class ArmSim(object):
    # ===== Paper location input for simulation =====
    Rp = Rrpy(pi/2,0,0) # Roll-pitch-yaw rotation parameterization
    PAPER_BASE = np.identity(4)		      # Paper frame rigid body transform
    PAPER_BASE[0:3,0:3] = Rp		      # Paper rotation matrix
    PAPER_BASE[0:3,3]  = np.asfarray([-Paper.X_SIZE/2,-50,0]) # Paper origin
    # Arm Location
    Ra = Rrpy(-pi/2-0.05,pi/2,0)		# Arm Roll-Pitch-Yaw base orientation parameterization
    ARM_BASE = np.identity(4)			# Arm fixed-base rigid body transform
    ARM_BASE[0:3,3] = np.asfarray([250,-50,0])	# Arm origin 
    ARM_BASE[0:3,0:3] = Ra			# Set rotation
    INITIAL_CONFIG = np.asfarray([pi/4,pi/4,0])	# Initial arm joint configuration
   # ===== Set of waypoints on paper =====
    WAYPOINTS = [[[10,0],[10,30]],[[10,15],[20,15]],[[20,0],[20,30]]]

    def __init__(self):
	self.arm = Arm(self.ARM_BASE, 100, 160, 200, 1, -20)	# TODO: Initialze arm object
	#self.paperPlot = PaperPlot()
	#self.forcePlot = ForcePlot()
	self.paper = Paper(self.PAPER_BASE)	# Initialize paper
	self.armPlot = ArmPlot() # Initialize the 3D plot
	self.controller = DeltaController(self.arm, self.paper)
    # Run the simulation
    def run(self, strokes, initialConfig, minStep=100):
	initialConfig = np.asfarray(initialConfig)
	current = initialConfig	# Current configuration
	self.worldWaypoints = self.paper.strokesToWorld(strokes)
	# Loop over waypoints
	#for i in range(0,len(strokes)):
	ikConfig = np.append(self.arm.planarIK(strokes[i][0]),[50])# Compute IK
	print str(ikConfig)
	nsteps = minStep
	configs = interpolateLinear(current, ikConfig, nsteps)  # Interpolate trajectory
	print configs.shape'''
	configs = self.controller.generateTrajectory(strokes)
	# Wait for replay
	# Loop over interpolated configurations
	    for k in range(0, len(configs)):
		print 'Step', k
		#print str(configs[k])
		self.arm.setConfiguration(self.rx64RoundConfig(configs[k])) # Update arm position
		self.armPlot.plotArm(self.arm) 	# Plot
		self.armPlot.plotPaper(self.paper)	# Plot paper again
		#print 'Arm Position', str(self.arm.eePosition())
	    c = input('Enter some string to continue')
	    #current = ikConfig
    # Round the configuration to RX64 angles
    def rx64RoundConfig(self, config, randomness=0):
	nbits = 10
	rx64Range = 5.0*pi/3.0	
	dConfig = (config/rx64Range) * pow(2.0, nbits)
	#print 'Discrete configuration:', str(dConfig)
	dConfig = np.round(dConfig)
	roundedConfig = dConfig/pow(2.0, nbits) * rx64Range
	#print 'Rounded Configuration', str(roundedConfig)
	# Generate Gaussian
	return roundedConfig