def main(): NetworkTable.setTeam(5587) # TODO set your team number NetworkTable.setClientMode() # TODO switch to RIO IP, or IP of laptop running OutlineViewer for setup NetworkTable.setIPAddress('') NetworkTable.initialize() # TODO find what v4l2-ctl settings you need. Pass each commandline option # through this array. REQUIRES v4l2-utils to be installed. call([ "v4l2-ctl", "--set-ctrl=exposure_auto=1", "--set-ctrl=exposure_absolute=9", "--set-ctrl=white_balance_temperature_auto=0" ], shell=False) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) pipeline = GripPipeline() while True: ret, frame = if ret: # TODO add extra parameters if the pipeline takes more than just a # single image pipeline.process(frame) extra_processing(pipeline)
def __init__( self, capture, log, settings ): # port="",filters="", hsv=False, original=True, in_file="", out_file="", display=True self.limits = {} # Pass the log object self.log = log log.init( "initializing saber_track Tracker" ) self.settings = settings # If the port tag is True, set the if settings["port"] != "": logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG ) NetworkTable.setIPAddress( settings["port"] ) NetworkTable.setClientMode( ) NetworkTable.initialize( ) self.smt_dash = NetworkTable.getTable( "SmartDashboard" ) # initialize the filters. If the filter is the default: "", it will not create trackbars for it. self.init_filters( settings["filters"] ) # Deal with inputs and outputs self.settings["out_file"] = str( self.settings["out_file"] ) # set the file that will be written on saved if settings["in_file"] != "": self.log.init( "Reading trackfile: " + settings["in_file"] + ".json" ) fs = open( name + ".json", "r" ) # open the file under a .json extention data = json.loads( ) self.limits.update( data ) fs.close( ) # Localize the caputure object self.capture = capture # if there are any color limits (Upper and Lower hsv values to track) make the tracking code runs self.track = len( self.limits ) > 0 "Tracking: " + str(self.track) )
def __init__(self, fakerobot): try: if fakerobot: NetworkTable.setIPAddress("localhost") else: NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roboRIO-4915-FRC") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") self.visTable ="Vision") self.connectionListener = ConnectionListener() self.visTable.addConnectionListener(self.connectionListener) self.visTable.addTableListener(self.visValueChanged) self.targetState = targetState.TargetState(self.visTable) self.targetHigh = True self.autoAimEnabled = False self.imuHeading = 0 self.fpsHistory = [] self.lastUpdate = time.time() except: xcpt = sys.exc_info() print("ERROR initializing network tables", xcpt[0]) traceback.print_tb(xcpt[2])
def main(): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1) #Network Tables Setup logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) NetworkTable.setIPAddress('') NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() nt = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') while cap.isOpened(): _, hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) #Range for green light reflected off of the tape. Need to tune. lower_green = np.array(constants.LOWER_GREEN, dtype=np.uint8) upper_green = np.array(constants.UPPER_GREEN, dtype=np.uint8) #Threshold the HSV image to only get the green color. mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_green, upper_green) #Gets contours of the thresholded image. _,contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #Draw the contours around detected object cv2.drawContours(frame, contours, -1, (0,0,255), 3) #Get centroid of tracked object. #Check to see if contours were found. if len(contours)>0: #find largest contour cnt = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea) #get center center = get_center(cnt), center, 3, (0,0,255), 2) if(center[0] != 0 and center[1]!=0): center_str_x = "x = "+str(center[0]) center_str_y = "y = "+str(center[1]) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(frame, "Center", constants.TEXT_COORDINATE_1, font, 0.7, (0,0,255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, center_str_x, constants.TEXT_COORDINATE_2, font, 0.7, (0,0,255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, center_str_y, constants.TEXT_COORDINATE_3, font, 0.7, (0,0,255), 2) angle, direction = get_offset_angle(center[0], center[1]) cv2.putText(frame, "Angle: "+str(angle),constants.TEXT_COORDINATE_4, font, 0.7, (0,0,255), 2) nt.putNumber('CameraAngle', angle) cv2.putText(frame, "Turn "+direction, constants.TEXT_COORDINATE_5, font, 0.7, (0,0,255), 2) if direction == right: nt.putNumber('Direction', 0) else: nt.putNumber('Direction', 1) #show image cv2.imshow('frame',frame) cv2.imshow('mask', mask) cv2.imshow('HSV', hsv) #close if delay in camera feed is too long k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if k == 27: break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def init_networktables(ipaddr):"Connecting to networktables at %s" % ipaddr) NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ipaddr) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize()"Networktables Initialized")
def setupNetworkTable(table, address): # To see messages from networktables, you must setup logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) NetworkTable.setIPAddress(address) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() return NetworkTable.getTable(table)
def init_networktables(ipaddr):"Connecting to robot %s" % ipaddr) Networktable.setIPAddress(ipaddr) Networktable.setClientMode() Networktable.initialize()"Initialized networktables")"Waiting...")
def initNetworktables(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # to see messages from networktables NetworkTable.setIPAddress('') # NetworkTable.setIPAddress('roborio-5260.local') NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() return NetworkTable.getTable('Pi')
def main(): print('Initializing NetworkTables') NetworkTable.setIPAddress("") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() print('Creating video capture') cap = cv2.VideoCapture("") print("here") bytes = '' first = False print('Creating pipeline') pipeline = GripPipeline() print('Running pipeline') while cap.isOpened(): have_frame, frame = if have_frame: pipeline.process(frame) extra_processing(pipeline) print('Capture closed')
def __init__(self, receiverIP): try: # IPAddress can be static ip ("" or name:"roboRIO-4915-FRC"/"localhost") NetworkTable.setUpdateRate(.01) # default is .05 (50ms/20Hz), .01 (10ms/100Hz) NetworkTable.setIPAddress(receiverIP) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") # we communcate target to robot via VisionTarget table self.targetTable ="VisionTarget") # robot communicates to us via fields within the VisionControl SubTable # we opt for a different table to ensure we to receive callbacks from our # own writes. self.controlTable ="VisionControl") self.controlTable.addConnectionListener(self.connectionListener) self.controlTable.addTableListener(self.visionControlEvent) self.control = Control() = Target() self.fpsHistory = [] self.lastUpdate = time.time() theComm = self except: xcpt = sys.exc_info() print("ERROR initializing network tables", xcpt[0]) traceback.print_tb(xcpt[2])
def __init__(self): print "Initializing NetworkTables..." NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roborio-4761-frc.local") NetworkTable.initialize() self.table = NetworkTable.getTable("vision") print "NetworkTables initialized!"
def __init__(self, ip, name): NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() self.visionNetworkTable = NetworkTable.getTable(name) if constants.SENDTOSMARTDASHBOARD: constants.smartDashboard = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard")
def setupVisionTable(): global visionTable NetworkTable.setIPAddress("") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() visionTable = NetworkTable.getTable("vision") setRunVision(False) turnOffLight()
def init_network_tables(ip=''): """Initialize NetworkTables as a client to receive and send values :param ip: ip address or hostname of the server """ NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize()'Network Tables connected as client to {}'.format(ip))
def main(): ip = "" NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() #print "Initializing Network Tables" NetworkTable.initialize() goalFinder = GoalFinder() stream = urllib.urlopen('') bytes = '' #print "Start Target Search Loop..." #turn true for single picture debuging first = False beagle = NetworkTable.getTable("GRIP") goals_table = beagle.getSubTable("aGoalContours") while True: #TODO: Fetch image from camera. # img = cv2.imread("0.jpg") bytes += b = bytes.rfind('\xff\xd9') a = bytes.rfind('\xff\xd8', 0, b - 1) if a != -1 and b != -1: jpg = bytes[a:b + 2] bytes = bytes[b + 2:] img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(jpg, dtype=np.uint8), cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) goalFinder.process_image(img) goals_table.putValue("centerX", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetXs)) goals_table.putValue("centerY", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetYs)) goals_table.putValue( "width", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetWidths)) goals_table.putValue( "height", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetHeights)) goals_table.putValue("area", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetAreas)) #if len(goalFinder.targetAreas) > 0: # print goalFinder.targetAreas #Use if you want to the save the image and retrieve it later. if first: first = False cv2.imwrite("test.jpg", img) goals_table.putNumber("OwlCounter", goals_table.getNumber("OwlCounter", 0) + 1) sleep(.01)
def init_networktables(): #TODO: Check to see if NetworkTables is already initialized if not using_networktables: raise Exception("Attempted to initialize NetworkTables while NetworkTables is disabled!") NetworkTable.setIPAddress(args.networktables_ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() global table table = NetworkTable.getTable("vision")"Initialized NetworkTables")
def init_ntable(): global ntable NetworkTable.setIPAddress(config.server["rioAddress"]) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() ntable = NetworkTable.getTable('vision'); ntable.addTableListener(onValueChanged)
def initNetworktables(options): if options.dashboard:"Connecting to networktables in Dashboard mode") NetworkTable.setDashboardMode() else:"Connecting to networktables at %s", options.robot) NetworkTable.setIPAddress(options.robot) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize()"Networktables Initialized")
def init_networktables(options): if options.dashboard:"Connecting to networktables in Dashboard mode") NetworkTable.setDashboardMode() else:"Connecting to networktables at %s", options.robot) NetworkTable.setIPAddress(options.robot) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize()"Networktables Initialized")
def setup(robot_ip, table_id, connection_listener_class=None): print("Connecting to NetworkTable '{}' on Robot at '{}'".format(table_id, robot_ip)) NetworkTable.setIPAddress(robot_ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable(table_id) if connection_listener_class: table.addConnectionListener(connection_listener_class()) return table
def init_filter(): '''Function called by mjpg-streamer to initialize the filter''' # Connect to the robot NetworkTable.setIPAddress('') NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() #os.system("v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video1 -c exposure_auto=1 -c exposure_absolute=20") #os.system("v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video2 -c exposure_auto=1 -c exposure_absolute=10") filter = TargetFinder() return filter.quad_normals
def main(): ip = "" NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() # print "Initializing Network Tables" NetworkTable.initialize() goalFinder = GoalFinder() stream = urllib.urlopen("") bytes = "" # print "Start Target Search Loop..." # turn true for single picture debuging first = False beagle = NetworkTable.getTable("GRIP") goals_table = beagle.getSubTable("aGoalContours") while True: # TODO: Fetch image from camera. # img = cv2.imread("0.jpg") bytes += b = bytes.rfind("\xff\xd9") a = bytes.rfind("\xff\xd8", 0, b - 1) if a != -1 and b != -1: jpg = bytes[a : b + 2] bytes = bytes[b + 2 :] img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(jpg, dtype=np.uint8), cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) goalFinder.process_image(img) goals_table.putValue("centerX", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetXs)) goals_table.putValue("centerY", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetYs)) goals_table.putValue("width", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetWidths)) goals_table.putValue("height", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetHeights)) goals_table.putValue("area", NumberArray.from_list(goalFinder.targetAreas)) # if len(goalFinder.targetAreas) > 0: # print goalFinder.targetAreas # Use if you want to the save the image and retrieve it later. if first: first = False cv2.imwrite("test.jpg", img) goals_table.putNumber("OwlCounter", goals_table.getNumber("OwlCounter", 0) + 1) sleep(0.01)
def __init__(self, options): NetworkTable.setIPAddress(options.ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() logger.debug('Networktables Initialized') self.current_session = None = NetworkTable.getTable('/') with open(options.config) as config_file: self.config = json.load(config_file)
def main(): prev = 0 current = 0 owlMissingCounter = 0 robotMissingCounter = 0 prevRobotMissing = 0 currentRobotMissing = 0 ip = "roboRIO-2481-FRC.local" NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() print "Bird Watcher: Initializing Network Tables" NetworkTable.initialize() time.sleep(2) while True: beagle = NetworkTable.getTable("GRIP") goals_table = beagle.getSubTable("aGoalContours") current = goals_table.getNumber("OwlCounter", 0) currentRobotMissing = goals_table.getNumber("RobotCounter", 0) if current == prev: owlMissingCounter += 1 else: owlMissingCounter = 0 #print owlMissingCounter prev = current if owlMissingCounter > 10: print "Bird Watcher: Restarting Owl Service" os.system("systemctl restart Camera") time.sleep(5) else: time.sleep(1) if currentRobotMissing == prevRobotMissing: robotMissingCounter += 1 else: robotMissingCounter = 0 prevRobotMissing = currentRobotMissing if robotMissingCounter > 10: print "Robot Watcher: Restarting Owl Service" os.system("systemctl restart Camera") time.sleep(5)
def __init__(self): self.socketio = None self.value_cache = { 'tracking_enabled': True } NetworkTable.setIPAddress(config.ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') self.c_listener = NetworkTablesConnectionListener( self.on_connection_changed)
def main(): NetworkTable.setIPAddress('') NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() sd = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard') #ms_list = [] while True: time.sleep(0.1) start_time = # returns the elapsed milliseconds since the start of the program vision(sd) dt = - start_time ms = (dt.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + dt.seconds) * 1000 + dt.microseconds / 1000.0 print ms cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def __init__(self,parent,id): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id,"Robot",size=(265,300)) self.frame=wx.Panel(self) self.front_left=wx.TextCtrl(self.frame,-1,pos=(100,25),size=(150,40),style=wx.NO_BORDER|wx.TE_READONLY) distance_words=wx.StaticText(self.frame,-1,"Distance",pos=(10,25)) velocity_words=wx.StaticText(self.frame,-1,"Velocity",pos=(10,125)) speed_words=wx.StaticText(self.frame,-1,"Speed",pos=(10,175)) self.front_left.SetBackgroundColour("green") self.speed_stuff=wx.TextCtrl(self.frame,-1,pos=(100,175),size=(150,40),style=wx.NO_BORDER|wx.TE_READONLY) self.velocity_stuff=wx.TextCtrl(self.frame,-1,pos=(100,125),size=(150,40),style=wx.NO_BORDER|wx.TE_READONLY) self.camera_stuff=wx.TextCtrl(self.frame,-1,pos=(100,75),size=(150,40),style=wx.NO_BORDER|wx.TE_READONLY) vision_words=wx.StaticText(self.frame,-1,"Vision",pos=(10,75)) self.camera_stuff.SetBackgroundColour("green") self.user_font=wx.Font(18, wx.DEFAULT ,wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL) distance_words.SetFont(self.user_font) self.front_left.SetFont(self.user_font) self.camera_stuff.SetFont(self.user_font) speed_words.SetFont(self.user_font) velocity_words.SetFont(self.user_font) vision_words.SetFont(self.user_font) self.velocity_stuff.SetFont(self.user_font) self.speed_stuff.SetFont(self.user_font),label="Camera",pos=(50,220),size=(150,40)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.camera_link, self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.close_window) #Pynetwork tables stuff NetworkTable.setIPAddress("")#Temp for testing NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() self.smrt = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") self.distance = self.smrt.getAutoUpdateValue('Distance', 0) = self.smrt.getAutoUpdateValue('Vision', 0) self.velocity = self.smrt.getAutoUpdateValue('Velocity', 0) self.speed = self.smrt.getAutoUpdateValue('Speed', 0) threader=threading.Thread(target=self.threading) self.keep_open=True threader.setDaemon(1) threader.start()
class TCDash(App): NetworkTable.setIPAddress( "") #for robot will be aka ip of rio NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() sd = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") def build(self): return main()
def main(): print('Initializing NetworkTables') NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.setIPAddress('localhost') NetworkTable.initialize() print('Creating Video Capture') cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1) print('Creating Pipeline') pipeline = GripPipeline() print('Running Pipeline') while cap.isOpened(): have_frame, frame = if have_frame: pipeline.process(frame) extra_processing(pipeline) print('Capture Closed')
def __init__(self, fakerobot): try: if fakerobot: NetworkTable.setIPAddress("localhost") else: NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roboRIO-4915-FRC") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() self.smartDashboard = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") self.connectionListener = ConnectionListener() self.smartDashboard.addConnectionListener(self.connectionListener) self.visTable = self.smartDashboard.getSubTable("vision") self.visTable.addTableListener(self.visValueChanged) self.targetState = targetState.TargetState(self.visTable) except: xcpt = sys.exc_info() print("ERROR initializing network tables", xcpt[0]) traceback.print_tb(xcpt[2])
def __init__(self): client = False if len(sys.argv) > 1: client = True NetworkTable.setIPAddress(sys.argv[1]) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() # Default write flush is 0.05, could adjust for less latency #NetworkTable.setWriteFlushPeriod(0.01) self.nt = NetworkTable.getTable('/benchmark') self.updates = 0 if client: self.nt.addTableListener(self.on_update) self.recv_benchmark() else: self.send_benchmark()
class test: ip = 'roborio-2643-frc.local' ip2 = '' NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip2) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable("Vision") x = 0 def sendVal(val): self.table.putNumber("Hello", val) while 1: table.putNumber("Hello", x) print(table.getNumber("Hello", 0)) x += 1
import math import random from networktables import NetworkTable import socket logfile = open('log.txt', 'w') addr = "" try: hostname = "roborio-4534-frc.local" addr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) logfile.write(addr) except: pass NetworkTable.setIPAddress(addr) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() logfile.write("Initialized") table = NetworkTable.getTable('vision') ### GLOBALS ### displayThreshold = False ### END GLOBALS ### ### CONSTANTS ### # Camera's physical height (inches) above ground boilerCameraAltitude = 24 gearCameraAltitude = 5
else: can.configure(image=can_off) num_totes = int(elevator.getNumber('tote_count', 0)) for tote in totes: tote.configure(image=tote_off) for index in range(num_totes): totes[4 - index].configure(image=tote_on) if elevator.getBoolean('has_game_piece', False): totes[-1].configure(image=tote_on) root.after(100, update) if __name__ == "__main__": can = Label(root, image=can_off) can.grid(row=0) totes = [] for i in range(6): totes.append(Label(root, image=tote_off)) totes[i].grid(row=i + 1) NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roborio-865.local") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() elevator = NetworkTable.getTable("Elevator") update() root.mainloop()
now = print("Vision Log for " + str( + "/" + str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.year) + " ~ " + str(now.hour) + ":" + str(now.minute) + ":" + str(now.second)) print("OpenCV version: " + str(cv2.__version__)) print("Starting Vision...") bytes = '' version = int(cv2.__version__[:1]) streamRunning = True pipeline = GripPipeline() try: NetworkTable.setTeam(2551) NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roborio-2551-frc.local") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() print("Initializing Network Tables...") except: print("Network Tables already initialized") pass #NetworkTable.setTeam(2551) #NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roborio-2551-frc.local") #NetworkTable.setClientMode() #NetworkTable.initialize() #print("Initializing Network Tables...") sd = NetworkTable.getTable('GRIP/myContoursReport')
default='/mnt/', help='specify directory in which to log data') parser.add_argument( '--output-dir', metavar='ODIR', default='/opt/', help='specify directory in which to deposit structure.jpg') parser.add_argument( '--robot', metavar='IP', dest='robot', default='roborio-3223-frc.local', help='specify ip address of robot') return parser parser = setup_options_parser() args = parser.parse_args() NetworkTable.setIPAddress(args.robot) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() file_name = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "structure.jpg") tmp_name = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "structure.tmp.jpg") vision = Vision() vision.mode = 5 vision.setup_mode_listener() logger = DataLogger(args.log_dir) now = time.time() with vision: while True:
#client code what would be on driver station #send whatever you want to the table #here is where one can make a cli interface or read from a file import sys import time from networktables import NetworkTable import logging from PythonApplication1 import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) NetworkTable.setIPAddress( "") #for robot will be aka ip of rio NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() sd = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") value = 217 while True: print('Sending... ', value) sd.putNumber('VALUE', value) time.sleep(1)
# import sys import time from networktables import NetworkTable # To see messages from networktables, you must setup logging import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Error: specify an IP to connect to!") exit(0) ip = sys.argv[1] NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() def valueChanged(key, value, isNew): print("valueChanged: key: '%s'; value: %s; isNew: %s" % (key, value, isNew)) NetworkTable.addGlobalListener(valueChanged) while True: time.sleep(1)
def __init__(self, ip="roboRIO-3242-FRC.local"): NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() self.table = NetworkTable.getTable("rpi")
frame_0 = directory + 'Raw/' frame_p = directory + 'Processed/' filename = directory + 'imageValues.npz' url = '' freqFramesCam = 20 # how often we're sampling the camera to save files freqFramesNT = 10 # how often we're sending to network tables validCount = 0 # initialize how many validUpdates we've had ############################################################################# from networktables import NetworkTable import logging if NetworkTable._staticProvider is None: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) NetworkTable.setIPAddress('') NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() sd = NetworkTable.getTable("Camera") ############################################################################## cap = cv2.VideoCapture(url) # capture camera, 0 is laptop cam, numbers after that are cameras attached # Check to make sure cap was initialized in capture if cap.isOpened(): print 'Cap succesfully opened' print cap.grab() else: print 'Cap initialization failed'
from networktables import NetworkTable import time NetworkTable.setIPAddress("") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable("rpi")
import time from networktables import NetworkTable # import colorama # from colorama import Fore, Back, Style # colorama.init() # AUTHOR: Robbie Selwyn IP = "roborio-8-frc.local" NetworkTable.setIPAddress(IP) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable("data_table") recording = False f = None time.sleep(1) print "Started Listening" while True: if table.getString("start", "") == "true" and not recording: print "Received Start" recording = True f = open("can-data.csv", "w")
import sys import time from networktables import NetworkTable from networktables.util import ChooserControl # To see messages from networktables, you must setup logging import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Error: specify an IP to connect to!") exit(0) ip = sys.argv[1] NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ip) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() def on_choices(value): print('OnChoices', value) def on_selected(value): print('OnSelected', value) cc = ChooserControl('Autonomous Mode', on_choices, on_selected)
def main(): # brightness adjusted, used to be 30, now is 70 os.system("v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 " "-c brightness=70 " "-c contrast=10 " "-c saturation=100 " "-c white_balance_temperature_auto=0 " "-c power_line_frequency=2 " "-c white_balance_temperature=4500 " "-c sharpness=25 " "-c backlight_compensation=0 " "-c exposure_auto=1 " "-c exposure_absolute=5 " "-c pan_absolute=0 " "-c tilt_absolute=0 " "-c zoom_absolute=0") NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roboRIO-687-FRC.local") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable("NerdyVision") print("NetworkTables initialized") angle_to_turn = 0 while 687: aligned = False previous_angle_to_turn = angle_to_turn ret, frame = capture_time = time.time() # blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame, (11, 11), 0) kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) erosion = cv2.erode(frame, kernel, iterations=1) dilation = cv2.dilate(erosion, kernel, iterations=1) res, mask = NerdyFunctions.mask(NerdyConstants.LOWER_GREEN, NerdyConstants.UPPER_GREEN, dilation) _, cnts, _ = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(cnts) > 0: c = max(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea) area = cv2.contourArea(c) if area > NerdyConstants.MIN_GOAL_AREA: goal = NerdyFunctions.polygon(c, 0.025) if len(goal) == 4: cv2.drawContours(res, [goal], 0, (255, 0, 0), 5) M = cv2.moments(goal) if M['m00'] > 0: cx, cy = NerdyFunctions.calc_center(M) center = (cx, cy), center, 5, (255, 0, 0), -1) error = cx - NerdyConstants.FRAME_CX angle_to_turn = NerdyFunctions.calc_horiz_angle(error) print("ANGLE_TO_TURN: " + str(angle_to_turn)) aligned = NerdyFunctions.is_aligned(angle_to_turn) print("IS_ALIGNED: " + str(aligned)) processed_time = time.time() delta_time = processed_time - capture_time print("PROCESSED_TIME: " + str(delta_time)) # Has to be commented out because ssh doesn't allow opencv windows open # NerdyFunctions.draw_static(res) # cv2.imshow("NerdyVision", res) try: table.putBoolean('IS_ALIGNED', aligned) if previous_angle_to_turn != angle_to_turn: table.putNumber('ANGLE_TO_TURN', angle_to_turn) table.putNumber('PROCESSED_TIME', delta_time) else : table.putNumber('ANGLE_TO_TURN', 0) table.putNumber('PROCESSED_TIME', 0) table.putBoolean('VISION_ON', True) except: print("DATA NOT SENDING...") table.putBoolean('IS_ALINGED', False) table.putNumber('ANGLE_TO_TURN', 0) table.putNumber('PROCESSED_TIME', 0) table.putBoolean('VISION_ON', False) cv2.waitKey(1) cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
sig = as_array(ic) back = as_array(ia) vc.on_time = 1250000 * 8 # units are nanoseconds. vc.led_enabled = False # frame time is 30 milliseconds, so make it smaller than that. import cv2, threading import cPickle as pickle from pylab import plot, ion ion() from cv2 import cv from time import time from networktables import NetworkTable try: NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roboRIO-2228-FRC.local") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() except: print("ERROR in creating network tables: " + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) sd = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard") class Struct: #useful one liner for creating struct like variables #see declaration of def __init__(self, **entries): self.__dict__.update(entries) class Utils: #class containing various extrenuous functions #including those for displaying images
def __init__(self): NetworkTable.setIPAddress('') NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() self.nt = NetworkTable.getTable("vision")
import logging from networktables import NetworkTable import subprocess import time logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Initializing NetworkTables...") NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roborio-4761-frc.local") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable("control_daemon") log.debug("NetworkTables intitialized!") def reset_flags(): log.debug("Setting default values for flags...") table.putBoolean("shutdown_flag", False) table.putBoolean("reboot_flag", False) log.debug("Default flag values set!") reset_flags() log.debug("Entering main loop...") while True: table.putNumber("last_updated", time.time()) if table.getBoolean("reboot_flag", False): reset_flags()"Reboot flag is true! Rebooting...") subprocess.Popen(["reboot"])
directory = 'C:/Users/Ithier/Documents/FIRST/2017/Off Season/' filename = directory + 'imageValues.npz' # folder npz file is in. NPZ file contains hsv values and brightness value url = 0 debug = 1 validCount = 0 # how many valid targets we've found n = 0 freqFramesNT = 10 # how often we're sending to network tables ############################################################################# from networktables import NetworkTable import logging #if NetworkTable._staticProvider is None: try: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) NetworkTable.setIPAddress('') NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() except: if debug == 1: print("Network tables has already been initialized") sd = NetworkTable.getTable("Camera") ############################################################################# cap = cv2.VideoCapture( url ) # capture camera, 0 is laptop cam, numbers after that are cameras attached time.sleep(2) # Check to make sure cap was initialized in capture if debug: if cap.isOpened():
from __future__ import print_function from networktables import NetworkTable from networktables.util import ChooserControl import sys import time import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) NetworkTable.setIPAddress("") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() def foo(value): print("foo", value) def bar(value): print("bar", value) def valueChanged(key, value, isNew): print("valueChanged: %s = %s" % (key, value) ) NetworkTable.addGlobalListener(valueChanged) cc = ChooserControl("control_preset", foo, bar) sd = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard")
# construct the argument parse and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-n", "--num-frames", type=int, default=100, help="# of frames to loop over for FPS test") ap.add_argument("-d", "--display", type=int, default=-1, help="Whether or not frames should be displayed") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) NetworkTable.setIPAddress( "roborio-2609-frc.local") #Change the address to your own NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() sd = NetworkTable.getTable("RaspberryPi") # grab a pointer to the video stream and initialize the FPS counter print("[INFO] sampling frames from webcam...") stream = cv2.VideoCapture(0) fps = FPS().start() # loop over some frames while fps._numFrames < args["num_frames"]: # grab the frame from the stream and resize it to have a maximum # width of 640 pixels (grabbed, frame) = frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=640)
from networktables import NetworkTable NetworkTable.setIPAddress("") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable("rpi") table.putNumber("visionX", 2) table.putNumber("visionY", 4) print("done")
def init_network_tables(ipAddress, table): NetworkTable.setIPAddress(ipAddress) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() vp = NetworkTable.getTable(table) return vp
def main(): # brightness adjusted, used to be 30, now is 70 os.system("v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 " "-c brightness=70 " "-c contrast=10 " "-c saturation=100 " "-c white_balance_temperature_auto=0 " "-c power_line_frequency=2 " "-c white_balance_temperature=4500 " "-c sharpness=25 " "-c backlight_compensation=0 " "-c exposure_auto=1 " "-c exposure_absolute=5 " "-c pan_absolute=0 " "-c tilt_absolute=0 " "-c zoom_absolute=0") NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roboRIO-687-FRC.local") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable("NerdyVision") print("NetworkTables initialized") angle_to_turn = 0 while 687: aligned = False previous_angle_to_turn = angle_to_turn ret, frame = capture_time = time.time() # blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame, (11, 11), 0) kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) erosion = cv2.erode(frame, kernel, iterations=1) dilation = cv2.dilate(erosion, kernel, iterations=1) res, mask = NerdyFunctions.mask(NerdyConstants.LOWER_GREEN, NerdyConstants.UPPER_GREEN, dilation) _, cnts, _ = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) center = None if len(cnts) > 1: centers_x = [0] centers_y = [0] for i in range(len(cnts)): c = cnts[i] area = cv2.contourArea(c) # if NerdyConstants.MIN_GEAR_AREA < area < NerdyConstants.MAX_GEAR_AREA: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(c) aspect_ratio = float(w) / h if NerdyConstants.MIN_GEAR_ASPECT < aspect_ratio < NerdyConstants.MAX_GEAR_ASPECT: goal = NerdyFunctions.polygon(c, 0.02) cv2.drawContours(res, [goal], 0, (255, 0, 0), 5) M = cv2.moments(goal) if M['m00'] > 0: cx = int(M['m10'] / M['m00']) cy = int(M['m01'] / M['m00']) center = (cx, cy), center, 5, (255, 0, 0), -1) centers_x.append(cx) centers_y.append(cy) if len(centers_x) == 3 and len(centers_y) == 3: target_x = (centers_x[1] + centers_x[2])/2 target_y = (centers_y[1] + centers_y[2])/2 target = (target_x, target_y), target, 5, (0, 255, 0), -1) print(target_x) print(target_y) error = target_x - NerdyConstants.FRAME_CX angle_to_turn = NerdyFunctions.calc_horiz_angle(error) print("ANGLE_TO_TURN: " + str(angle_to_turn)) aligned = NerdyFunctions.is_aligned(angle_to_turn) print("IS_ALIGNED: " + str(aligned)) processed_time = time.time() delta_time = processed_time - capture_time print("PROCESSED_TIME: " + str(delta_time)) # NerdyFunctions.draw_static(res) # cv2.imshow("NerdyVision", res) try: table.putBoolean('IS_ALIGNED', aligned) if previous_angle_to_turn != angle_to_turn: table.putNumber('ANGLE_TO_TURN', angle_to_turn) table.putNumber('PROCESSED_TIME', delta_time) else : table.putNumber('ANGLE_TO_TURN', 0) table.putNumber('PROCESSED_TIME', 0) table.putBoolean('VISION_ON', True) except: print("DATA NOT SENDING...") table.putBoolean('IS_ALINGED', False) table.putNumber('ANGLE_TO_TURN', 0) table.putNumber('PROCESSED_TIME', 0) table.putBoolean('VISION_ON', False) cv2.waitKey(1) cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def makeNetworkTable(IP): NetworkTable.setIPAddress(IP) NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() return NetworkTable.getTable("vision")
- lscpu Max 900MHz - Raspbian Jessie 4.1.17-v7+ #838 (2016/02/09) Including all OpenCV and NetworkTable processing this averages: - 7 FPS with Microsoft LifeCam HD 3000 (-vw 640 -vh 480) - 28 FPS with Microsoft LifeCam HD 3000 (-vw 320 -vh 240) ''' import copy import math import time from networktables import NetworkTable import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # for pynetworktables NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roboRIO-226-FRC.local") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable("SharkCV") FOV_DIAGONAL = 68.5 # Microsoft LifeCam HD 3000 DISTANCE_SIZE = [20, 14] # 20x14in target def Stronghold226(frame): orig = copy.deepcopy(frame) # THRESHOLD frame.color_hsv() mask = frame.threshold([75, 155, 55], [100, 255, 255])