예제 #1
class Goals:
    def __init__(self, game_map):
        # Keep a reference to the game_map object
        self.game_map = game_map
        # Keep a reference to the player object
        self.player = game_map.player
        # Create new path object and keep reference to it
        self.path = Path(self.game_map)
        # Winning path means can reach end goal by following the path
        self.winning_path = False

    Find the highest priority goal that is currently possible

    def find_next_goal(self):
        # If map updated then stop current path as it may be wrong
        if self.game_map.map_updated and not self.winning_path:
        # If have an existing path then continue following it
        if self.path.has_steps():
            return self.path.next_step()
        # If gold in sight then move towards it (unless already have)
        gold_loc = self.game_map.gold_loc
        if gold_loc and not self.player.have_treasure:
            # Will try to find a route from current position to gold then back to start
            goals = [gold_loc, self.player.get_start_position()]
            if self.path.find_path_to_goal(goals):
                self.winning_path = True
                return self.path.next_step()
        # If have gold then move towards start
        if self.player.have_treasure:
            if self.path.find_path_to_goal([self.player.get_start_position()]):
                self.winning_path = True
                return self.path.next_step()
        # If there are POI's to go to that would be useful then find path to nearest
        if self.path.find_path_to_poi():
            return self.path.next_step()
        # Else explore (move towards an unexplored region)
        if self.path.find_path_to_explore():
            return self.path.next_step()

    def extended_searches(self):
        # Allow backtracking when searching for path to gold
        gold_loc = self.game_map.gold_loc
        if gold_loc and not self.player.have_treasure:
            # Will try to find a route from current position to gold then back to start
            goals = [gold_loc, self.player.get_start_position()]
            if self.path.find_path_to_goal(goals, backtrack=True):
                self.winning_path = True
                return self.path.next_step()
        # Allow POI search to cross land -> water divide
        if self.path.find_path_to_poi(cross_divide=True):
            return self.path.next_step()
        # See if using stones will lead to a useful exploration path
        if self.player.num_stones_held and self.path.find_path_to_new_land():
            return self.path.next_step()
        # Allow crossing land -> water divide
        if self.path.find_path_to_explore(cross_divide=True):
            return self.path.next_step()
        # Also allow wasting trees
        if self.path.find_path_to_explore(cross_divide=True, waste_trees=True):
            return self.path.next_step()