예제 #1
    def generate_path_tree(self):
        """ Specialized path generation for your origami pattern
        # retrieve conversion factor for selected unit
        unit_factor = self.calc_unit_factor()

        # retrieve saved parameters, and apply unit factor where needed
        width = self.options.width * unit_factor
        height = self.options.height * unit_factor
        if self.options.width_delta_bool:
            width_delta = self.options.width_delta * unit_factor
            width += width_delta
            height -= width_delta / 2
        length = math.sqrt(2) * (width + 2 * height)
        half_fold = 90 if self.options.simulation_mode else 180

        # bottom of box
        ring_inner = Path.generate_square(width,
                                          center=[0, 0],

        # ring making the corners
        lengths = [height, width, height]
        points = Path.get_square_points(sum(lengths), sum(lengths), [0, 0])
        styles = ['vmv', 'mmm']
        ring_middle = [
            Path([points[i], points[(i + 1) % 4]],
                 'm').break_path(lengths, styles[i % 2]) for i in range(4)

        # arms along width and length
        points = [(-width / 2, -(width / 2 + 0 * height)),
                  (-width / 2, -(width / 2 + 1 * height)),
                  (-width / 2, -(width / 2 + 2 * height)),
                  (+width / 2, -(width / 2 + 2 * height)),
                  (+width / 2, -(width / 2 + 1 * height)),
                  (+width / 2, -(width / 2 + 0 * height))]

        arms_ = [
                points, 'mmvmm', fold_angles=[180, 180, half_fold, 180, 180]),
            Path.list_create_from_points(points, 'mvvvm', half_fold)
        arms = [Path.list_rotate(arms_[i % 2], i * pi / 2) for i in range(4)]

        # tiny corner diagonals
        diag = Path([(width / 2, width / 2),
                     (width / 2 + height, width / 2 + height)], 'v')
        corner_diagonals = [diag * (1, i * pi / 2) for i in range(4)]

        self.edge_points = Path.get_square_points(length, length)

        self.path_tree = [ring_inner, ring_middle, arms, corner_diagonals]
        self.path_tree = recenter(self.path_tree, length / 2)
예제 #2
    def generate_path_tree(self):
        """ Specialized path generation for your origami pattern
        # retrieve conversion factor for selected unit
        unit_factor = self.calc_unit_factor()

        # retrieve saved parameters, and apply unit factor where needed
        length = self.options.length * unit_factor
        vertex_radius = self.options.vertex_radius * unit_factor
        pattern = self.options.pattern
        angle = self.options.angle * pi / 180
        fold_angle_valley = self.options.fold_angle_valley

        # create all Path instances defining strokes
        # first define its points as a list of tuples...
        left_right_stroke_points = [(length / 2, 0), (length / 2, length)]
        up_down_stroke_points = [(0, length / 2), (length, length / 2)]

        # doing the same for diagonals
        diagonal_1_stroke_points = [(0, 0), (length, length)]
        diagonal_2_stroke_points = [(0, length), (length, 0)]

        # ... and then create the Path instances, defining its type ('m' for mountain, etc...)
        if pattern == 'template1':
            up_down = [
                Path(left_right_stroke_points, 'm', fold_angle=180.),
                Path(up_down_stroke_points, 'm', fold_angle=180.)

            diagonals = [

            up_down = [
                Path(up_down_stroke_points, 'v', fold_angle=fold_angle_valley)

            diagonals = [
                Path(diagonal_1_stroke_points, 'm', fold_angle=180.),
                Path(diagonal_2_stroke_points, 'm', fold_angle=180.)

        vertices = []
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                    Path(((i / 2.) * length, (j / 2.) * length),

        # multiplication is implemented as a rotation, and list_rotate implements rotation for list of Path instances
        vertices = Path.list_rotate(vertices, angle, (1 * length, 1 * length))
        up_down = Path.list_rotate(up_down, angle, (1 * length, 1 * length))
        diagonals = Path.list_rotate(diagonals, angle,
                                     (1 * length, 1 * length))

        # if Path constructor is called with more than two points, a single stroke connecting all of then will be
        # created. Using method generate_separated_paths, you can instead return a list of separated strokes
        # linking each two points

        # create a list for edge strokes
        # create path from points to be able to use the already built rotate method
        edges = Path.generate_square(length, length, 'e', rotation=angle)
        edges = Path.list_rotate(edges, angle, (1 * length, 1 * length))

        # IMPORTANT: the attribute "path_tree" must be created at the end, saving all strokes
        self.path_tree = [up_down, diagonals, vertices]

        # IMPORTANT: at the end, save edge points as "self.edge_points", to simplify selection of single or multiple
        # strokes for the edge
        self.edge_points = edges.points