class Map_gui(QWidget): def __init__(self): self.temp = 0 = [] # *************************# self.main_status = MAIN_WAIT self.main_status_count = 0 self.go = True self.go_status = GO_WAIT self.model = knn() self.optim = number_confirm(57) = barrier_detect() self.uart = uart() self.graph = Graphics() self.img = '加入视频提取的图像' self.status = WAIT self.last_status = WAIT self.button_status = UP self.dis = 25 # 目标数字 self.dis_list = [self.dis] self.barrier_list = ['up'] self.last_angel = 0 self.last_position = [7, 0] # 行进中上一次的位置 self.barrier_dir = 'none' self.arm_status = 0 self.arm_count = 0 self.system_mode = QUEEN self.mode = 0 #1:put 2:take self.queen_mode = TAKE = False self.barrier_flag = 0 # *************************# self.debug = False self.capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # *************************# # 数字上次的位置坐标 self.last_location = [150, 150] # 小车的位置 [数字坐标,x,y] self.pos = [64, 150, 150] # 障碍 [type, i ,j] self.bundary_list = [] #[, [3,2,2]] # 棋子 [number] self.chess_list = [] #[15] # 棋盘 = np.zeros((17, 17), # 路径 self.path = [] # *************************# super(Map_gui, self).__init__() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.interrupt) self.timer.start(25) self.init_ui() def init_ui(self): self.setGeometry(500, 100, 1000, 820) self.setWindowTitle('map') # 提示框 self.label = QLabel(self) self.label.setText('请输入目标点数字或障碍') self.label.move(850, 20) self.label.resize(100, 30) # create textbox self.textbox = QLineEdit(self) self.textbox.move(850, 55) self.textbox.resize(40, 30) # button self.button = QPushButton('确认', self) self.button.move(850, 90) self.button.resize(80, 30) self.button.clicked.connect(self.on_click) # combobox self.combox = QComboBox(self) self.combox.addItem('queen') self.combox.addItem('barrier') self.combox.addItem('chess_move') self.combox.move(900, 55) self.combox.resize(40, 30) self.combox.activated[str].connect(self.combox_click) # button saveimage self.button_save_image = QPushButton('保存图像', self) self.button_save_image.move(850, 120) self.button_save_image.resize(80, 30) self.button_save_image.clicked.connect(self.save_image) # button reset self.button_reset = QPushButton('重置', self) self.button_reset.move(850, 150) self.button_reset.resize(80, 30) self.button_reset.clicked.connect(self.reset) # button add barrier self.button_add_barrier = QPushButton('加障碍', self) self.button_add_barrier.move(850, 180) self.button_add_barrier.resize(40, 30) self.button_add_barrier.clicked.connect(self.add_barrier) # button delete barrier self.button_del_barrier = QPushButton('删障碍', self) self.button_del_barrier.move(890, 180) self.button_del_barrier.resize(40, 30) self.button_del_barrier.clicked.connect(self.del_barrier) # button add chess self.button_add_chess = QPushButton('加棋子', self) self.button_add_chess.move(850, 210) self.button_add_chess.resize(40, 30) self.button_add_chess.clicked.connect(self.add_chess) # button delete chess self.button_del_chess = QPushButton('删棋子', self) self.button_del_chess.move(890, 210) self.button_del_chess.resize(40, 30) self.button_del_chess.clicked.connect(self.del_chess) # press enable self.press_enable = QPushButton('触屏使能', self) self.press_enable.move(850, 240) self.press_enable.resize(40, 30) self.press_enable.clicked.connect(self.press_able) # press revoke self.press_revoke = QPushButton('触屏关闭', self) self.press_revoke.move(890, 240) self.press_revoke.resize(40, 30) self.press_revoke.clicked.connect(self.press_revo) # log self.log = QLabel(self) self.log.setText('日志信息') self.log.move(850, 390) self.log.resize(100, 150) # img self.imageview_ori = QLabel(self) self.imageview_ori.move(850, 570) self.imageview_ori.resize(100, 100) self.imageview_bin = QLabel(self) self.imageview_bin.move(850, 700) self.imageview_bin.resize(100, 100) @pyqtSlot() def save_image(self): ret, frame = img = pre_handle(frame) cv2.imwrite( './' + time.strftime('%H%M%S', time.localtime(time.time())) + '.jpg', img) @pyqtSlot() def on_click(self): self.go = True self.main_status = MAIN_IN if self.system_mode == QUEEN: if == False: val = [] textboxValue = self.textbox.text() try: textboxValue = textboxValue.split('|') for text in textboxValue: text = int(text) if text < 1 or text > 64: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) else: val.append(text) self.dis_list = val self.button_status = DOWN except: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) else: self.dis_list = self.graph.data_to_num() self.button_status = DOWN elif self.system_mode == BARRIER: val_num = [] val_dir = [] textboxValue = self.textbox.text() try: textboxValue = textboxValue.split('|') for text in textboxValue: num, dir = text.split('-') num = int(num) if num < 1 or num > 64 or ( not (dir == 'up' or dir == 'down' or dir == 'left' or dir == 'right')): reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.N) else: val_num.append(num) val_dir.append(dir) self.dis_list = val_num self.barrier_list = val_dir for n, d in zip(self.dis_list, self.barrier_list): self.to_boundary_list(n, d) self.button_status = DOWN except: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) elif self.system_mode == CHESS_MOVE: if == False: val = [] textboxValue = self.textbox.text() try: textboxValue = textboxValue.split('|') for text in textboxValue: text = int(text) if text < 1 or text > 64: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) else: val.append(text) self.dis_list = val self.button_status = DOWN except: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) else: self.dis_list = self.graph.data_to_num() self.button_status = DOWN @pyqtSlot() def reset(self): self.main_status = MAIN_WAIT self.main_status_count = 0 self.go = True self.last_position = [7, 0] self.dis_list = [] = False = [] self.path = [] self.barrier_list = [] self.button_status = UP self.button_status = UP self.status = WAIT self.optim.initial = 57 self.optim.num_path = [] self.optim.path = [] self.barrier_dir = 'none' self.arm_status = 0 self.arm_count = 0 self.mode = 0 self.queen_mode = TAKE def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == Qt.Key_Z: if self.go == True: self.go = False print(' human control !!!') else: self.go = True print(' computer control !!!') if e.key() == Qt.Key_A: self.go_status = GO_LEFT if e.key() == Qt.Key_D: self.go_status = GO_RIGHT if e.key() == Qt.Key_W: self.go_status = GO_UP if e.key() == Qt.Key_S: self.go_status = GO_DOWN if e.key() == Qt.Key_Q: self.go_status = GO_ROTATE_N if e.key() == Qt.Key_E: self.go_status = GO_ROTATE_P def keyReleaseEvent(self, e): if e.key() == Qt.Key_A: self.go_status = GO_WAIT if e.key() == Qt.Key_D: self.go_status = GO_WAIT if e.key() == Qt.Key_W: self.go_status = GO_WAIT if e.key() == Qt.Key_S: self.go_status = GO_WAIT if e.key() == Qt.Key_Q: self.go_status = GO_WAIT if e.key() == Qt.Key_E: self.go_status = GO_WAIT def mousePressEvent(self, event): if if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.graph.chess_list(event.x(), event.y()) self.update() @pyqtSlot() def add_barrier(self): value, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "添加障碍", "格式:数字|方向\n eg: 23|up", QLineEdit.Normal, '23|up') if ok: try: num, dir = value.split('|') num = int(num) if num < 1 or num > 64: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) elif dir == 'up' or dir == 'down' or dir == 'left' or dir == 'right': position = self.optim.get_num_pos(num) type = -1 bias = 0 if dir == 'up' or dir == 'down': type = 2 if dir == 'down': bias = 1 barrier = [type, position[1], position[0] + bias] elif dir == 'left' or dir == 'right': type = 3 if dir == 'right': bias = 1 barrier = [type, position[1] + bias, position[0]] if barrier not in self.bundary_list: self.bundary_list.append(barrier) else: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "重复添加了障碍", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) else: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) except: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) self.update() @pyqtSlot() def del_barrier(self): value, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "删除障碍", "格式:数字|方向\n eg: 23|up", QLineEdit.Normal, '23|up') if ok: try: num, dir = value.split('|') num = int(num) if num < 1 or num > 64: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) elif dir == 'up' or dir == 'down' or dir == 'left' or dir == 'right': position = self.optim.get_num_pos(num) type = -1 bias = 0 if dir == 'up' or dir == 'down': type = 2 if dir == 'down': bias = 1 barrier = [type, position[1], position[0] + bias] elif dir == 'left' or dir == 'right': type = 3 if dir == 'right': bias = 1 barrier = [type, position[1] + bias, position[0]] if barrier in self.bundary_list: self.bundary_list.remove(barrier) else: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "没有这个障碍", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) else: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) except: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "格式错误", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) self.update() @pyqtSlot() def add_chess(self): value, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "添加棋子", "格式:数字\n eg: 23", 23, 1, 64, 1) if ok: if value not in self.chess_list: self.chess_list.append(value) else: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "已经有该棋子", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) self.update() @pyqtSlot() def del_chess(self): value, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "删除棋子", "格式:数字\n eg: 23", 23, 1, 64, 1) if ok: if value in self.chess_list: self.chess_list.remove(value) else: reply = QMessageBox.information( self, "警告", "没有该棋子", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) self.update() @pyqtSlot() def press_able(self): if == False: = True reply = QMessageBox.information(self, "警告", "使能触屏", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) elif == True: = False reply = QMessageBox.information(self, "警告", "关闭触屏", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) @pyqtSlot() def press_revo(self): self.graph.pop_list() def to_boundary_list(self, num, dir): position = self.optim.get_num_pos(num) barrier = [] type = -1 bias = 0 if dir == 'up' or dir == 'down': type = 2 if dir == 'down': bias = 1 barrier = [type, position[1], position[0]] elif dir == 'left' or dir == 'right': type = 3 if dir == 'right': bias = 1 barrier = [type, position[1] + bias, max(position[0] - 1, 0)] if barrier not in self.bundary_list and barrier != []: self.bundary_list.append(barrier) def combox_click(self, text): if text == 'queen': self.system_mode = QUEEN elif text == 'barrier': self.system_mode = BARRIER elif text == 'chess_move': self.system_mode = CHESS_MOVE def get_rect_param(self, position, type): a = b = c = d = 0 if type == 1: # 棋格 a = position[0] * 100 + 0 + 20 b = position[1] * 100 + 0 + 20 c = 80 d = 80 elif type == 2: # 障碍(横) a = position[0] * 100 + 0 + 20 b = position[1] * 100 + 0 c = 80 d = 20 elif type == 3: # 障碍(竖) a = position[0] * 100 + 0 b = position[1] * 100 + 0 + 20 c = 20 d = 80 else: pass return a, b, c, d def get_pos(self): x = y = 0 for i in range(8): for j in range(8): if i * 8 + j + 1 == self.pos[0]: x = j y = i break a = max(x * 100 + 0 + 20 + int(self.pos[1] * 80 / 300) - 10, 0) b = max(y * 100 + 0 + 20 + int(self.pos[2] * 80 / 300) - 10, 0) c = 20 d = 20 return a, b, c, d def set_pos(self, position): self.pos = position self.update() def interrupt(self): # 小车方向给定==================================================================# # ============================================================================# #读取图像中的图片数字 start = time.time() ret, frame = img = pre_handle(frame) angel, img_angel = get_rotate_angel_3(img) self.last_angel = float(int(angel * 1.0 + self.last_angel * 0.0)) number, location, img_origin, img_show = getNumber(img, self.model) direct = [] if location != []: self.last_location = location if location == []: location = self.last_location # DETECT ============================================================================ to_map = self.to_map() if len(self.dis_list) != 0: self.dis = self.dis_list[0] else: self.dis = 57 if self.system_mode == BARRIER and self.barrier_list != []: self.barrier_dir = self.barrier_list[0] if self.main_status == MAIN_IN: move_in_status, self.button_status, self.path, self.optim, self.mode, direct, self.last_position = move_in( number, location, direct, img_show, img_origin, self.status, self.button_status, self.dis, self.queen_mode, self.mode, self.last_angel, self.path, self.optim, to_map, self.last_position) if move_in_status: self.dis_list = self.dis_list[1:] self.main_status = MAIN_RUN elif self.main_status == MAIN_RUN: if self.arm_count < 3: if self.system_mode == QUEEN: self.status, self.button_status, self.path, self.optim, self.mode, direct, self.last_position = queue_move( number, location, direct, img_show, img_origin, self.status, self.button_status, self.dis, self.queen_mode, self.mode, self.last_angel, self.path, self.optim, to_map, self.last_position) elif self.system_mode == BARRIER: if self.queen_mode != 3: self.status, self.button_status, self.path, self.optim, self.mode, direct,, self.barrier_dir, self.barrier_flag = barrier( number, location, direct, img_show, img_origin, self.status, self.button_status, self.dis, self.queen_mode, self.mode, self.last_angel, self.path, self.optim, to_map,, self.barrier_dir, self.barrier_flag) else: self.status, self.button_status, self.path, self.optim, self.mode, direct, self.last_position = queue_move( number, location, direct, img_show, img_origin, self.status, self.button_status, self.dis, self.queen_mode, self.mode, self.last_angel, self.path, self.optim, to_map, self.last_position) elif self.system_mode == CHESS_MOVE: self.status, self.button_status, self.path, self.optim, self.mode, direct, self.last_position = queue_move( number, location, direct, img_show, img_origin, self.status, self.button_status, self.dis, self.queen_mode, self.mode, self.last_angel, self.path, self.optim, to_map, self.last_position) if self.status == RUNNING_GO or self.status == BACKING: self.main_status = MAIN_OUT elif self.main_status == MAIN_OUT: self.status, self.button_status, self.path, self.optim, self.mode, direct, self.last_position = move_out( number, location, direct, img_show, img_origin, self.status, self.button_status, self.dis, self.queen_mode, self.mode, self.last_angel, self.path, self.optim, to_map, self.last_position) self.main_status_count += 1 if self.main_status_count == 35: self.main_status_count = 0 self.main_status = MAIN_WAIT elif self.main_status == MAIN_WAIT: self.optim.state = 1 # arm handle =========================== if self.status == ARMING and self.last_status != ARMING: self.arm_status = self.mode self.arm_count += 1 if self.arm_count != 0: self.arm_count += 1 if self.arm_count > 20: self.arm_status = 0 if self.arm_count > 70: # 3second self.arm_count = 0 if self.system_mode == QUEEN: if self.status == FINISH: if len(self.dis_list) == 2: self.queen_mode = 3 self.dis_list = self.dis_list[1:] self.status = WAIT if len(self.dis_list) > 2: self.dis_list = self.dis_list[1:] self.status = WAIT if len(self.dis_list) <= 5 and self.queen_mode != 3: self.queen_mode = PUT elif self.status == RUNNING_GO: self.queen_mode = 3 self.status = WAIT elif self.system_mode == BARRIER: if self.status == BACKING: if len(self.dis_list) == 2: self.queen_mode = 3 self.dis_list = self.dis_list[1:] self.status = WAIT if len(self.dis_list) > 2: self.dis_list = self.dis_list[1:] self.barrier_list = self.barier_list[1:] self.status = WAIT elif self.system_mode == CHESS_MOVE: if self.status == FINISH: if len(self.dis_list) == 3: self.dis_list = self.dis_list[1:] self.status = WAIT self.queen_mode = PUT elif len(self.dis_list) == 2: self.queen_mode = 3 self.dis_list = self.dis_list[1:] self.status = WAIT if self.status == RUNNING_GO: if len(self.dis_list) == 1: self.queen_mode = 3 self.status = WAIT # ======================================== # uart direct if self.go: if self.main_status == MAIN_WAIT: self.uart.send_all([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], self.arm_status) elif self.main_status == MAIN_RUN: if self.status == WAIT or self.status == PRE_BACKING or self.arm_count != 0: self.uart.send_all([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], self.arm_status) if direct != [] and (self.status == RUNNING or self.status == ARMING) and self.arm_count == 0: self.uart.send_all(direct, self.arm_status) elif self.main_status == MAIN_IN or self.main_status == MAIN_OUT: self.uart.send_all(direct, self.arm_status) else: if self.go_status == GO_WAIT: self.uart.send_all([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], self.arm_status) elif self.go_status == GO_DOWN: self.uart.send_all([-3.0, 0.0, 0.0], self.arm_status) elif self.go_status == GO_UP: self.uart.send_all([3.0, 0.0, 0.0], self.arm_status) elif self.go_status == GO_LEFT: self.uart.send_all([0.0, -3.0, 0.0], self.arm_status) elif self.go_status == GO_RIGHT: self.uart.send_all([0.0, 3.0, 0.0], self.arm_status) elif self.go_status == GO_ROTATE_P: self.uart.send_all([0.0, 0.0, 20.0], self.arm_status) elif self.go_status == GO_ROTATE_N: self.uart.send_all([0.0, 0.0, -15.0], self.arm_status) # # if self.status == RUNNING or self.status == PRE_BACKING or self.status == FINISH: # print(direct) # # 图片============================================================================# # 原始图像显示 img_origin = cv2.resize(img_origin, (100, 100), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) image = QImage(img_origin[:], img_origin.shape[1], img_origin.shape[0], img_origin.shape[1], QImage.Format_Grayscale8) self.imageview_ori.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(image)) # 二值化图像显示 img_show = cv2.resize(img_show, (100, 100), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) image = QImage(img_show[:], img_show.shape[1], img_show.shape[0], img_show.shape[1], QImage.Format_Grayscale8) self.imageview_bin.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(image)) # 设置小车位置 car_pos = self.optim.get_num_pos(self.optim.initial) car_pos[0] += 1 if car_pos[0] < 7 else 0 self.set_pos([ self.optim.num_map[car_pos[0], car_pos[1]], 300 - location[0], 300 - location[1] ]) # 日志============================================================================# LOG_DATA = '日志:({} fps)\n\n'.format(str(int(1 / (time.time() - start)))) LOG_DATA += '当前为: ' + str(self.optim.initial) + '\n' LOG_DATA += '目标位: ' + str(self.dis) + '\n' LOG_DATA += 'path: ' + str(self.path) + '\n' LOG_DATA += 'direct: ' + str(direct) + '\n' if self.status == WAIT: LOG_DATA += '当前状态: wait' elif self.status == RUNNING: LOG_DATA += '当前状态: running' elif self.status == PRE_BACKING: LOG_DATA += '当前状态: pre_backing' elif self.status == BACKING: LOG_DATA += '当前状态: backing' elif self.status == PRE_RUNNING: LOG_DATA += '当前状态: pre_running' elif self.status == FINISH: LOG_DATA += '当前状态: finish' elif self.status == RUNNING_GO: LOG_DATA += '当前状态: running_go' elif self.status == ARMING: LOG_DATA += '当前状态: arming' self.log.setText(LOG_DATA) if self.status != self.last_status: self.last_status = self.status def paintEvent(self, e): qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) self.drawMap(qp) self.drawPath(qp) self.drawPoint(qp) self.drawChess(qp) self.drawBunary(qp) self.drawBarrier(qp) if self.graph.draw(qp) qp.end() def drawMap(self, qp): col = QColor(0, 0, 0) col.setNamedColor('#d4d4d4') qp.setPen(col) for i in range(8): for j in range(8): a, b, c, d = self.get_rect_param([i, j], 1) qp.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 255)) qp.drawRect(a, b, c, d) qp.setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255)) qp.setFont(QFont("Decorative", 30)) qp.drawText(QRect(a, b, c, d), Qt.AlignCenter, str(i + 8 * j + 1)) for i in range(8): for j in range(9): a, b, c, d = self.get_rect_param([i, j], 2) qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255)) qp.drawRect(a, b, c, d) for i in range(9): for j in range(8): a, b, c, d = self.get_rect_param([i, j], 3) qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255)) qp.drawRect(a, b, c, d) def drawPoint(self, qp): qp.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0)) a, b, c, d = self.get_pos() qp.drawRect(a, b, c, d) def drawChess(self, qp): if self.chess_list == None: pass else: for chess in self.chess_list: x = y = 0 for i in range(8): for j in range(8): if i * 8 + j + 1 == chess: x = j y = i break a, b, c, d = self.get_rect_param([x, y], 1) qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255)) qp.drawEllipse(QRect(a + 10, b + 10, c - 20, d - 20)) def drawBunary(self, qp): if self.bundary_list == []: pass else: for bundary in self.bundary_list: a, b, c, d = self.get_rect_param([bundary[1], bundary[2]], bundary[0]) qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0)) qp.drawRect(a, b, c, d) def drawPath(self, qp): for temp in self.path: a, b, c, d = self.get_rect_param([temp[1], temp[0]], 1) qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0)) qp.drawRect(a, b, c, d) def drawBarrier(self, qp): if self.status == RUNNING: position = self.optim.get_num_pos(self.dis) if self.barrier_dir == 'up': a, b, c, d = self.get_rect_param([position[1], position[0]], 2) qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0)) qp.drawRect(a, b, c, d) elif self.barrier_dir == 'down': a, b, c, d = self.get_rect_param( [position[1], position[0] + 1], 2) qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0)) qp.drawRect(a, b, c, d) elif self.barrier_dir == 'left': a, b, c, d = self.get_rect_param([position[1], position[0]], 3) qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0)) qp.drawRect(a, b, c, d) elif self.barrier_dir == 'right': a, b, c, d = self.get_rect_param( [position[1] + 1, position[0]], 3) qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0)) qp.drawRect(a, b, c, d) def to_map(self): CHESS = 2 BUNDARY = 1 #没有用到的点 for i in range(17): for j in range(17): if i % 2 == 0 and j % 2 == 0:[i, j] = BUNDARY # 检测棋子 if self.chess_list == None: pass else: for chess in self.chess_list: x = y = 0 for i in range(8): for j in range(8): if i * 8 + j + 1 == chess: x = i y = j break[2 * x + 1, 2 * y + 1] = CHESS # 检测障碍 if self.chess_list == None: pass else: for bundary in self.bundary_list: if bundary[0] == 2:[bundary[2] * 2, bundary[1] * 2 + 1] = BUNDARY elif bundary[0] == 3:[bundary[2] * 2 + 1, bundary[1] * 2] = BUNDARY return