def _write(self): """Internal method that actually writes the table to a file. This is called in its own thread when :func:`save` is called. """ with self.lock: with self.fileLock: self.fileLock.notify_all() with open(self.FILE_NAME, "w") as output: output.write("[Preferences]\n") for key in self.keylist: value = self.values.get(key, "") comment = self.comments.get(key, "") if comment: output.write(comment) output.write(key) output.write(self.VALUE_PREFIX) output.write(value) output.write(self.VALUE_SUFFIX) output.write(self.endComment) try: from networktables import NetworkTable NetworkTable.getTable(self.TABLE_NAME).putBoolean( self.SAVE_FIELD, False) except ImportError: pass
def _write(self): """Internal method that actually writes the table to a file. This is called in its own thread when :func:`save` is called. """ with self.lock: with self.fileLock: self.fileLock.notify_all() with open(self.FILE_NAME, "w") as output: output.write("[Preferences]\n") for key in self.keylist: value = self.values.get(key, "") comment = self.comments.get(key, "") if comment: output.write(comment) output.write(key) output.write(self.VALUE_PREFIX) output.write(value) output.write(self.VALUE_SUFFIX) output.write(self.endComment) try: from networktables import NetworkTable NetworkTable.getTable(self.TABLE_NAME).putBoolean(self.SAVE_FIELD, False) except ImportError: pass
def __init__(self, ip, name): NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() self.visionNetworkTable = NetworkTable.getTable(name) if constants.SENDTOSMARTDASHBOARD: constants.smartDashboard = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard")
def sync(): for object_, tunable in _tunables: object_name = type(object_).__name__ default = getattr(object_, tunable) setattr(object_, tunable, NetworkTable.getTable(object_name).getValue(tunable, default)) for object_, printable in _printables: object_name = type(object_).__name__ if type(printable) is tuple: assert callable(printable[1]) try: out = printable[1]() except BaseException as e: out = str(e) printable_name = printable[0] else: try: out = getattr(object_, printable) except BaseException as e: out = str(e) printable_name = printable try: NetworkTable.getTable(object_name).putValue(printable_name, out) except (ValueError, TypeError): # invalid type try: NetworkTable.getTable(object_name).putValue( printable_name, repr(out)) except ValueError as e: # oh shit we crashed twice log.error(repr(e))
def extra_processing(pipeline: GripPipeline): """ Performs extra processing on the pipeline's outputs and publishes data to NetworkTables. :param pipeline: the pipeline that just processed an image :return: None """ # TODO: Users need to implement this. # Useful for converting OpenCV objects (e.g. contours) to something # NetworkTables can understand. converter = Angles() (imgx, imgy) = pipeline.get_mat_info_size contours = pipeline.filter_contours_output center_x_positions = [] center_y_positions = [] widths = [] heights = [] x_angles = [] y_angles = [] dist = 0.0 # sorts contours if (len(pipeline.filter_contours_output) > 1): boundingBoxes = [ cv2.boundingRect(c) for c in pipeline.filter_contours_output ] (contours, boundingBoxes) = zip(*sorted(zip(contours, boundingBoxes), key=lambda b: b[1][1], reverse=False)) dummy, distY, dummy2, distH = cv2.boundingRect(contours[0]) dist = converter.dist(distY + distH / 2) for contour in contours: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) # X and Y are coordinates of the top-left corner of the bounding box center_x_positions.append(x + w / 2) center_y_positions.append(y + h / 2) widths.append(w) heights.append(y) x_angles.append(converter.x_angle(x + w / 2)) y_angles.append(converter.y_angle(y + h / 2)) extra = NetworkTable.getTable('/GRIP/preprocessed') extra.putNumberArray('x', center_x_positions) extra.putNumberArray('y', center_y_positions) extra.putNumberArray('width', widths) extra.putNumberArray('height', heights) usable = NetworkTable.getTable('/GRIP/postprocessed') usable.putNumberArray('x angles', x_angles) usable.putNumberArray('y angles', y_angles) usable.putNumber('distance', dist)
def setupNetworkTable(table, address): # To see messages from networktables, you must setup logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) NetworkTable.setIPAddress(address) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() return NetworkTable.getTable(table)
def on_enable(self): """ Constructor. :param robotDrive: a `wpilib.RobotDrive` object :type rf_encoder: DriveEncoders() :type lf_encoder: DriveEncoders() """ # Hack for one-time initialization because magicbot doesn't support it if not self.enabled: nt = NetworkTable.getTable('components/autoaim') nt.addTableListener(self._align_angle_updated, True, 'target_angle') self.isTheRobotBackwards = False self.iErr = 0 # set defaults here self.y = 0 self.rotation = 0 self.squaredInputs = False self.halfRotation = 1 self.gyro_enabled = True self.align_angle = None
def __init__(self): """initializes all values to presets or None if need to be set """ NetworkTable.initialize(server='') #Current Roborio address NetworkTable.setUpdateRate(.02) self.numberPublish = NetworkTable.getTable('/GRIP/myContoursReport') self.__hsl_threshold_hue = [56.6546762589928, 83.28925638990128] self.__hsl_threshold_saturation = [229.31654676258992, 255.0] self.__hsl_threshold_luminance = [ 13.758992805755396, 51.51952461799658 ] self.hsl_threshold_output = None self.__find_contours_input = self.hsl_threshold_output self.__find_contours_external_only = False self.find_contours_output = None self.__filter_contours_contours = self.find_contours_output self.__filter_contours_min_area = 125.0 self.__filter_contours_min_perimeter = 0.0 self.__filter_contours_min_width = 0.0 self.__filter_contours_max_width = 1000.0 self.__filter_contours_min_height = 0.0 self.__filter_contours_max_height = 1000.0 self.__filter_contours_solidity = [0, 100] self.__filter_contours_max_vertices = 1000000.0 self.__filter_contours_min_vertices = 0.0 self.__filter_contours_min_ratio = 0.0 self.__filter_contours_max_ratio = 1000.0 self.filter_contours_output = None
def __init__(self, receiverIP): try: # IPAddress can be static ip ("" or name:"roboRIO-4915-FRC"/"localhost") NetworkTable.setUpdateRate(.01) # default is .05 (50ms/20Hz), .01 (10ms/100Hz) NetworkTable.setIPAddress(receiverIP) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") # we communcate target to robot via VisionTarget table self.targetTable ="VisionTarget") # robot communicates to us via fields within the VisionControl SubTable # we opt for a different table to ensure we to receive callbacks from our # own writes. self.controlTable ="VisionControl") self.controlTable.addConnectionListener(self.connectionListener) self.controlTable.addTableListener(self.visionControlEvent) self.control = Control() = Target() self.fpsHistory = [] self.lastUpdate = time.time() theComm = self except: xcpt = sys.exc_info() print("ERROR initializing network tables", xcpt[0]) traceback.print_tb(xcpt[2])
def __init__(self, fakerobot): try: if fakerobot: NetworkTable.setIPAddress("localhost") else: NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roboRIO-4915-FRC") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") self.visTable ="Vision") self.connectionListener = ConnectionListener() self.visTable.addConnectionListener(self.connectionListener) self.visTable.addTableListener(self.visValueChanged) self.targetState = targetState.TargetState(self.visTable) self.targetHigh = True self.autoAimEnabled = False self.imuHeading = 0 self.fpsHistory = [] self.lastUpdate = time.time() except: xcpt = sys.exc_info() print("ERROR initializing network tables", xcpt[0]) traceback.print_tb(xcpt[2])
def __init__( self, capture, log, settings ): # port="",filters="", hsv=False, original=True, in_file="", out_file="", display=True self.limits = {} # Pass the log object self.log = log log.init( "initializing saber_track Tracker" ) self.settings = settings # If the port tag is True, set the if settings["port"] != "": logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG ) NetworkTable.setIPAddress( settings["port"] ) NetworkTable.setClientMode( ) NetworkTable.initialize( ) self.smt_dash = NetworkTable.getTable( "SmartDashboard" ) # initialize the filters. If the filter is the default: "", it will not create trackbars for it. self.init_filters( settings["filters"] ) # Deal with inputs and outputs self.settings["out_file"] = str( self.settings["out_file"] ) # set the file that will be written on saved if settings["in_file"] != "": self.log.init( "Reading trackfile: " + settings["in_file"] + ".json" ) fs = open( name + ".json", "r" ) # open the file under a .json extention data = json.loads( ) self.limits.update( data ) fs.close( ) # Localize the caputure object self.capture = capture # if there are any color limits (Upper and Lower hsv values to track) make the tracking code runs self.track = len( self.limits ) > 0 "Tracking: " + str(self.track) )
def __init__(self, webcam_device, webcam_name, local_ip="", local_port=8087, calc="peg"): self.__calc = calc # start web cam and set dimensions self.__camera = cv2.VideoCapture(webcam_device) self.__camera.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640) self.__camera.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480) # setup cv source to write frames to for mjpeg server self.__cvsource = cs.CvSource(webcam_name, cs.VideoMode.PixelFormat.kMJPEG, 320, 240, 30) # setup mjpeg server self.__mjpeg_server = cs.MjpegServer("httpserver", local_port) self.__mjpeg_server.setSource(self.__cvsource); # setup grip pipeline from self.__grip_pipeline = GripPipeline() # write camera info table = NetworkTable.getTable("CameraPublisher") cam = table.getSubTable(webcam_name) cam.putString("source", "usb:IMAQdx/") cam.putStringArray("streams", ["mjpg:http://" + local_ip + ":" + str(local_port) + "/stream.mjpg?name="+webcam_name]) if self.__debug: self.__webcam_name = webcam_name cv2.namedWindow(self.__webcam_name)
def __init__(self, sensors, forkLift, drive): ''' :param sensors: Sensors object :type sensors: :class:`.Sensor` ''' self.sensors = sensors self.forkLift = forkLift = drive sd = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.rotate_constant = sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Align|Rotation Constant', 0.015) self.fwd_constant = sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Align|FwdConstant', 175.0) self.drive_speed = sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Align|Speed', -.3) #self.threshold = sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Align|DistThreshold', 3) self.strafe_speed = sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Align|StrafeSpeed', .2) # in centimeters self.sensor_spacing = 18 self.next_pos = None self.aligning = False self.aligned = False
def initNetworktables(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # to see messages from networktables NetworkTable.setIPAddress('') # NetworkTable.setIPAddress('roborio-5260.local') NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() return NetworkTable.getTable('Pi')
def createObjects(self): '''Create motors and stuff here''' # Objects that are created here are shared with all classes # that declare them. For example, if I had: # self.elevator_motor = wpilib.TalonSRX(2) # here, then I could have # class Elevator: # elevator_motor = wpilib.TalonSRX # and that variable would be available to both the MyRobot # class and the Elevator class. This "variable injection" # is especially useful if you want to certain objects with # multiple different classes. # create the imu object self.bno055 = BNO055() # the "logger" - allows you to print to the logging screen # of the control computer self.logger = logging.getLogger("robot") # the SmartDashboard network table allows you to send # information to a html dashboard. useful for data display # for drivers, and also for plotting variables over time # while debugging = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') # boilerplate setup for the joystick self.joystick = wpilib.Joystick(0) self.gamepad = wpilib.Joystick(1) self.pressed_buttons_js = set() self.pressed_buttons_gp = set() self.spin_rate = 0.3
def __init__(self, tote_motor): = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.toteLimitLSensor = wpilib.DigitalInput(0) ##Left limit switch self.toteLimitRSensor = wpilib.DigitalInput(1) ##Right limit switch self.longDistanceLSensor = SharpIR2Y0A02(1) # # Robot's left self.longDistanceRSensor = SharpIR2Y0A02(3) # # Robot's right self.shortDistanceLSensor = SharpIRGP2Y0A41SK0F(2) # # Robot's left self.shortDistanceRSensor = SharpIRGP2Y0A41SK0F(7) # # Robot's right self.leftSensor = CombinedSensor(self.longDistanceLSensor, 22, self.shortDistanceLSensor, 6) self.rightSensor = CombinedSensor(self.longDistanceRSensor, 22, self.shortDistanceRSensor, 6) self.tote_motor = tote_motor self.in_range = False self.in_range_start = None # Premature optimization, but it looks nicer self._tote_exclude_range = set() # measured using the calibration routine interference = [(1031, 1387), (1888, 2153), (4544, 4895), (5395, 5664), (8008, 8450)] #for i in [1033, 2031, 4554, 5393, 7902]: for r1, r2 in interference: for j in range(r1, r2): self._tote_exclude_range.add(j) self.update()
def getTable(): if SmartDashboard.table is None: from networktables import NetworkTable SmartDashboard.table = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") hal.HALReport(hal.HALUsageReporting.kResourceType_SmartDashboard, hal.HALUsageReporting.kSmartDashboard_Instance) return SmartDashboard.table
def __init__(self, robotDrive, gyro, backInfrared): ''' Constructor. :param robotDrive: a `wpilib.RobotDrive` object ''' self.isTheRobotBackwards = False # set defaults here self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.rotation = 0 self.gyro = gyro self.angle_constant = .040 self.gyro_enabled = True self.robotDrive = robotDrive # Strafe stuff self.backInfrared = backInfrared sd = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.strafe_back_speed = sd.getAutoUpdateValue('strafe_back', .23) self.strafe_fwd_speed = sd.getAutoUpdateValue('strafe_fwd', -.23) # Top range: 50 is slow # Low range: 10 is too much acceleration self.strafe_adj = sd.getAutoUpdateValue('strafe_adj', 35)
def extra_processing(pipeline): """ Performs extra processing on the pipeline's outputs and publishes data to NetworkTables. :param pipeline: the pipeline that just processed an image :return: None """ center_x_positions = [] center_y_positions = [] widths = [] heights = [] # Find the bounding boxes of the contours to get x, y, width, and height for contour in pipeline.filter_contours_output: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) center_x_positions.append( x + w / 2 ) # X and Y are coordinates of the top-left corner of the bounding box center_y_positions.append(y + h / 2) widths.append(w) heights.append(y) print(center_x_positions) # Publish to the '/vision' network table table = NetworkTable.getTable("/vision") table.putValue("centerX", NumberArray.from_list(center_x_positions)) table.putValue("centerY", NumberArray.from_list(center_y_positions)) table.putValue("width", NumberArray.from_list(widths)) table.putValue("height", NumberArray.from_list(heights))
def createObjects(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger("robot") = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.intake_motor = wpilib.CANTalon(14) self.shooter_motor = wpilib.CANTalon(12) self.defeater_motor = wpilib.CANTalon(1) self.joystick = wpilib.Joystick(0) self.gamepad = wpilib.Joystick(1) self.pressed_buttons_js = set() self.pressed_buttons_gp = set() # needs to be created here so we can pass it in to the PIDController self.bno055 = BNO055() = Vision() self.range_finder = RangeFinder(0) self.heading_hold_pid_output = BlankPIDOutput() Tu = 1.6 Ku = 0.6 Kp = Ku * 0.3 self.heading_hold_pid = wpilib.PIDController(0.6, 2.0 * Kp / Tu * 0.1, 1.0 * Kp * Tu / 20.0 * 0, self.bno055, self.heading_hold_pid_output) self.heading_hold_pid.setTolerance(3.0*math.pi/180.0) self.heading_hold_pid.setContinuous(True) self.heading_hold_pid.setInputRange(-math.pi, math.pi) self.heading_hold_pid.setOutputRange(-1.0, 1.0) self.intake_motor.setFeedbackDevice(wpilib.CANTalon.FeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder) self.intake_motor.reverseSensor(False)
def initializeLiveWindowComponents(): """Initialize all the LiveWindow elements the first time we enter LiveWindow mode. By holding off creating the NetworkTable entries, it allows them to be redefined before the first time in LiveWindow mode. This allows default sensor and actuator values to be created that are replaced with the custom names from users calling addActuator and addSensor. """"Initializing the components first time") LiveWindow.livewindowTable = NetworkTable.getTable("LiveWindow") LiveWindow.statusTable = LiveWindow.livewindowTable.getSubTable( "~STATUS~") for component, c in LiveWindow.components.items():"Initializing table for '%s' '%s'" % (c.subsystem, LiveWindow.livewindowTable.getSubTable(c.subsystem).putString( "~TYPE~", "LW Subsystem") table = LiveWindow.livewindowTable.getSubTable( c.subsystem).getSubTable( table.putString("~TYPE~", component.getSmartDashboardType()) table.putString("Name", table.putString("Subsystem", c.subsystem) component.initTable(table) if c.isSensor: LiveWindow.sensors.add(component)
def main(): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1) #Network Tables Setup logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) NetworkTable.setIPAddress('') NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() nt = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') while cap.isOpened(): _, hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) #Range for green light reflected off of the tape. Need to tune. lower_green = np.array(constants.LOWER_GREEN, dtype=np.uint8) upper_green = np.array(constants.UPPER_GREEN, dtype=np.uint8) #Threshold the HSV image to only get the green color. mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_green, upper_green) #Gets contours of the thresholded image. _,contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #Draw the contours around detected object cv2.drawContours(frame, contours, -1, (0,0,255), 3) #Get centroid of tracked object. #Check to see if contours were found. if len(contours)>0: #find largest contour cnt = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea) #get center center = get_center(cnt), center, 3, (0,0,255), 2) if(center[0] != 0 and center[1]!=0): center_str_x = "x = "+str(center[0]) center_str_y = "y = "+str(center[1]) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(frame, "Center", constants.TEXT_COORDINATE_1, font, 0.7, (0,0,255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, center_str_x, constants.TEXT_COORDINATE_2, font, 0.7, (0,0,255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, center_str_y, constants.TEXT_COORDINATE_3, font, 0.7, (0,0,255), 2) angle, direction = get_offset_angle(center[0], center[1]) cv2.putText(frame, "Angle: "+str(angle),constants.TEXT_COORDINATE_4, font, 0.7, (0,0,255), 2) nt.putNumber('CameraAngle', angle) cv2.putText(frame, "Turn "+direction, constants.TEXT_COORDINATE_5, font, 0.7, (0,0,255), 2) if direction == right: nt.putNumber('Direction', 0) else: nt.putNumber('Direction', 1) #show image cv2.imshow('frame',frame) cv2.imshow('mask', mask) cv2.imshow('HSV', hsv) #close if delay in camera feed is too long k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if k == 27: break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def getTable(cls): if cls.table is None: from networktables import NetworkTable cls.table = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard"), hal.UsageReporting.kSmartDashboard_Instance) return cls.table
def setup(self): self.left = 0 self.right = 0 = NetworkTable.getTable("/SmartDashboard") #Turn to angle PI values self.turning_P ="TurnToAngle/P", 1) self.turning_I ="TurnToAngle/I", 0) self.turning_D ="TurnToAngle/D", 0) self.turn_controller = wpilib.PIDController(Kp=self.turning_P.value, Ki=self.turning_I.value, Kd=self.turning_D.value, source=self, output=self) self.turn_controller.setInputRange(-180, 180) self.turn_controller.setOutputRange(-1, 1) self.turn_controller.setContinuous(True) self.pid_value = 0 self.drive_constant ="Drive/Drive Constant", 0.0001) self.drive_multiplier ="Drive/Drive Multiplier", 0.75) SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Reversed", False) self.reversed = False self.logger = logging.getLogger("drive") self.iErr = 0
def __init__(self, table, field): from networktables import NetworkTable if isinstance(table, NetworkTable): self.table = table else: self.table = NetworkTable.getTable(table) self.field = field
def __init__(self, robot): # Joysticks self.leftStick = wpilib.Joystick(JoystickMap.PORT_LEFT) self.rightStick = wpilib.Joystick(JoystickMap.PORT_RIGHT) self.controller = wpilib.Joystick(JoystickMap.PORT_CONTROLLER) self.smart_dashboard = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard")
def __init__(self, tote_motor, can_motor): = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.toteLimitLSensor = wpilib.DigitalInput(0) ##Left limit switch self.toteLimitRSensor = wpilib.DigitalInput(1) ##Right limit switch self.longDistanceLSensor = SharpIR2Y0A02(1) # # Robot's left self.longDistanceRSensor = SharpIR2Y0A02(3) # # Robot's right self.shortDistanceLSensor = SharpIRGP2Y0A41SK0F(2) # # Robot's left self.shortDistanceRSensor = SharpIRGP2Y0A41SK0F(7) # # Robot's right self.leftSensor = CombinedSensor(self.longDistanceLSensor, 22, self.shortDistanceLSensor, 6) self.rightSensor = CombinedSensor(self.longDistanceRSensor, 22, self.shortDistanceRSensor, 6) self.tote_motor = tote_motor self.can_motor = can_motor self.in_range = False self.in_range_start = None # Premature optimization, but it looks nicer self._tote_exclude_range = set() # measured using the calibration routine interference = [(1031, 1387), (1888, 2153), (4544, 4895), (5395, 5664), (8008, 8450)] #for i in [1033, 2031, 4554, 5393, 7902]: for r1, r2 in interference: for j in range(r1, r2): self._tote_exclude_range.add(j) self.update()
def run_server(serial_conn): sd = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") def value_changed(table, key, value, is_new): debug("value_changed(): key='%s', value=%s, is_new=%s" % (key, value, is_new)) if key in receiveList and receiveList[key] == value: debug("value_changed(): update was caused by receive") del receiveList[key] else: if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): try: send_int(serial_conn, key, round(value)) except OverflowError: info("Integer too big to be sent: key=%s, value=%s" % (key, value)); elif isinstance(value, bool): send_bool(serial_conn, key, value) sd.addTableListener(value_changed) for name, value in recieve_packets(serial_conn): receiveList[name] = value if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): sd.putNumber(name, value) elif isinstance(value, bool): sd.putBoolean(name, value)
def __init__(self): print "Initializing NetworkTables..." NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roborio-4761-frc.local") NetworkTable.initialize() self.table = NetworkTable.getTable("vision") print "NetworkTables initialized!"
def __init__(self, sensors, forkLift, drive, autolift): """ :param sensors: Sensors object :type sensors: :class:`.Sensor` """ self.sensors = sensors self.forkLift = forkLift = drive self.autolift = autolift sd = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") self.rotate_constant = sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Align|Rotation Constant", 0.015) self.fwd_constant = sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Align|FwdConstant", 175.0) self.drive_speed = sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Align|Speed", -0.3) # self.threshold = sd.getAutoUpdateValue('Align|DistThreshold', 3) self.strafe_speed = sd.getAutoUpdateValue("Align|StrafeSpeed", 0.2) self.binPos = sd.getAutoUpdateValue("binPosition", 0) # in centimeters self.sensor_spacing = 18 self.next_pos = None self.aligning = False self.aligned = False self.can_aligning = True self.can_aligned = False
def put(self, key, value): """Puts the given value into the given key position :param key: the key :param value: the value """ if any((c in key) for c in "=\n\r\t[] "): raise KeyError("improper preference key '%s'" % key) with self.lock: if key not in self.values: self.keylist.append(key) self.values[key] = value try: from networktables import NetworkTable NetworkTable.getTable(self.TABLE_NAME).putString(key, value) except ImportError: pass
def setupVisionTable(): global visionTable NetworkTable.setIPAddress("") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() visionTable = NetworkTable.getTable("vision") setRunVision(False) turnOffLight()
def __init__(self): target = None nt = NetworkTable.getTable('/camera') nt.addTableListener(self._on_target, True, 'target') self.aimed_at_angle = None self.aimed_at_x = None
def main(): ip = "" NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() #print "Initializing Network Tables" NetworkTable.initialize() goalFinder = GoalFinder() stream = urllib.urlopen('') bytes = '' #print "Start Target Search Loop..." #turn true for single picture debuging first = False beagle = NetworkTable.getTable("GRIP") goals_table = beagle.getSubTable("aGoalContours") while True: #TODO: Fetch image from camera. # img = cv2.imread("0.jpg") bytes += b = bytes.rfind('\xff\xd9') a = bytes.rfind('\xff\xd8', 0, b - 1) if a != -1 and b != -1: jpg = bytes[a:b + 2] bytes = bytes[b + 2:] img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(jpg, dtype=np.uint8), cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) goalFinder.process_image(img) goals_table.putValue("centerX", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetXs)) goals_table.putValue("centerY", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetYs)) goals_table.putValue( "width", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetWidths)) goals_table.putValue( "height", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetHeights)) goals_table.putValue("area", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetAreas)) #if len(goalFinder.targetAreas) > 0: # print goalFinder.targetAreas #Use if you want to the save the image and retrieve it later. if first: first = False cv2.imwrite("test.jpg", img) goals_table.putNumber("OwlCounter", goals_table.getNumber("OwlCounter", 0) + 1) sleep(.01)
def __init__(self): self._speed = 0.0 self.current_deque = deque([0.0] * 3, 3) # Used to average currents over last n readings self.log_queue = [] self.velocity_queue = [] self.previous_velocity = 0.0 self.shoot_time = None = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.write_log = False
def __init__(self): self._speed = 0.0 self.current_deque = deque([0.0] * 3, 3) # Used to average currents over last n readings self.log_queue = [] self.velocity_queue = [] self.previous_velocity = 0.0 self.shoot_time = None = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") self.write_log = False
def __init__(self, address='localhost', flush_period=20e-3): self.nt = NetworkTable.getTable('DriverStationControlBoard') self.sw_vals_out = BooleanArray() self.led_vals_in = BooleanArray() self.ana_vals_out = NumberArray() self.pwm_vals_in = NumberArray() self.reset_table()
def __init__(self, log_dir): self.match_running = False self.time_start = None self.time_stop = None self.log_dir = log_dir self.save_dir = None = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard")
def createObjects(self): '''Create motors and stuff here''' # Objects that are created here are shared with all classes # that declare them. For example, if I had: # self.elevator_motor = wpilib.TalonSRX(2) # here, then I could have # class Elevator: # elevator_motor = wpilib.TalonSRX # and that variable would be available to both the MyRobot # class and the Elevator class. This "variable injection" # is especially useful if you want to certain objects with # multiple different classes. # create the imu object self.bno055 = BNO055() # the "logger" - allows you to print to the logging screen # of the control computer self.logger = logging.getLogger("robot") # the SmartDashboard network table allows you to send # information to a html dashboard. useful for data display # for drivers, and also for plotting variables over time # while debugging = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') # boilerplate setup for the joystick self.joystick = wpilib.Joystick(0) self.gamepad = XboxController(1) self.pressed_buttons_js = set() self.pressed_buttons_gp = set() self.drive_motor_a = CANTalon(2) self.drive_motor_b = CANTalon(5) self.drive_motor_c = CANTalon(4) self.drive_motor_d = CANTalon(3) self.gear_alignment_motor = CANTalon(14) self.winch_motor = CANTalon(11) self.winch_motor.setInverted(True) self.rope_lock_solenoid = wpilib.DoubleSolenoid(forwardChannel=0, reverseChannel=1) # self.rope_lock_solenoid = wpilib.DoubleSolenoid(forwardChannel=3, # reverseChannel=4) self.gear_push_solenoid = wpilib.Solenoid(2) self.gear_drop_solenoid = wpilib.Solenoid(3) # self.gear_push_solenoid = wpilib.DoubleSolenoid(forwardChannel=1, reverseChannel=2) # self.gear_drop_solenoid = wpilib.Solenoid(0) self.test_trajectory = generate_trapezoidal_trajectory( 0, 0, 3, 0, Chassis.max_vel, 1, -1, Chassis.motion_profile_freq) self.throttle = 1.0 self.direction = 1.0 self.led_dio = wpilib.DigitalOutput(1) self.compressor = wpilib.Compressor()
def robotInit(self): '''Robot-wide initialization code should go here''' self.lstick = wpilib.Joystick(0) = xbox.XboxController(self.lstick) self.rstick = wpilib.Joystick(1) self.lmotor = wpilib.Jaguar(0) self.rmotor = wpilib.Jaguar(1) self.gyro = wpilib.AnalogGyro(1) = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard')
def init_ntable(): global ntable NetworkTable.setIPAddress(config.server["rioAddress"]) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() ntable = NetworkTable.getTable('vision'); ntable.addTableListener(onValueChanged)
class TCDash(App): NetworkTable.setIPAddress( "") #for robot will be aka ip of rio NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() sd = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") def build(self): return main()
def init_networktables(): #TODO: Check to see if NetworkTables is already initialized if not using_networktables: raise Exception("Attempted to initialize NetworkTables while NetworkTables is disabled!") NetworkTable.setIPAddress(args.networktables_ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() global table table = NetworkTable.getTable("vision")"Initialized NetworkTables")
def drive_distance(self, initial_call): if initial_call: = False = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.x_ctrl.move_to(self.drive_distance_feet) if self.x_ctrl.is_at_location(): self.next_state('finish')
def __init__(self, drive_motor, rotate_motor, encoder, sd_prefix='SwerveModule', inverted=False, zero=0.0, allow_reverse=True, has_drive_encoder=False): """ Swerve drive module was written for a swerve drive train that uses absolute encoders for tracking wheel rotation. :param drive_motor: Motor object :param rotate_motor: Motor object :param encoder: AnalogInput wpilib object :param sd_prefix: a string used to differentiate modules when debugging :param zero: The default zero for the encoder :param inverted: boolean to invert the wheel rotation :param allow_reverse: If true allows wheels to spin backwards instead of rotating :param has_drive_encoder: If true allows the module to track wheel position """ # SmartDashboard = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.sd_prefix = sd_prefix # Motors self.drive_motor = drive_motor self.drive_inverted = inverted self.drive_motor.setInverted(self.drive_inverted) self.rotate_motor = rotate_motor self._requested_voltage = 0 # Angle in voltage form self._requested_speed = 0 # Encoder self.encoder = encoder self.encoder_zero = zero # PID self._pid_controller = wpilib.PIDController(1.5, 0.0, 0.0, self.encoder, self.rotate_motor) self._pid_controller.setContinuous() self._pid_controller.setInputRange(0.0, 5.0) self._pid_controller.enable() # State variables self.allow_reverse = allow_reverse self.debugging = 'drive/%s/debugging' % self.sd_prefix, False) self.has_drive_encoder = has_drive_encoder
def __init__(self): # mjpg-streamer isn't setting parameters properly yet, so do it here if not hal.HALIsSimulation(): # pragma: no cover from import setCaptureParameters setCaptureParameters("/dev/v4l/by-id/usb-046d_0825_96EBCE50-video-index0", "/etc/default/mjpg-streamer") self.nt = NetworkTable.getTable('vision') self._values = {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'w': 0.0, 'h': 0.0, 'time': 0.0} self._smoothed_pidget = 0.0 self.no_vision_counter = 0 self.nt.addTableListener(self.valueChanged)
def setup(self): """ Called after injection. """ #Put all the modules into a dictionary self.modules = { 'front_right': self.fr_module, 'front_left': self.fl_module, 'rear_left': self.rl_module, 'rear_right': self.rr_module } = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self._requested_vectors = { 'fwd': 0, 'strafe': 0, 'rcw': 0 } self._requested_angles = { 'front_right': 0, 'front_left': 0, 'rear_left': 0, 'rear_right': 0 } self._requested_speeds = { 'front_right': 0, 'front_left': 0, 'rear_left': 0, 'rear_right': 0 } self._predicted_position = { 'fwd': 0, 'strafe': 0, 'rcw': 0 } self.predict_position = False # Variables that allow enabling and disabling of features in code self.allow_reverse = False self.squared_inputs = True self.snap_rotation = False self.wait_for_align = False self.threshold_input_vectors = True self.width = (22/12)/2 self.length = (18.5/12)/2 self.request_wheel_lock = False
def drive_distance(self, initial_call): if initial_call: = False = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.tracker.enable() self.y_ctrl.move_to(self.drive_distance_feet)'TESTING: ', self.y_ctrl.get_position()) if self.y_ctrl.is_at_location(): self.next_state('finish')
def __init__(self): # TODO: StartCAPI() # TODO: See if the next line is necessary # Resource.RestartProgram() try: from networktables import NetworkTable #NetworkTable.setServerMode() -- don't set this explicitly, it's the default. except ImportError: warnings.warn("networktables not found", ImportWarning) NetworkTable = None from .driverstation import DriverStation self.ds = DriverStation.getInstance() if NetworkTable is not None: NetworkTable.getTable("") # forces network tables to initialize NetworkTable.getTable("LiveWindow").getSubTable("~STATUS~").putBoolean("LW Enabled", False) self.__initialized = True
def __init__(self): = NetworkTable.getTable('/SmartDashboard') self.angle_P ='Drive/Angle_P', .055) self.angle_I ='Drive/Angle_I', 0) self.drive_constant ='Drive/Drive_Constant', .0001) self.rotate_max ='Drive/Max Gyro Rotate Speed', .37) self.enabled = False self.align_angle = None self.align_print_timer = wpilib.Timer() self.align_print_timer.start()
def __init__(self): self._speed = 0.0 self.state = States.no_ball self.current_deque = deque([0.0] * 3, 3) # Used to average currents over last n readings self.log_queue = [] self.velocity_queue = [] self.intake_time = 0.0 self.previous_velocity = 0.0 self.shoot_time = None = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.contact_time = time.time()
def __init__(self): self.size = None = Storage() self.nt = NetworkTable.getTable('/camera') = NumberArray() self.nt.putValue('target', # TODO: this makes this no longer tunable.. self.lower = np.array([self.thresh_hue_p, self.thresh_sat_p, self.thresh_val_p], dtype=np.uint8) self.upper = np.array([self.thresh_hue_n, self.thresh_sat_n, self.thresh_val_n], dtype=np.uint8)
def setup(robot_ip, table_id, connection_listener_class=None): print("Connecting to NetworkTable '{}' on Robot at '{}'".format(table_id, robot_ip)) NetworkTable.setIPAddress(robot_ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable(table_id) if connection_listener_class: table.addConnectionListener(connection_listener_class()) return table