Holds the coordinates we have already been to so we dont go over them more than once.
        wallCoordinates = [
        ]  #Holds the coordinates of the walls. Not counting the outer walls.
        traverse = [
        ]  #traverse holds the coordinates to help manuever around walls
        wallFound = False  #Holds whether or not we have run into a wall.
        found = False  #If the location is found, we will make this true.
        while count <= time:
            if found != True:
                wallFound = False
                visitedCoordinates = [robot.GetLocation()]
                if algorithmChoice == 5:
                    currentEndpoint = bestCrop
                elif algorithmChoice == 1:
                    currentEndpoint = highestPercentLocation
                prevCoord = (
                    0, 0)  #Holds previous coordinate in order to check for
                while robot.GetLocation(
                ) != currentEndpoint and count <= time:  #move the robot until you hit the location or time runs out
                    if prevCoord == robot.GetLocation():
                        visitedCoordinates = [robot.GetLocation()]
                    prevCoord = robot.GetLocation()
                    p.UpdatePlot()  #Update the plot

                    #The following if statements check for walls in each direction and determines if it has been visited or not.
                    #This will determine which direction the robot will move until it hits a wall.